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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Yeah i could probably do with just improving a bit of fitness by doing some exercise, maybe a bit less fat but on the whole there's not much to change. I'm certainly not going out my way to restricting what I enjoy while I get away with it.

Just as well I'm smarter and more youthful. ;)

I'm better looking and the chicks love me. <_<


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Yeah i could probably do with just improving a bit of fitness by doing some exercise, maybe a bit less fat but on the whole there's not much to change. I'm certainly not going out my way to restricting what I enjoy while I get away with it.

Just as well I'm smarter and more youthful. ;)

It won't even be an issue for another decade at least. I did start to get heavier in my mid thirties, mainly because I quite playing football with my mates. I was always able to pretty much eat whatever I liked too and I still do, although I'm active again so it doesnt matter at all. I'm fitter now than I was as a teenager or in my twenties. I do have to work at it now though as I was always on the go when I was younger. I didn't learn to drive until I was 25 so I was used to walking or cycling for miles daily. As soon as you start driving you get lazy. :P

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I walk a lot, most places but it doesn't cut the mustard if you're looking for proper fitness. It's not intense enough (and I'm walking quickly, up hills a lot) and even if it did would take too long or too far each time to acheive much. As soon as you have to step up the pace to a jog you'll be breathing out your arse again.

I would disagree, they say that a brisk walk is just as effective as a normal jog. Obviously if you were to bring fartlek training or increasing the intensity of your jog this won't be the case. But a dog owner would lose the same amount of weight as someone who jogs 2 miles round a park at the same pace, by following a good diet and walking his dogs 2-3 times a day using a "brisk" pace.

This is only for people who would want to lose a couple of stone comfortably over a period of time without having to push themselves too hard.

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You want to get under 10 stone?? Why? Unless you're a midget that's not healthy.

I was about 10 and a half stone about three years ago and was roughly the same height as now. It was on the edge of unhealthy but f**k knows why. I was still eating quite well, drinking (though not beer, which probably accounts for a lot in my case) and only did a really modest amounf of exercise. Though walking everywhere, especially in the summer, for miles.

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This is only for people who would want to lose a couple of stone comfortably over a period of time without having to push themselves too hard.

It might work for losing weight (though bear in mind that a jogger should really cover more distance than a walker anyway, in time or effort), but I think you should work on a bit of fitness if you're going down the improvement route. It also means you can do different activities rather than walking, much easier.

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Ye I agree but everyone has their own goals for weight loss. Some people want a "beach body" for the summer holls, others want muscle to get stronger but some might just want to fit into the trousers they had 10 years ago. Personally I'm in the gym up to 5 times a week just now but I like to follow different work outs. Like you said VT, it allows me to do a variation of activities.

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What a crock of shit.

I'm 5'8, weigh 9 and a half stone and probably have a healthier diet and exercise regime than anyone else on this site.

Edit: For the OP, I posted something on the weight gain thread about a healthy diet. The exact same rules will work for weight loss, with the only difference being that you need to take on less calories than you're burning.

You probably dont.

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Yeah i could probably do with just improving a bit of fitness by doing some exercise, maybe a bit less fat but on the whole there's not much to change. I'm certainly not going out my way to restricting what I enjoy while I get away with it.

Just as well I'm smarter and more youthful. ;)

Why are you still a virgin then??

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Jogging will eventually f**k up your knees and hips.

Buy a bike as great cardio vascular exercise and low imact on joints

Too right. Distance running is a fast track to knee and hip replacement surgery.

If you dont want to be out and about get a crosstrainer machine. All the same motion as running and uses the same muscles but it doesn't impact on your joints. Cycling is great too of course.

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ive got a diet plan sorted now, its basically no carbohydrates but it seems to be going well at the moment. The exercise one is annoying as i go to karate twice a week but now i keep picking up injuries that rule me out of going for say 2 weeks then i make a few sessions then a diffirent problem crops up, it's proving to be quite the bitch dry.gif

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:lol: Nah you actually seem to know what you are talking about pal! We can do the helicopter together...like a chinook


Now that does sound like fun xXx

In all seriousness, my original comment was a bit wankerish and you were right to pull me up about it.

ive got a diet plan sorted now, its basically no carbohydrates...

Wow, go you. What made you choose that above being healthy?

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Now that does sound like fun xXx

In all seriousness, my original comment was a bit wankerish and you were right to pull me up about it.

Wow, go you. What made you choose that above being healthy?

seems to work quite well, and i need to lose weight, generally being healthy would be fine for trying to keep my weight at a normal level. once i've lost a few pounds i can go back to eating those glorious luxuries in life like pasta or bread

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No carbs means you'll loose weight but when you go back to eating them the weight will pile on as your body prepares for the next lean (carbless) period.

As far as I can make out there are no actuall fat b*****ds posting on this thread, well let me be the first. When XL was no longer an option I thought it's time for change so it's off to the gym tomorrow.

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seems to work quite well, and i need to lose weight, generally being healthy would be fine for trying to keep my weight at a normal level. once i've lost a few pounds i can go back to eating those glorious luxuries in life like pasta or bread

I'd have thought that once you started eating carbs again you'd just pile the weight back on, no?

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