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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Does anyone remember a weight loss thread on here, started i think by a guy who intended to eat virtually f**k all for a ridiculous period of time?

Presumably he's now dead.


I've entered the Edinburgh Marathon, which means instead of saying every new year "i'm going to get as fit as f**k this year" then pissing it up against the wall, I now have a target to focus on, to ensure that i DO try to get extremely fit. I downloaded a 16 weeks training plan from the Edinburgh Marathon website, which means I basically start tomorrow. It's a complicated looking fucker with plenty of Fartlek training, tempo running etc etc etc.

Anyone with marathon experience got any tips they could share? Both training and diet-wise.

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No carbs means you'll loose weight but when you go back to eating them the weight will pile on as your body prepares for the next lean (carbless) period.

As far as I can make out there are no actuall fat b*****ds posting on this thread, well let me be the first. When XL was no longer an option I thought it's time for change so it's off to the gym tomorrow.

I'd have thought that once you started eating carbs again you'd just pile the weight back on, no?

yeah i realised this before I started though an increased exercise plan and much lower intake than before i started should (in theory) compensate for this. No beer, no sugar, no carbs.. it's been a great 2 weeks so far rolleyes.gif

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Does anyone remember a weight loss thread on here, started i think by a guy who intended to eat virtually f**k all for a ridiculous period of time?

Presumably he's now dead.


I've entered the Edinburgh Marathon, which means instead of saying every new year "i'm going to get as fit as f**k this year" then pissing it up against the wall, I now have a target to focus on, to ensure that i DO try to get extremely fit. I downloaded a 16 weeks training plan from the Edinburgh Marathon website, which means I basically start tomorrow. It's a complicated looking fucker with plenty of Fartlek training, tempo running etc etc etc.

Anyone with marathon experience got any tips they could share? Both training and diet-wise.

Yes. This.

A moderate and reasonable weight loss thread is precisely what we need. Or a get in reasonable if unspectacular shape, stay in reasonable if unspectacular shape thread. Or better yet, just ask Gaz. He seems to know his stuff.

Tee hee hee... you said Fart.

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yeah i realised this before I started though an increased exercise plan and much lower intake than before i started should (in theory) compensate for this. No beer, no sugar, no carbs.. it's been a great 2 weeks so far rolleyes.gif

That's just fucking stupid.

How many times do people need to be told that crash diets don't fucking work? The only way to get into and stay in shape is by eating sensibly (ie, not following some stupid short term plan) and getting plenty of exercise.

Yes. This.

A moderate and reasonable weight loss thread is precisely what we need. Or a get in reasonable if unspectacular shape, stay in reasonable if unspectacular shape thread. Or better yet, just ask Gaz. He seems to know his stuff.

Tee hee hee... you said Fart.

The exact same things that I said on the other thread apply here, they just need to be applied to a calorie deficit (ie, if mixed with a moderate amount of exercise, around 2,000 calories a day).

The rules of nutrition are very simple. People just like to kid themselves on that there's some magic shortcut around eating well and getting plenty of exercise, which I personally think shows an enormous lack of self respect.

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That's just fucking stupid.

How many times do people need to be told that crash diets don't fucking work? The only way to get into and stay in shape is by eating sensibly (ie, not following some stupid short term plan) and getting plenty of exercise.

The exact same things that I said on the other thread apply here, they just need to be applied to a calorie deficit (ie, if mixed with a moderate amount of exercise, around 2,000 calories a day).

The rules of nutrition are very simple. People just like to kid themselves on that there's some magic shortcut around eating well and getting plenty of exercise, which I personally think shows an enormous lack of self respect.

Or mhak. He does too. ;)

It's all about lifestyle changes.

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That's just fucking stupid.

How many times do people need to be told that crash diets don't fucking work? The only way to get into and stay in shape is by eating sensibly (ie, not following some stupid short term plan) and getting plenty of exercise.

The exact same things that I said on the other thread apply here, they just need to be applied to a calorie deficit (ie, if mixed with a moderate amount of exercise, around 2,000 calories a day).

The rules of nutrition are very simple. People just like to kid themselves on that there's some magic shortcut around eating well and getting plenty of exercise, which I personally think shows an enormous lack of self respect.

Its laziness. The type of folk that would rather go to a surgeon than actually get off their arse and take control of their life.

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ive got a diet plan sorted now, its basically no carbohydrates but it seems to be going well at the moment. The exercise one is annoying as i go to karate twice a week but now i keep picking up injuries that rule me out of going for say 2 weeks then i make a few sessions then a diffirent problem crops up, it's proving to be quite the bitch dry.gif

Try the garlic and raw onion diet.

You don't loose any weight,but you look thinner from a distance!


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That's just fucking stupid.

How many times do people need to be told that crash diets don't fucking work? The only way to get into and stay in shape is by eating sensibly (ie, not following some stupid short term plan) and getting plenty of exercise.

my problem was that i couldnt really get as much exercise because of an Achilles problem, though after seeking what feels like endless help about it i feel i can resume again. The reason i've crash dieted was to try n compensate for that (my self confidence was fucked up so i thought id give it a go to try n see if it made any difference) , which although brings a reasonable degree of short term success cant possibly be sustainable, i was and still am fully aware of that

my usual exercise plan was (and hopefully will be again) Karate 4 hours, 90 mins of 5 a side and a 45 ,minute run per week.

just out of interest what do other people do in terms of exercise?

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my problem was that i couldnt really get as much exercise because of an Achilles problem, though after seeking what feels like endless help about it i feel i can resume again. The reason i've crash dieted was to try n compensate for that (my self confidence was fucked up so i thought id give it a go to try n see if it made any difference) , which although brings a reasonable degree of short term success cant possibly be sustainable, i was and still am fully aware of that

my usual exercise plan was (and hopefully will be again) Karate 4 hours, 90 mins of 5 a side and a 45 ,minute run per week.

just out of interest what do other people do in terms of exercise?

I play squash three times a week. Two of the games are full on competition, the other is social. I use a crosstrainer at home and I do 15-20k on it the days I dont play squash as it is great for stamina and it doesn't impact my joints at all. I'll quite often do the crosstrainer after squash mainly because I am mental. I do a fairly light weight thingy every other night. I only have my own weights at home so I'm limited with the amount of weight I can hurl around. I have about 90kilos worth of weights here though so I can do some sort of squat exercises with that. It does me anyway. I try and mix up what I do with the weights too.

I basically stopped playing football when I was in my thirties because I had become self employed and I really didn't want to risk breaking something and being unable to work. I know I could do myself some mischief playing squash too, but at least its fairly non contact. I'm more liable to lose an eye than anything else anyway.

I do a bit of hillwalking when I get the chance too and we go out walking with the kids as well just because its good fun for them.

I'm in good nick for an old b*****d.

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my problem was that i couldnt really get as much exercise because of an Achilles problem, though after seeking what feels like endless help about it i feel i can resume again. The reason i've crash dieted was to try n compensate for that (my self confidence was fucked up so i thought id give it a go to try n see if it made any difference) , which although brings a reasonable degree of short term success cant possibly be sustainable, i was and still am fully aware of that

my usual exercise plan was (and hopefully will be again) Karate 4 hours, 90 mins of 5 a side and a 45 ,minute run per week.

just out of interest what do other people do in terms of exercise?

That's fair enough, but you'd still be better off making gradual and sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle: things like cutting out or cutting down on sweets, crisps and fizzy juice, eating more fruit and veg, etc. I posted a lot of maths in the other thread, which I'm aware that the majority of people aren't going to pay huge amounts of attention to, but you really don't need to. What I will say is that, if you don't take on enough carbs, you won't train as well anyway and you'll take ages to recover after training. It certainly won't do your achilles any good either.

At the moment, I'm doing two sessions of Muay Thai a week plus either two at the gym and one run or three at the gym. I break my gym days up between high intensity resistance work (basically, weight training done as a circuit: it doesn't build muscle like other forms of resistance training, but is great for endurance and functional strength) and high intensity interval training (cardio work consisting of short 'sprints' broken up by longer periods at an easier pace).

There's nothing wrong with not eating carbs. When I say that, I mean obvious carbs like pasta, bread etc as there are small amounts in fruits etc.

That's not a crash diet because it's a perfectly healthy and sustainable way to eat.

No it isn't. Especially not if you're getting plenty of exercise. Your body needs carbs to function properly.

What people should be doing is getting the right amount of carbs and getting them from good sources.

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where is this other thread that mhak's talking about? I;m curious to see his post.

'Bulking up'...which, depressingly enough, has more posts on it than 'get fit, stay fit'.

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