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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I think you'll probably find that cutting out a lot of dairy products cuts out a lot of fat. Something in that sentence could probably be linked to your weight loss. Let's see if you can find it.

Which is what I was trying to say in the first place. Well done - you got there :D

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Alright, you mentioned intolerance (because humans haven't evolved to tolerate dairy yet, am I right?), but you said carbs are alright. We were reliant on animal products before we even started on carbs. What about gluten intolerance?

Gluten intolerance is being linked to when we are weaned off milk but they don't understand why yet. And before you get them confused - I'm not a vegitarian. Animals are there to be eaten; I just don't think they are there to be milked.

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I've been working out prtetty hard for the past month. I wasn't riduclously unfit, just hadn't done anything over the two months of snow. I was carrying a wee bit extra poundage and wanted to shift it. I can see the difference on me already. I take a protein shake in the moning with 250ml of water, and then the same after any workout.

The one thing that is really annoying me is that i can't shift fat from my lower stomach area. It just won't f**k off. Now I realise that you cannot spot reduce fat, it just seems annoying that it's the last place for it to go. It's visably gone from my upper abs, and they are now clearly defined, but the lower is such a problem area.

Any tips?

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And where do you think the fat comes from?

Oh, my goodness me. :rolleyes: I give up. The whole world should give up dairy as we cannot tolerate it. We can all get our daily allowance from eating ground up fish bones and 17 turnips a day, because that is FAR better for our digestive systems.

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I've been working out prtetty hard for the past month. I wasn't riduclously unfit, just hadn't done anything over the two months of snow. I was carrying a wee bit extra poundage and wanted to shift it. I can see the difference on me already. I take a protein shake in the moning with 250ml of water, and then the same after any workout.

The one thing that is really annoying me is that i can't shift fat from my lower stomach area. It just won't f**k off. Now I realise that you cannot spot reduce fat, it just seems annoying that it's the last place for it to go. It's visably gone from my upper abs, and they are now clearly defined, but the lower is such a problem area.

Any tips?

Yeah, don't eat dairy. You can't tolerate it. Probably.

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Full fat milk - 5% fat.

Cheese - 25-75% fat

Butter - ?80-90% fat?

See where she's going with this?

Ok, so lets say we take the 5% fat out of the milk and put it in a jar on its own. How much fat does that jar contain? 100%. Correct.

So butter contains 80% of milk fat. Cheese 25-75%. The source of the fat is still from the milk. This isn't rocket science.

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Ok, so lets say we take the 5% fat out of the milk and put it in a jar on its own. How much fat does that jar contain? 100%. Correct.

So butter contains 80% of milk fat. Cheese 25-75%. The source of the fat is still from the milk. This isn't rocket science.

*deep breath*

Well clearly. THe point is though, if you cut out cheese, which is about a gazillion calories an ounce, you might just get away with some semi skimmed in your fucking coffee.

I have no words. Really, I don't know how it's happened, but I'm actually fucking speechless.

Do you remember a Father Ted sketch, where Ted was explaining to Dougal the principles of perspective - and funnily enough, using cows as an example? :D

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Nothing wrong with carbs. I'm not suggesting everyone should cut out dairy. There is no way I would have if I didn't develop an intolerance to it in my late 20's. When you can no longer eat it it becomes clear what types of food contain it (generally shite). If you then look more closely at milk it really isn't that good for you. If you can digest it then great - go for it but its not giving us all the health benefits they tell us it does. And it certainly made me lose weight when I stopped eating it and I'm a fairly fit guy.

Nothing like trying to pass on a bit of advice then get shot down for it.

Your advice is fucking shite.

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think i'll start walking a couple of miles briskly and drink water rather than fizzy drinks, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner with nothing in between. i have a gym membership but i smoke now and the legs tell me aye but the chest tells me no.

I've just started going to the gym and this is basically what the guy showing me around said. It's hardly rocket sience and far from faddy.

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Quite enjoying reading threads like this on here, not many of my friends are into exercise (apart from my friend that I go to the gym with) so I don't get many other opinions on the matter.

FWIW back in July (I was 16 at the time) before I joined the gym I was 6'1 and weighed 9st 4. Quite a bit underweight and although I was skinny I was terribly unfit and could barely last on the treadmill. Now nearly 7 months on I'm the same height, 17 years old and am now 10st 4. It's made a massive difference, personally - noticed from older pictures that my clothes used to hang off me, whereas now they fit me properly. A suit I bought in May for example is a cracking fit now.

Seeing as other people were doing it I may as well:

Monday - 7s for an hour.

Tuesday - sometimes play 7s again as well, if not then I'll not do anything.

Wednesday - gym and swim session. Usually do a cardio themed workout and 3km on treadmill along with cycling as well (5km usually). Do weights as well along with some ab work. Swimming after it is usually to relax and I go to the sauna and steam room afterwards.

Thursday - nothing usually.

Friday - go to the gym and do more weights and ab stuff. Hard to explain exactly what I do but I have my own routine that I stick to and make progress on it every 3-4 weeks. I see absolutely no point in jumping weights etc. like some people do. As a result I've never had an injury because of the gym. Steady progression has been key IMO.

And Saturday and Sunday are usually free of any proper exercise.

Throughout the week I do lots of walking to and from school and at lunchtimes too, and if Clyde are playing away I go for a long walk after the bus journey (before the match). And since Christmas/New Year when I had far too much alcohol and rubbish food I've only drank once since the turn of the year and cut down on fatty foods at lunch time.

Feel healthier than ever and I'd say it's boosted my self-confidence. Not sure what use this is to anyone as I'm not losing weight, but I am fit and stayed fit for 7 months if that's motivation for anyone!

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'Eating dairy products is bad for you' has to be one of the most mental statements ever.

It isn't even true that avoiding dairy is the best way of losing weight. The calcium content of milk, in particular, makes it a brilliant weight loss food. Other products such as cheese, cream and butter are fine if you're working out your macronutrient intake properly and controlling portion sizes accordingly. As people don't tend to do this, as a general rule it's better to tell people who're starting to watch what they eat to cut out rather than cut down, but that doesn't mean that the products are in themselves bad for you. I drink at least 300ml milk (skimmed, admittedly) a day, very often use feta and parmesan (as well as occasionally other kinds of cheese), eat natural yoghurt and/or cottage cheese on a daily basis and weigh about 9 and a half stone with less than 10% bodyfat.

So...er, yeah, products such as ice cream and chocolate aren't very good if you're watching what you eat (I don't like the term 'on a diet' because I don't 'diet' in the sense in which it's usually meant. I'm interested in nutrition, which is different). Do we think that it's because of the dairy produce in them, children, or do we think that it's because of the added sugars? Do the hydrogenated and trans fats which aren't coming from dairy produce also maybe play a part?

I suppose that that one'll have to remain a mystery. On a similar note, salad is bad for you. Just look at how much fat you'll gain if you eat a kebab. Kebabs have salad in them.

Why are people so fucking stupid?

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I'll explain this in the simplest terms as possible.

I never said eating dairy was bad for you. However, I did say if you cut out Dairy from your diet you will in turn cut out all of the shite of the day that people put into their bodies because Dairy contains a big dollop of shitty fat the every biscuit, cake, cheese, sweet manufacturer wants to use to make their product taste better. So, by cutting out dairy you inadvertintly WILL lose weight because you will improve your diet. It is possible to cut out products that contain dairy EXCEPT straight Milk and get the same results unless you drink a ridiculous amount of the stuff.

Milk is not as good a source of calcium as people make out because it contains poor levels of Vitamin D, which is required to absorb calcium. Milk does provide a good source of calcium IF you have high levels of Vitamin D from other sources in your diet. There are other sources of calcium available in other foods so contrary to popular believe iis not actually required.

Those who suggest we NEED milk may be shocked to know the 5,173,725,000 people in the world (75%) who don't drink milk are not cripples in wheelchairs or dying slow and painful deaths.

Edited by Broon_100
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I'll explain this in the simplest terms as possible.

I never said eating dairy was bad for you. However, I did say if you cut out Dairy from your diet you will in turn cut out all of the shite of the day that people put into their bodies because Dairy contains a big dollop of shitty fat the every biscuit, cake, cheese, sweet manufacturer wants to use to make their product taste better. So, by cutting out dairy you inadvertintly WILL lose weight because you will improve your diet. It is possible to cut out products that contain dairy EXCEPT straight Milk and get the same results unless you drink a ridiculous amount of the stuff.

Milk is not as good a source of calcium as people make out because it contains poor levels of Vitamin D, which is required to absorb calcium. Milk does provide a good source of calcium IF you have high levels of Vitamin D from other sources in your diet. There are other sources of calcium available in other foods so contrary to popular believe iis not actually required.

Those who suggest we NEED milk may be shocked to know the 5,173,725,000 people in the world (75%) who don't drink milk are not cripples in wheelchairs or dying slow and painful deaths.

Everything in moderation wee man will see you just fine.

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