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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Quick question for folks on this thread, I have bad knees and as such can't do high impact sports to keep fit. Depressing at 18 I know, but as such I used to go running a fair bit, but obviously can't do it now. Other than 7's a swimming once a week each, I don't feel I am getting enough in the way if excercise, anybody any suggestions as to other methods I can use??

Hope that made sense.

As my previous posty....rowing will keep you in pretty good nick!

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I just do 50 mins of cardio, 4 times a week.

This consists of 20 mins on the treadmill at a 3/4 pace followed by 30 mins on the cross-trainer at a medium-high resistance. Alternatively I start with the cross-trainer for 30 mins then do 20 mins on the bike at a pretty high resistance.

Either workout, I'm always left looking like I've just had a shower with my clothes on afterwards.

And I try not to snack between meals.

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Posted this in the weights thread but thought it might be relevant too in here for anyone looking to get a bit fitter. The promotion video on youtube is a bit cheesy but the actual programme itself is tremendous. Been doing it on and off for a year now and have lost huge amounts of fat. Might not be everyones cup of tea but it suits me down to the ground, shows you the correct form and takes you through everything step by step on a daily basis. I'm always knackered at the end of each workout and look forward to the end result. Think its about £100 from amazon but its fairly easy to download. I got mine from a mate for £40 with the nutrition guide etc included.

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My first week back ended up being six days - two each on chest/triceps and back biceps, and two days of just swimming/cardio. No chance I'll keep this up though, not in terms of energy or anything, but time and socialising and such likes. Still pleased with my first week.

the diet is still a bit poor, but it's improving, slowly, I tended to get my five a day anyway, but obviously I'm hungrier more often now, and the temptation to munch whatever crap in the house is a tough one - I've ignored it thus far though!

Next question - cardio - am I doing enough? My buddy says 20 minutes max, plus the associated lifiting. will be enough to burn calories but it seems a little low. i've being doing roughly 10-15 min of HIIT tops in a session, followed by a swim, is that really enough?

Just saw this.

If you're really, really hitting your HIIT insanely hard, 20 minutes is probably enough, although I'd make sure to mix it up with steady state (on separate days).

I'm gymming it less than I used to now as I'm at Thai boxing four times a week, but when I do a cardio day it'll consist of 12 minutes HIIT on the treadmill followed by 15 minutes of steady state on the cross trainer and 15 minutes of HIIT on the bike. I'll also go for the odd longer roadrun. If you wanted to do a shorter session and stick solely to HIIT, I'd recommend skipping the gym and running up a hill instead (although that's personal preference to an extent).

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I'm still doing alright, weight's actually below my target now- probably levelled off a bit bodyfat wise, but since I've been working like a Japanese POW the last few weeks I've done well to keep going 2-3 times a week and moderate my diet during the week.

In fact if it wasn't for the booze 'n' junk at the majority of weekends (so many 30th birthdays this year) I'd be in even better shape but f'k me I need something to look forward to at the moment.

On the plus side, 4 folk that hadn't seen me since last summer commented that I'd lost a fair bit of weight (in reality it's about 16lb), which is nice.

Work should ease up from start of April onwards as we have a huge deadline on 31 March so plan then is to have 3 or 4 weekends off the sauce and hammer the gym like I did in November last year, try and get bodyfat down and upper body strength up.

Edited by Fuctifano
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Having started this thread, I've not even started. Really struggling to motivate myself to do anything, I'm so unfit that I'm blowing out my arse after 2 minutes on the bike.

Need to change my diet, and get into some organised sport. If it's not organised I won't stick to it.

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How do people measure their bodyfat percentage? Is there an easy way to do it, which isn't one of those shitty online calculators.

I've been a member of The Peak gym next to Forthbank in Stirling for about eight months but went about once or twice a week max until about two months ago. Since then been going about 3 or 4 nights a week with a game of 5s the other night.

Starting to play dividends because I was brilliant at 5s last night. Absolutely bombing it everywhere, and given the Powerleague man of the match award.

I'd be even fitter if I didn't snack at work. I've usually finished my lunch about half 12 and need something to eat towards the end of the day, and often a bar of chocolate. I would probably be even sharper if I turned my back on chocolate.

No idea how anyone spends like 30 mins on the treadmill. I do like 5 mins full pelt on the cross trainer and just move on. Straight running without a puropose bores me.

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The trainers at your gym should be able to measure you're bodyfat using their little electrical gizmo. My gym has a weight, bmi and body fat machine which is a quid to use.

I lost almost a stone In 2 months doing cardio almost every day along with weights. You do get into a routine after a couple of weeks and you don't want to miss a session. A small dietry change I made was to cut out cheese where possible. It's awazing how much shit has cheese on it.

Edited by young_bairn
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Posted this in the weights thread but thought it might be relevant too in here for anyone looking to get a bit fitter. The promotion video on youtube is a bit cheesy but the actual programme itself is tremendous. Been doing it on and off for a year now and have lost huge amounts of fat. Might not be everyones cup of tea but it suits me down to the ground, shows you the correct form and takes you through everything step by step on a daily basis. I'm always knackered at the end of each workout and look forward to the end result. Think its about £100 from amazon but its fairly easy to download. I got mine from a mate for £40 with the nutrition guide etc included.

I had a look at this when it was posted on the bulking up thread and it's fair to say it looks pretty mental. You say you've been doing it on an off for a year - I take it you do the full 60 day workout, but then how long did you stop before doing it again? Do you not end up putting fat back on again?

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My workout this week has been splitting three tons of elm logs I got. I do weights and stuff anyway but smashing up wood with an 8lb maul is pretty good. Mym shoulders are sore. My back is sore and my stomach muscles are sticking out now. Maybe it's a hernia though. :P

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Been following this thread for a wee while, and my take on it FWIW....

Couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted to get fitter, basically become someone who exercises habitually. For the best part of a year, I ran on and off, interrupted by lack of discipline, niggly injuries, put off by the weather, etc, etc. In other times in my life, I've played fives, gone to the gym, usual stuff.

After being frustrated at not being able to keep the running going, along with the other attempts at exercising regularly, I decided to have a rethink about how to approach the whole thing. I'm 30 this year, and I came to the conclusion that I had to try and find a routine that I could maintain not just for months, but for years, maybe until I'm pension age!

Done it myself, and seen it so many times with others where they blitz it, go to the gym four times a week Jan-March, then slip and by the end of the year they're back at square one, then do it all over again! Seems to be so common to have a positive attitude for a few months, and have the discipline to exercise very regularly, and then slowly slipping to doing very little. "Get fit" isn't so difficult (can get reasonably fit within months), it's the long term "stay fit" that's tough.

What has worked for me is going to a weekly circuits class with a friend at the council gym. Same night every week, get to know people, inside so you don't chuck it during the winter, instructor who pushes you (though you can work at your own speed), cardiovascular exercise and you utilise all the muscle groups. Also, you don't have to be a member of the gym to go: just pay for the class evry week. A few months later, I'm fitter, stronger, lost some weight, and enjoy it. It's become an important part of my life, and I now can't imagine not going. I really hope I can maintain it for years, if not decades.

The class is the core of my exercising I'd say, and then at home I'll try and do maybe 5/10 minutes of weights, sit-ups, press-ups, etc every day. For cardiovascular, at the moment I'm doing 12 miles cycling twice a week, but also mix it up with brisk walking, the occasional run. It might seem quite modest, but at least for me, I feel it has to be to stick at it. I don't want to be a muscle man or a long distant runner, just to look quite trim, and be fairly strong and fit.

One tip I have is that it's really helped me to keep a diary of what I do. Every Sunday night, I'll put together what I'm going to do for the following week (circuits / home exercises / other cardio). I'll even check the weather forecast to find the best days to run/cycle.

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Just saw this.

If you're really, really hitting your HIIT insanely hard, 20 minutes is probably enough, although I'd make sure to mix it up with steady state (on separate days).

I'd be fibbing if I said I was to be honest. Which is a pain, because I'm becoming increasingly time poor, and turning a 20-30 cardio routine into a 15-20 min one looked useful.

it looks like I'll be cutting down fro six days a week to 3 or 4 - not too bad if I keep it up. however, my workout block could well be sat-tues with weds thrus friday "off" so to speak - is that bad crack?

I tend to swim after every gym visit, doing lengths between anything from twenty minutes to an hour - what are folks takes on swimming? Is it really intense enough for cardio/fat burning?

Edited by banterman86
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumpy - browisng through old p and b fitness threads, I noticed this from resident fitness guru Gaz...

you can work every muscle in your body using five different free weight exercises

Colour me interested, i currently alternate my days between diffeent muscle groups, it's okay but could be better. So, who what where when why how eh? and so on...

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Quick question for folks on this thread, I have bad knees and as such can't do high impact sports to keep fit. Depressing at 18 I know, but as such I used to go running a fair bit, but obviously can't do it now. Other than 7's a swimming once a week each, I don't feel I am getting enough in the way if excercise, anybody any suggestions as to other methods I can use??

Hope that made sense.

Cross trainers are a fantastic piece of kit for low impact cardio, I'm a big lad and the last thing my knees need is me thumping down on them for half an hour.

If it's a sport you're looking for then darts and pool have never bothered my knees one bit.

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Cross trainers are a fantastic piece of kit for low impact cardio, I'm a big lad and the last thing my knees need is me thumping down on them for half an hour.

If it's a sport you're looking for then darts and pool have never bothered my knees one bit.

I've got a cross trainer at home because I play squash and it really does hit the knees hard. So the crosstrainer is fantastic for doing cardio without hammering your joints. I have a friend that has had two knee replacements (carpet fitter) and he is able to use the crosstrainer post op to keep himself fit.

I can do tabata on the crosstrainer as well and I never have to leave the house for any of it. Which is great when it's pissing with rain outside :P

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I've got a cross trainer at home because I play squash and it really does hit the knees hard. So the crosstrainer is fantastic for doing cardio without hammering your joints. I have a friend that has had two knee replacements (carpet fitter) and he is able to use the crosstrainer post op to keep himself fit.

I can do tabata on the crosstrainer as well and I never have to leave the house for any of it. Which is great when it's pissing with rain outside :P

I remember Mak talking about Tabata. What is that again? Some sort of HIIT?

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Does anyone have any exercises they just do at home with a dumbell? I have a, frankly ,quite poor 'cardio' circuit at the moment with a 6kg dumbell that doesn't seem to be doing much. I can't afford to the time or money to go to the gym either so that's a non-starter.

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I remember mhak talking about Tabata. What is that again? Some sort of HIIT?

Yes it's four minutes of warming up/working up a bit of a sweat. The 8 sets consisting of 20 seconds of sprinting or whatever it is you choose to do followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times warm down for a few minutes and then find a bucket to hurl up into. dry.gif

It's seriously tough, but the results can be huge. I do it three times a week after pissing around with weights and the difference in recovery times when I play squash are quite noticeable. Try it.

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Does anyone have any exercises they just do at home with a dumbell? I have a, frankly ,quite poor 'cardio' circuit at the moment with a 6kg dumbell that doesn't seem to be doing much. I can't afford to the time or money to go to the gym either so that's a non-starter.

Just one dumbell?

Maybe try looking up kettlebell exercises and doing some of those moves with it?

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Yes it's four minutes of warming up/working up a bit of a sweat. The 8 sets consisting of 20 seconds of sprinting or whatever it is you choose to do followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times warm down for a few minutes and then find a bucket to hurl up into. dry.gif

It's seriously tough, but the results can be huge. I do it three times a week after pissing around with weights and the difference in recovery times when I play squash are quite noticeable. Try it.

Sounds good. I'll try it next time I'm at the gym. I've been pounding the pavements the last couple of weeks.

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