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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Cheers guys.

Aye, it must have been. But I had no twinges, aches or pains at all until I went my run and even then all I had was a weird sensation which is making it harder for me not to want to just get up and go a run :lol:

Anyway, it's not too bad. Been told to put zero weight on it at all and rest it up (I doubt that will happen). Got the air cast boot so no cast, I suppose that's a good thing, for the next 8 weeks, then I've to continue rsting up or a furhter 4 before easing myself back into my routine.

Sorry to hear about your injury, sounds like a nightmare! I was going off my fucking head when I broke my leg. :lol:

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Injured on and off since February. First it was the knee then my back. i was jogging at least twice a week, a swimming class and plenty walking too.

I have put on a stone from lack of exercise, which is depressing. Started yoga which I'm enjoying and is helping and hopefully I'll get the green light to start jogging again in the next 4 weeks.

It's driving me mental. :(

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I will chip in.

Lost 2 stone since January basically calorie counting, at least 30 mins cardio every day and weight training. Also try and eat a high protein diet. Still have a scoop at the weekends but I make sure I don't use a hang over for not training.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm going to buy a weights bench, some weights and a kettlebell so I can do some stuff in the flat because my time will be at a premium next year.

I have never used a kettlebell before. What weight should I go for?

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How many reps you should be doing really depends on what results you're wanting. Everyone's body responds differently, but as a rough guide:

10-12 reps: improving muscular endurance

6-8 reps: building muscle

4-6 reps: increasing strength

(Yes, guys. I realise that I've airbrushed the number nine out of existence).

When I'm doing a resistance session at the gym I'll generally start out with a big compound exercise (squats, deadlifts, bench press, weighted pull-ups), working in the 4-6 rep range to build strength without adding too much in muscle bulk. I'll then move on to a 'complex', which is basically multiple sets of different lifts performed back to back with no or minimal rests. My training's aimed towards improving strength and conditioning for Muay Thai, and this is a good way of complementing the conditioning work that I'm already doing there.

Where is it that you do BJJ, out of interest?

I do BJJ at Cross Combat in Tollcross.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back in to it now my back is a load better.

In the past 2 weeks I've done 3 spin classes, one body pump and 2 yoga.

Aiming to up it to 3 or 4 a week through the next couple of weeks. Feeling good for it though although the sweat dripping off from the spin classes is not a pretty sight!!!

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This is going to be the schedule for the next couple of months

Mon - Spin

Tues - Yoga

Wed - Bodypump

Thurs - Jog scotland

Fri- day off

Sat - Spin and or Bodypump

Sun - day off or wee jog if feeling ok

Hopefully shift some weight, tone up and get back to some sort of fitness.

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Last time I weighed myself (in January) in was 14st 8lb. Now im 13st 6lb. Not bad I think. Thats what training for a 10k does for you I suppose. I'm 5'11 and have quite broad shoulders so I'm not too bad. Still want to be under 13st though, then I'll be content.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm back in the gym this week after a two month absence. I've not regressed as much as I thought I would have, I'm about the same in terms of weights as I was in May, so I've lost the two months between May and July as well as the two months I missed. I did 5km on the treadmill at the same level as I was doing before, I was pishing sweat and almost coughed up a lung but I managed it. Very annoyed at myself today though, only did about half of what I intended to do on the weights in terms of numbers of sets and there was no reason for this other than laziness and mental weakness.

I'm trying to eat healthier again after drinking too much and eating shite over the summer and I'm back on the milk. I was out nine nights in a row in the nights leading up to Sunday so I'm sick of waking up and feeling shite. I'm going to start going to kickboxing next week so hopefully that gives me the kick up the arse (hopefully not literally) needed to get back to the commitment I was showing in the first half of the year.

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Played 7 a side for an hour and a half last night and was up and down the park all game, sprinting mostly, and didn't even break sweat. Before my training for the 10k 2 months ago I played with the same guys on the same pitch and was blowing out my arse after about 3 minutes.

And I scored a lovely, lovely goal.

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Anyway, it's not too bad. Been told to put zero weight on it at all and rest it up (I doubt that will happen). Got the air cast boot so no cast, I suppose that's a good thing, for the next 8 weeks, then I've to continue rsting up or a furhter 4 before easing myself back into my routine.

About to start easing myself back into things!

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  • 1 month later...

Have hit the gym hard since getting back from my wedding/holiday. I seem to have pulled a muscle though, I've got a real ache in my left hand side, along my ribs. It's really rather uncomfortable as you can't rest it easily. I'm pretty pissed off because I was wanting to go back to Jiu Jitsu next week. Anyone got any tips for dealing with this weird 'injury'?

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I seemed to have pulled or strained the top of my quad or the band that runs from my hip across into my groin. Its a real pain in the arse as I have to play football through it as I cant afford to pull out through injuries just now as the squad is threadbare. Anyone got any idea's what I might have done to it? or any good stretching exercises to do? Currently just been doing "open the gate close the gate" which is knee lifted up and swung out to the side.

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I was doign deadlifts at the gym last night and have quite a sore groin today. I wasn't using a heavy weight at all, quite the opposite as I haven't done them for a while and wanted to make sure I eased myself in. Should I just stretch better or do I need to change my technique? I normally work on maintaining a straight back so I don't cripple myself.

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Have hit the gym hard since getting back from my wedding/holiday. I seem to have pulled a muscle though, I've got a real ache in my left hand side, along my ribs. It's really rather uncomfortable as you can't rest it easily. I'm pretty pissed off because I was wanting to go back to Jiu Jitsu next week. Anyone got any tips for dealing with this weird 'injury'?

I was doign deadlifts at the gym last night and have quite a sore groin today. I wasn't using a heavy weight at all, quite the opposite as I haven't done them for a while and wanted to make sure I eased myself in. Should I just stretch better or do I need to change my technique? I normally work on maintaining a straight back so I don't cripple myself.

Old age is catching up on you!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm back at the gym after a 6-month absence and paying for it. Instead of doing a few weeks of sets of 15-20 on lighter weights I just went straight into the heavier stuff doing 5-8 reps. Massive error. The day after my first chest workout I was struggling to put my jacket on as it was so painful to stretch my arms back. Thankfully I'm over the worst of it and just trying to get my strength back up.

Is there a specific thread for weights or is it all just discussed in here?

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