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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I've lost 1st 1 1/2lbs in 7 weeks, down from just over 15 stone to 13st 13lbs. My boss is an ex-pro footballer and he is 13st 5lbs and thinks that i won't get down to or under his weight. I'm going to prove him wrong!

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There's no doubting folk will get results. It's fucking mental intense excercise over a 2 month burst. But it advocates the 'quick fix' ethos that the majority of the UK fatties want and desire. It's the wrong way to go about getting fit I feel. It should be a lifestyle change. Insanity isn't the answer to that.

You're not ready for insanity, ask for your money back.

IMO it's a load of pish, no coincidence that the guy who runs it is young and bald? Roided up to the max.

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Looking to get properly fit this year, in the last three years have came down in weight from 13.5 stone to 11.5 stone but still have belly fat and bit of moobs if I'm being honest.

Usually my regime is like this.


9 miles on bike

30 pushups

couple of sets of free weights

100 situps


30 pushups and 50ish situps then five a side


Same as Monday or five a side


Five a side plus pushups etc


Same as Monday


5 mile walk most weeks



Diet wise during the week I don't eat any bread and live off soup or quick fix meals like pots of rice in the microwave as I struggle for time due to working till 6ish and usually exercise about 7-8.

At the weekends I really need to change it, thought I could get away with eating a carryout or the usual doughnut/pie at the football but I don't think it's helping.

Going to buy a weights bench for the garage as the last time I went to the gym before I was up to 13.5 stone I was pretty low in fat and not far away from being pretty lean. I reckon building muscle is the key to losing the fat - aligned with changing diet at the weekend.

In the mean time is there anything I can do to improve fat burning? I've noticed my belly sticking out a bit more along with my back getting stronger due to the situps, will it eventually start to burn off or am I wasting my time with them?

I read somewhere that you need to do situps for an hour to burn 300 calories, I burn more than that on the bike in my half an hour session.

Would crunches or planks/core exercises be more suitable? Looking for advice on this please from anyone who has been there done it.


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You're not ready for insanity, ask for your money back.

IMO it's a load of pish, no coincidence that the guy who runs it is young and bald? Roided up to the max.

I just fucking hate these infomercials designed to suck folk in, folk who are looking for the quick, easy fix to a problem caused by years of eating the wrong things and denial. They're so clever as well - 'Get a 6 pack in just 2 months, even if your an 18 stone lard-arse! Get girls fannies squirting when you walk in a room with your metre wide shoulders and pecs so hard, you'd think they'd been given viagra!, in just 60 days!'

How do these companies get away with it? It's mental.

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Looking to get properly fit this year, in the last three years have came down in weight from 13.5 stone to 11.5 stone but still have belly fat and bit of moobs if I'm being honest.

Usually my regime is like this.


9 miles on bike

30 pushups

couple of sets of free weights

100 situps


30 pushups and 50ish situps then five a side


Same as Monday or five a side


Five a side plus pushups etc


Same as Monday


5 mile walk most weeks



Diet wise during the week I don't eat any bread and live off soup or quick fix meals like pots of rice in the microwave as I struggle for time due to working till 6ish and usually exercise about 7-8.

At the weekends I really need to change it, thought I could get away with eating a carryout or the usual doughnut/pie at the football but I don't think it's helping.

Going to buy a weights bench for the garage as the last time I went to the gym before I was up to 13.5 stone I was pretty low in fat and not far away from being pretty lean. I reckon building muscle is the key to losing the fat - aligned with changing diet at the weekend.

In the mean time is there anything I can do to improve fat burning? I've noticed my belly sticking out a bit more along with my back getting stronger due to the situps, will it eventually start to burn off or am I wasting my time with them?

I read somewhere that you need to do situps for an hour to burn 300 calories, I burn more than that on the bike in my half an hour session.

Would crunches or planks/core exercises be more suitable? Looking for advice on this please from anyone who has been there done it.


As said previously, sit ups aren't going to burn belly fat. if you;re looking for bodyweight exercises you can do in the house, I'd imagine something similar to what mhak posted up earlier will be better than your current regime.

I am now off of two of my biggest vices - fizzy juice and crisps - hoping this combined with upping the size of my lifts will help me avoid the plateau that i think I've been approaching. I've lost close to two stone in the last few months

Edited by banterman86
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As said previously, sit ups aren't going to burn belly fat. if you;re looking for bodyweight exercises you can do in the house, I'd imagine something similar to what mhak posted up earlier will be better than your current regime.

I am now off of two of my biggest vices - fizzy juice and crisps - hoping this combined with upping the size of my lifts will help me avoid the plateau that i think I've been approaching. I've lost close to two stone in the last few months

Thanks for the advice, I thought I was wasting my time with situps.

Any advantage to going on the bike before or after core exercises?

I don't think I could manage anything like what mhak is doing from starting from nothing, I've never done most of these exercises before in my puff so need to start off with something that I can keep up three times a week.

Going to try some tonight.

Something like

35 pushups - wide

30 squats

25 pushups - diamond

20 leg raises

15 pushups - normal

10 alternate pike


35 situps

plank left - 10 secs

25 situps

plank right - 10 secs

20 situps

plank central - 10 secs

Pretty sure I could manage this, any advice?

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Thanks for the advice, I thought I was wasting my time with situps.

Any advantage to going on the bike before or after core exercises?

I don't think I could manage anything like what mhak is doing from starting from nothing, I've never done most of these exercises before in my puff so need to start off with something that I can keep up three times a week.

Going to try some tonight.

Something like

35 pushups - wide

30 squats

25 pushups - diamond

20 leg raises

15 pushups - normal

10 alternate pike


35 situps

plank left - 10 secs

25 situps

plank right - 10 secs

20 situps

plank central - 10 secs

Pretty sure I could manage this, any advice?

It's all cardio, really. You could do that or you could just do interval training on the bike followed by a bit of steady state, or you could do timed bodyweight exercises instead of what you've got down there. I think you'd be better off buying an interval timer (Gymboss timers are on Amazon and are good) and doing bodyweight circuits involving stuff like burpees, press-ups, squats and mountain climbers. Tabata style training (20 seconds on, 10 off, 8 times through) is good. Four back to back tabata workouts using burpees, press-ups, Hindu squats and mountain climbers would take sixteen minutes and be a much more efficent calorie burner than what you've listed there. I only did the workout I posted above because my timer's broken and I haven't got around to getting a new one, to be honest.

That's just a suggestion. Timed intervals on the bike would be fine too. I prefer bodyweight circuits because they're less boring. Fat loss is all about calories in vs calories out anyway, so diet's more important.

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It's all cardio, really. You could do that or you could just do interval training on the bike followed by a bit of steady state, or you could do timed bodyweight exercises instead of what you've got down there. I think you'd be better off buying an interval timer (Gymboss timers are on Amazon and are good) and doing bodyweight circuits involving stuff like burpees, press-ups, squats and mountain climbers. Tabata style training (20 seconds on, 10 off, 8 times through) is good. Four back to back tabata workouts using burpees, press-ups, Hindu squats and mountain climbers would take sixteen minutes and be a much more efficent calorie burner than what you've listed there. I only did the workout I posted above because my timer's broken and I haven't got around to getting a new one, to be honest.

That's just a suggestion. Timed intervals on the bike would be fine too. I prefer bodyweight circuits because they're less boring. Fat loss is all about calories in vs calories out anyway, so diet's more important.

Thanks, appreciate the advice.

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Can you incorporate any sort of exercise (cardio or resistance) into a 'tabata workout', or are there specific ones you would use as part of tabata?

You can do pretty much anything except weight (obviously). It is particularly effective with cardio/pylo though. Stuff like burpees, squat jumps, skipping, spin etc all really lend themselves to it. I also occasionally use it for bodyweight stuff like planks, plank to pushup, pushups etc.

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Been looking for a good core circuit to do to burn body fat and increase strength with no weightlifting involved. Been doing burpees, sit ups, press ups and planks after doing some cardio in the mornings. Any more to add make it into a good circuit to give me goals I'm looking for?

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Been looking for a good core circuit to do to burn body fat and increase strength with no weightlifting involved. Been doing burpees, sit ups, press ups and planks after doing some cardio in the mornings. Any more to add make it into a good circuit to give me goals I'm looking for?

There is an app called six pack promise which has loads of exercises. Pretty decent. This is obviously secondary to the likes of HIIT and tabatta for shifting the pounds like you wish

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Been looking for a good core circuit to do to burn body fat and increase strength with no weightlifting involved. Been doing burpees, sit ups, press ups and planks after doing some cardio in the mornings. Any more to add make it into a good circuit to give me goals I'm looking for?

You could burn body fat without any exercise as it comes down to diet. Sit-ups and planks aren't much use as part of a 'fat burning circuit' because they won't burn many calories.

Depending on how experienced a trainee you are, you might struggle to add much strength with bodyweight exercises. That's not to say that they aren't a useful part of a training regime, because they are, but they're generally more about strength endurance than absolute strength. Press-up and pull-up variations would possibly be an exception to this, up to a point at least.

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With regards to my fitness I dont think i'll ever be "fit". i.e I dont think I could play a 90 minute game of 11 a side football and not be absolutely done in after it. I've been trying to get my fitness up for practically years and it never seems to improve, or not improve enough for my liking.

An example, when I first really started trying to get my fitness up instead of just doing weights/losing weight about three years ago I added only 5 minutes onto my treadmill run in 8 months, Whereas a friend who joined my gym at the time I was starting to work on my fitness added 15-20 minutes onto his and he was heavier and more out of shape than I was.

Another friend suggested that he doesnt think i'll ever be "fit" and said that it would seem my body has hit its "level of fitness". Now I think this is total bullshit, everyone has the capability to get to a decent level of general fitness surely?

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With regards to my fitness I dont think i'll ever be "fit". i.e I dont think I could play a 90 minute game of 11 a side football and not be absolutely done in after it. I've been trying to get my fitness up for practically years and it never seems to improve, or not improve enough for my liking.

An example, when I first really started trying to get my fitness up instead of just doing weights/losing weight about three years ago I added only 5 minutes onto my treadmill run in 8 months, Whereas a friend who joined my gym at the time I was starting to work on my fitness added 15-20 minutes onto his and he was heavier and more out of shape than I was.

Another friend suggested that he doesnt think i'll ever be "fit" and said that it would seem my body has hit its "level of fitness". Now I think this is total bullshit, everyone has the capability to get to a decent level of general fitness surely?

So do you think it's bullshit or actually believe it? I'm confused.

FWIW, it's bullshit.

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