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Seen Thor Ragnarok tonight. Pretty funny film, The previous Thor films tackled serious issues with really forced humor that just came off as awful. As much as i am a big fan of Natalie Portman, she was wasted in those films because no matter how hard she tried, her character was just unlikable and her assistant was fucking dreadful, so i was glad to see they got the boot in this film. The new characters they added, namely the Valkyrie chick and the stone dude were brilliant. While they didn't give much of a character to Helga, Cate Blanchett is a good enough actress to still make her a entertaining (and fucking gorgeous) villain with pretty clear motivations. 

Tom Hiddleston was excellent as always and while he was usually the highlight of the Thor films, this time he totally took a backseat to allow a excellent Chris Hemsworth to take the comedic lead and really add some much needed depth to the character and brilliant comedy timing. 

Oh and the cast of the play at the beginning? Fucking outstanding.

My only real complaint was the warriors 3 being rather unceremoniously killed off and never mentioned again, as far as we know, Thor/Loki didn't know or didn't seem to care that 3 people they grew up with were murdered by Helga. Plus what happened to Sif?

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Saw Thor Ragnarok tonight. Loved it.


Loki obviously swiped the tesseract when he was down in the weapons room. Not such good news considering the mid credit scene. Also the Asgardians could be in for a bit of genocide if their ship is destroyed.

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On 10/29/2017 at 01:51, EdgarusQPFC said:

Seen Thor Ragnarok tonight. Pretty funny film, The previous Thor films tackled serious issues with really forced humor that just came off as awful. As much as i am a big fan of Natalie Portman, she was wasted in those films because no matter how hard she tried, her character was just unlikable and her assistant was fucking dreadful, so i was glad to see they got the boot in this film. The new characters they added, namely the Valkyrie chick and the stone dude were brilliant. While they didn't give much of a character to Helga, Cate Blanchett is a good enough actress to still make her a entertaining (and fucking gorgeous) villain with pretty clear motivations. 

Tom Hiddleston was excellent as always and while he was usually the highlight of the Thor films, this time he totally took a backseat to allow a excellent Chris Hemsworth to take the comedic lead and really add some much needed depth to the character and brilliant comedy timing. 

Oh and the cast of the play at the beginning? Fucking outstanding.

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My only real complaint was the warriors 3 being rather unceremoniously killed off and never mentioned again, as far as we know, Thor/Loki didn't know or didn't seem to care that 3 people they grew up with were murdered by Helga. Plus what happened to Sif?


Agree about the Warriors 3 and Sif. What makes it odder is that there was someone playing Sif in the play Loki put on (which was hilarious).


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Back from seeing Thor - horrendous.
The dialogue in that film is absolutely woeful, and there were so many times where you knew what was going to be said before it was spoken. Cliched, uninteresting drivel, which was dumbed so dumbed down.
I also felt that the humour was incredibly bland, with them recycling the same jokes either indirectly - people hurting themselves - or directly - “the sun’s getting real low” or “devil’s anus” - and it just appealed to the lowest common denominator. It was so desperate to be a GotG clone, it forgot what I think makes Thor so interesting: family. They barely played up the sibling dynamic between the three of them, which could have shown moral quandaries (non-existent, by the way) for the main characters. Bruce told Thor he hates being the Hulk; chucked out the window and he’s the Hulk.
Thor learns absolutely f**k all throughout the film, despite being rid of his hammer and power. It could have been like Iron Man 3 when he loses his main asset, but they didn’t care and just made him punch c***s.
I mentioned the GotG point before and I genuinely think you could have replaced any character in Ragnarok with the GotG and barely any difference would be made to the overall narrative. These movies are just becoming so formulaic it’s unreal. I considered walking out at some points as I pretty much knew where it was going, and I don’t think anything would have been missed.
A fucking disaster.

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