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Well I wasnt going to say but Forehead is wrong, others are right.

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Not sure how I can put this so as not to oversell it. Absolutely fucking amazing?

I'll admit my wrong, I wasn't overly convinced by Joss Whedon, given that I don't really like any of what he's done but he came through. It was fantastically phenomenal. Pretty much everything was right. The story was spot on, Whedon clearly loves, reads and possibly writes comics and he know the formula of a good arc because this was perfect comic book template. The acting was great, not Oscar worthy or anything like that but great. Each of the characters was spot on. Robert Downey Jr and Tom Hiddleston were sublime. The rest were good but those two really shone for me, not surprising given their involvement in the previous films in the franchise. I thought the CGI was fantastic. Both Loki's army and the Hulk looked really convincing. It was hilarious and action-packed. For what I was expecting to get out of it, it was absolutely perfect. And it filled the Samuel L Jackson criteria that every film has to be subjected to.

A couple of minor grievances;(it's more about the characters and there's no plot involved but I'll tag it just incase)

The Black Widow/Natasha Romanov wasn't quite Russian enough for me.

Hulk was too controlled

Hawkeye wasn't arrogant enough

Those are pretty much the only things I can fault it on. But that's just me being nitpicky(not exactly on the second one though) I'd probably be tempted to give it 10/10 because it really was worth all the hype that surrounded it.

And yeah, stay for after the credits wink.gif (jambo, I'd look online for who that was, don't want to spoil anyone)

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I liked the film, and the Hulk was the best, but I absolutely hated what they did with him in the end. It was fun at the time, but it started to grate on me towards the end, and I hate saying that considering he was the best part of a film I quite liked. I guess I expected him to be more like the Ang Lee Hulk (the best and purest vision of the Hulk), rather than the Ed Norton version. Without giving anything away, he started off like the Ang Lee version, an expression of pure uncontrolled rage, but ended up as just another superhero. By the end, it felt more like a man in a hulk suit, rather than an expression of rage and fury.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed the film a lot, and the Hulk was good...but he could have and should have been a LOT better.

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Oh, and on a related subject, the Ed Norton Hulk is a good superhero film, an enjoyable Hulk rampage, but Ang Lee produced a Hulk film that is simply sublime. One of my favourite films of all time. It captured the controlled and eliminated version of Bruce Banner and the mood switches from that to this brutal natural Hulk, who is part of nature, out of control, with Banner lost somewhere inside it. The way it is like two films is just magnificent.

People write it off, but it really bears repeat viewing, and I think it deserves far more recognition than it gets.

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I'm not a huge fan of either Hulk film tbh but you're dead right about the way the Hulk is portrayed. Not really spoilers on the film since they're both in the trailers but Hulk catching Iron Man and when they do the rotating shot of the whole team and he's standing in line isn't right.

The Hulk is a last resort. Using his form shouldn't be anywhere near the top of your moves. He can't control it when he's in Hulk form at all. It's a completely separate being in terms of thought process and stuff. There was moments when it was right but when he got to New York it just lost that and yeah, he started behaving more like a man in a Hulk suit. I'm sure there's moments when Bruce Banner does break through to Hulk(like if he looks at someone that Banner loves because he is aware of Banner, he says "puny Banner" a lot so it's obviously the same for Hulk as it is Banner when they're not in their own form(Banner says that he does know what goes on and stuff) but mostly he shouldn't be in control.

Oh and I missed that line that Stemjsim spoilered because everyone was laughing mad.gif I think I'm gonna go and see it in 3D on Wednesday. That'll give me plenty time to rewatch the 5 "prequels" to Avengers cool.gif

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I know who the guy is in the first easter egg now, although I never saw the one right at the end. Guess I'll have to see it again today in 2D :lol:

Thanos. I had to look him up wikipedia as I've never heard of him before, but it at least looks like it's set up for more Avengers films. Win 8)

For what it's worth forehead, the 3D contributed the square route of f**k all towards this movie for me personally.

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I know who the guy is in the first easter egg now, although I never saw the one right at the end. Guess I'll have to see it again today in 2D :lol:

Thanos. I had to look him up wikipedia as I've never heard of him before, but it at least looks like it's set up for more Avengers films. Win 8)

For what it's worth forehead, the 3D contributed the square route of f**k all towards this movie for me personally.

Is your spoiler the first easter egg or the one right at the end? I saw and knew immediately who it was in your spoiler. I presume you found out about the item that that person/people uses the most or the item most associated with that person/people? It was actually in

the weapon's room of Asgard in Thor wink.gif

My friend saw it and his only comment was that it made some spiral staircases in Stark tower and the SHIELD lab at the start very prominent, I didn't even realise they existed until he said that's what 3D did laugh.gif

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Is your spoiler the first easter egg or the one right at the end? I saw and knew immediately who it was in your spoiler. I presume you found out about the item that that person/people uses the most or the item most associated with that person/people? It was actually in

the weapon's room of Asgard in Thor wink.gif

My friend saw it and his only comment was that it made some spiral staircases in Stark tower and the SHIELD lab at the start very prominent, I didn't even realise they existed until he said that's what 3D did laugh.gif

It was the mid-credits scene. I haven't seen if there is one at the end or not but I'm staying until the end this time to make damn sure.

The Ice weapon? Didn't see one, as I was trying to figure out who he was :lol:

You notice it there and perhaps in the credits, but it's relevancy is futile.

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The Hulk is a last resort. Using his form shouldn't be anywhere near the top of your moves. He can't control it when he's in Hulk form at all. It's a completely separate being in terms of thought process and stuff. There was moments when it was right but when he got to New York it just lost that and yeah, he started behaving more like a man in a Hulk suit. I'm sure there's moments when Bruce Banner does break through to Hulk(like if he looks at someone that Banner loves because he is aware of Banner, he says "puny Banner" a lot so it's obviously the same for Hulk as it is Banner when they're not in their own form(Banner says that he does know what goes on and stuff) but mostly he shouldn't be in control.

Spot on. I'm going to talk plot, so I will put that in spoilers below, don't read it people! Firstly though, regarding the Ang Lee Hulk film, that has some beautiful moments in it that capture it perfectly. We have the hulk fueled by driving rage, getting angrier and angrier, smiting all comers, and it isn't until they let him get away that he gets a chance to calm down. So there is a moment where he's in the desert, at one with nature, and he sees his own reflection. He looks at himself and seems to start to realise what is happening, but before he can calm down, he is attacked once again and the rage builds up.

Then later in the film, when he's in the city, it isn't until he sees the girl that Bruce loves that he is able to calm down, and even then, there is a long slow moment where he gradually becomes calmer, as Bruce finally starts to get through, and she "finds" him. He is a force of nature that can't be controlled! The Ang Lee film captures the idea behind the character perfectly and beautifully, even if he doesn't necessarily remain true to the material. It has something that the second Hulk film lacks, soul and heart. That is just an enjoyable smashathon.

Now, on to the Avengers, and in reflection, I've been thinking about it and it really did annoy me the way they treated the Hulk. It seems paradoxical to say that they ruined the character when I also say that he was the best thing about a film I really liked, but they did. There was so little consistency! Look at the initial transformation, when he lost control and ran amok, taking out Romanov, half the base, and ended up having to be attacked by his own side. They even feared the transformation so much that they built a special room to contain him. That first transformation sent a shiver down my spine, the Hulk is my favourite Marvel character by a long way! Fast forward to New York, and like you say, they lost that. He became someone who could just put the Hulk "suit" on at will, who was fully aware of what is going on, and who seemed divorced from the initial character we were promised.

As you say, he should not be top of the moves, he should basically be pointed at an enemy, and then everyone should get the f**k out of his way while he destroys everything and anything that does not run fleeing from him. The reason they don't just send the Hulk out on his own is that he is unreliable and dangerous to friend and foe. He does not transform at will, he does not take orders from Captain fucking America, and he certainly does not fucking pose for team photos! Despite all that, he was still the best thing about that film, and it was a really enjoyable film. Make of that paradox what you will.

Edited by xbl
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With the Hulk in the movies (they aren't specifically linked) I think that you could put a case forward that there has been a slow progression of Banner coming to terms with the Hulk. Certainly at the end of The Incredible Hulk Banner manages to start a change. Now in the Avengers

Banner was, in my opinion, playing it very cagey with SHIELD and keeping up the pretense of the Rage monster when he has learned to control the Hulk somewhat. Look at what we see him do; he scares the Black Widow on purpose knowing that he wasn't going to turn, he turns after the unexpected explosion when he was taken by suprise and was arguably not in control of himself. Here we see the Raging Hulk rampaging then being attacked and responding although it is hinted that he aimed for an area with little or no people so he wouldn't hurt them, this is our first proper hint that he has some measure of intelligence/control. He then turns up at the scene of an Alien Invasion. Banner would not unleash the Hulk in a populated area if he wasn't confident of being able to control the Hulk in some way and this is pretty much shown in the resulting battles. Sure the Hulk wasn't under full control, his feud with Thor showed that but he was under enough control to catch Iron Man knowing that he was not his enemy. For me the Hulk has always been about losing Control and throughout the 3 Movies I think there has definately been a progression of the Banner/Hulk character.

Now as much as I would have loved to see Captain America turn the Hulk on the Chitauri by saying they called him a sissy boy ala The Ultimates it wouldn't have been as good a showing as they managed in the Avengers.

Anyhow thats my 2p

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I hate to do a post in spoilers, but you started it!

Its an interesting point you put forward, but for me, if Banner comes to terms with the Hulk and learns to control it, then he's no longer the Hulk. Its a strong Banner, and I think it massively detracts from the character as a whole. The progression should be that Banner is able to live a normal life without "Hulking up", but the beast should always be in there, just ready to run out of control. When he is being attacked and shot by aliens, that should be when he becomes more furious and more out of control. Instead, he's still intelligent and in control, and I think that ruins the whole character. Oh, and even with the hulk being controlled, he shouldn't be posing in fucking team photos!

I do see your argument though, and its an interesting point of view. I also have to say, I did actually laugh out loud in the scene where Loki tried to use his superior intelligence and voice of command on the Hulk! laugh.gif

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I hate to do a post in spoilers, but you started it!

Its an interesting point you put forward, but for me, if Banner comes to terms with the Hulk and learns to control it, then he's no longer the Hulk. Its a strong Banner, and I think it massively detracts from the character as a whole. The progression should be that Banner is able to live a normal life without "Hulking up", but the beast should always be in there, just ready to run out of control. When he is being attacked and shot by aliens, that should be when he becomes more furious and more out of control. Instead, he's still intelligent and in control, and I think that ruins the whole character. Oh, and even with the hulk being controlled, he shouldn't be posing in fucking team photos!

I do see your argument though, and its an interesting point of view. I also have to say, I did actually laugh out loud in the scene where Loki tried to use his superior intelligence and voice of command on the Hulk! laugh.gif

Aye I know the spoilers aren't the best way but seeing as it's just come out I didn't want to ruin anything for anyone who knows very little about what happens. Tbh they got Banner spot on imo, the revelation he makes about the other guy

spitting the bullet out so he cannot kill himself

was fantastic and sold me on his character. I enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would and they got more right than wrong I think, although you are right about the group pose but they kind of had to have that in there as it is a superhero group film.

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