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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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If he put half as much effort into writing the book instead of excuses, it would be halfway to the printers by now!!!

Useless c**t!!!

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Think he's just milking the fame & attention as long as he can. Bet he'll have 'A Dream of Spring' out the same year GoT ends. Which is what another couple of years?

No chance.

Assuming Winds of Winter gets finished at some point this year, that will have taken him 5 years to write. The previous book took 6 years so I can't imagine him finishing the whole series off in 2 years just to match the tv show. Won't happen.

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GRRM has been acting like this since about 2001, it's taken the TV show to expose his perpetual procrastination.

It's even arguable that he never actually finished ADWD.

Guys a knob but fan boy nerds just lap up his pish!

Some see procrastination I see a writer struggling with a story. The books are too big and the story is moving too slowly. He clearly isn't enjoying writing it like he did when he started, and seems to get lost in an ocean of characters rather than just moving things along.

Not sure why his lack of progress annoys people so much though - if you don't like waiting then go read something else. Or you can watch the tv show which will tell you the big points of the story anyway.

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Some see procrastination I see a writer struggling with a story. The books are too big and the story is moving too slowly. He clearly isn't enjoying writing it like he did when he started, and seems to get lost in an ocean of characters rather than just moving things along.

Not sure why his lack of progress annoys people so much though - if you don't like waiting then go read something else. Or you can watch the tv show which will tell you the big points of the story anyway.

Just look at the guys blog if you need to understand this. All the guy does is shill his merchandise, Wild cards, his cinema and countless other rehashes of material written nearly 20 years ago.......and lets not forget the thousands of words written every year regarding NFL and the Hugos.

He got lucky with the first few ASOIAF books and he has definitely made the best of it, it's nothing new to think he's struggling with the story, it was pretty evident 10 years ago when he was forced to release AFFC. He had no idea how to resolve his plot lines back then and instead of attempting to he just introduced even more.

He's now become a con-man surrounded by sycophants that give his delusional nonsense some sense of veracity.

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Just look at the guys blog if you need to understand this. All the guy does is shill his merchandise, Wild cards, his cinema and countless other rehashes of material written nearly 20 years ago.......and lets not forget the thousands of words written every year regarding NFL and the Hugos.

He got lucky with the first few ASOIAF books and he has definitely made the best of it, it's nothing new to think he's struggling with the story, it was pretty evident 10 years ago when he was forced to release AFFC. He had no idea how to resolve his plot lines back then and instead of attempting to he just introduced even more.

He's now become a con-man surrounded by sycophants that give his delusional nonsense some sense of veracity.

To clarify - I've been a fan of the books for years and have read the blog for years as well. I think fans can accuse him of writing too slowly and not keeping up with initial high standards but thats about it.

Surely it can't be that surprising to see an author driven by monetary gain and award gathering? I don't read any of his posts about the hugos or NFL (or the cinema) but I don't believe for a second that if he stopped writing them then the series would be magically years further on.

I'd describe his approach to writing the series as a catastrophic failure at this point, but this is his approach and he won't be changing it now. You're free not to like the series or the author, but if you want to read the series then this is the writing process that produces it. There are large numbers of fantasy writers out there who are far more prolific but write utter shite and publish without a backward thought. Bad writers who publish quickly suffer far less grief from their fans, but who wants to read a bad version of ASOIAF?

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To clarify - I've been a fan of the books for years and have read the blog for years as well. I think fans can accuse him of writing too slowly and not keeping up with initial high standards but thats about it.

Surely it can't be that surprising to see an author driven by monetary gain and award gathering? I don't read any of his posts about the hugos or NFL (or the cinema) but I don't believe for a second that if he stopped writing them then the series would be magically years further on.

I'd describe his approach to writing the series as a catastrophic failure at this point, but this is his approach and he won't be changing it now. You're free not to like the series or the author, but if you want to read the series then this is the writing process that produces it. There are large numbers of fantasy writers out there who are far more prolific but write utter shite and publish without a backward thought. Bad writers who publish quickly suffer far less grief from their fans, but who wants to read a bad version of ASOIAF?

Ah, but is a bad version with an ending? :P

I'm thankful to GRRM for getting me back to the fantasy genre where I've discovered some great authors (Abercrombie, Weeks, Kearney, Lawrence)....BUT, I can't help but also feel let down, although I only started reading the books circa 2009/10 so I've not had to wait quite as long as some, he seems to do everything except work. Whilst he is "not your bitch" I still feel he is living the high life almost entirely thanks to the books people bought with the implicit promise that the series would have an ending.

GRRM is never going to finish the books, he knows it, his publishers know it, rational fans know it, yet he continues to try and 'con' the gullible into believing otherwise.

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Ah, but is a bad version with an ending? :P

I'm thankful to GRRM for getting me back to the fantasy genre where I've discovered some great authors (Abercrombie, Weeks, Kearney, Lawrence)....BUT, I can't help but also feel let down, although I only started reading the books circa 2009/10 so I've not had to wait quite as long as some, he seems to do everything except work. Whilst he is "not your bitch" I still feel he is living the high life almost entirely thanks to the books people bought with the implicit promise that the series would have an ending.

GRRM is never going to finish the books, he knows it, his publishers know it, rational fans know it, yet he continues to try and 'con' the gullible into believing otherwise.

Abercrombie is awesome. Who would you recommend out of the other 3? not tried them yet.

I've been waiting for GRRM a lot longer, and a long time back we used to get regular progress updates about his writing and guesstimates about publication dates for unfinished books (which he then failed to meet). He stopped giving updates about the work as people got annoyed he kept missing his self-imposed timelines. Now he annoys people by not updating at all instead. Honestly not sure which approach is better.

I'm a rational (ish) fan and assuming his health holds up I believe he'll finish the series. But he'll be years behind the end of the tv show and it will likely be an anti-climax. I also think the last book will need to be split in 2 when he gets to it as he'll write far too much. Of course, if the next book is a bloodbath and he kills half the main characters, the writing will get a lot simpler 8)

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Abercrombie is awesome. Who would you recommend out of the other 3? not tried them yet.

I've been waiting for GRRM a lot longer, and a long time back we used to get regular progress updates about his writing and guesstimates about publication dates for unfinished books (which he then failed to meet). He stopped giving updates about the work as people got annoyed he kept missing his self-imposed timelines. Now he annoys people by not updating at all instead. Honestly not sure which approach is better.

I'm a rational (ish) fan and assuming his health holds up I believe he'll finish the series. But he'll be years behind the end of the tv show and it will likely be an anti-climax. I also think the last book will need to be split in 2 when he gets to it as he'll write far too much. Of course, if the next book is a bloodbath and he kills half the main characters, the writing will get a lot simpler 8)

Brent Weeks Night Angel trilogy was good fun if a bit deus ex machina(y). I still enjoyed it and would recommend it, it's about an assassin with the power of immortality....but it comes with a catch.

Paul Kearney wrote the Monarchies of God series which has werewolves and wizards amongst others. Pretty dark at times but still a great read even if the ending feels a little rushed. You can pick this up in 2 omnibus editions, originally it was released as 5 books. He also wrote the Macht trilogy which is kind of alternate reality Roman/Greek type setting with 3 very good books following a farmers rise through the miltary ranks.

Mark Lawrence has written the darkest fantasy series I've read yet in the Broken Empire trilogy, his protagonist would probably be the baddie in most fantasy books but, inexplicably, you find yourself warming to Jorg Ancrath the Prince of Thorns. Do not read this if you need the bad guys to get their dues or if you're looking for heroic deeds. :lol:

I'd recommend any of them really, just whatever you find easiest to get your hands on. I got the Weeks and Lawrence books from my local library.

Kearneys books I bought for my Kindle.

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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Mark Lawrence books are outstanding. Have you read the next 3, The Red Queens War?

If not you should. Outstanding.

Also if you like Weekes, Lawrence, GRRM and the likes you should pick up John Gwynnes books, Malice, Valour & Ruin. Outstanding, best series I have read to date.

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