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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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The only thing that bugged me about that episode ways Aryas magical healing stomach wound. Barely able to get out of bed one minute, then tearing around the town the next. Then suddenly, she starts bleeding a bit and is staggering around  <_<


Don't forget she'll still have some of that Milk of the Poppy (essentially opium) in her system, that combined with terror of imminent death would have been enough to get her that far. Ask any police officer or casualty unit about trying to take down some wounded smackhead.


If she had written to the Blackfish, she'd have to put a lot of information in her letter to try and convince him to help her which could compromise her position. Brienne's letter will literally say 'I have failed my mission', so Ramsay will be none the wiser what that's all about.


I would think.


Good point. You'd almost think that Jaime Lannister wanted a Tully army heading north to slaughter the Boltons. Aren't they meant to be allies? What would make Jaime want to do that...




...oh yeah, that!


(Note the blood seeping out before you know what - someone in special effects messed up there)



Arya killing the waif had to be done in the dark so no problems there.


Yes, and for someone that's just lost two apprentices for the price of one...




... doesn't he look pleased once her back is turned? Perhaps because she's learned more than she realises, or will admit to herself - for now. She even had every reason to kill him, but did not. almost as if she's finally learned not to be like the Hound & kill people for the sake of it.


Don't think we've saw the last of him, & don't think that he's not figured Arya's probably trousered that boy mask (& maybe the granny one too) that the Waif was carrying.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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The Arya chase sequence was straight out of T2. Terrible stuff.

Thought the same. The Waif looked/acted like a Terminator.

Also, when the actress is standing on the stool and turns round is it Jaqen at the door rather than the Waif?

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Think some folk are complaining just for the sake of complaining right now. Bookreaders with their nose out of joint at not being ahead of the game perhaps.


Looking at the preview of next week, I notice they showed nothing except the battle in the North. Could it be we'll get almost an entire episode dedicated to it? I hope so. Arya, Dany, Jaime, Brienne - all of their stories almost need to stop to draw breath for a week at least. (Arya to start her travels so not much to show there, Dany & co after destroying the masters assembling her troops with maybe Theon & Yara arriving, Jaime & Brienne both have to travel to move onto their next plot). I think we could get 80-90% of the show being the battle and it's buildup.

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So all those theories about Arya/waif/both not actually being who they were was all shit then? And Arya was just wandering around without a care in the world in the last episode?

Quite funny actually, since some people seemed so certain!

I think Arya was still being deliberately careless to draw The Waif out. She'll have known she was marked for death and that the Faceless Men stray over to Westeros from time to time, so it was better to try and neutralise the threat instead of looking over her shoulder all the time.

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Surely that was all used after black water bay battle destroying stannis fleet?!



Nope, Tyrion told the Pyromancer he would be making it for him, was also mentioned there was way more than needed for just the fleet (i'm paraphrasing here).




One thing though, The pyromancer mentions that Cersei ordered them to make it, so how would it be a rumour of there being wildfire?.


Yea some of the theorycrafting was a bit imaginative, also some were just downright bizarre but the last 2 episodes of Arya's story arc has just been straight up shit writing imo, so many plotholes.

Edited by BlueKillie
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Okay, okay not a bad little episode, not quite up to scratch with last week but some nice stuff happening, some stuff that plays against theories of what was going on, not the best but 7/10 solid stuff! couple of cheeseball bits...

Loved the T-1000 waif though Arya's development made her last two years to be a a bit of a dry hump.

That Daenerys return was a bit lol

Adored the jokes bit.

The scene with Jaime and Edmure was BRILLIANT.

The violence in the first quarter was possibly the most brutal so far so that was.... that. Loved the Hound's reunion with the BWB and glad they're not heels. "You're shit at dying" LOOOOOL!

And it was interesting, VERY innaresting that the Sparrow called Cersei's (and presumably Margaery's) bluff by having Tommen outlaw trial by battle.

Whispered words between Cersei and the maester was definitely a wildfire convo! No two ways.

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Okay, okay not a bad little episode, not quite up to scratch with last week but some nice stuff happening, some stuff that plays against theories of what was going on, not the best but 7/10 solid stuff! couple of cheeseball bits...

Loved the T-1000 waif though Arya's development made her last two years to be a a bit of a dry hump.

That Daenerys return was a bit lol

Adored the jokes bit.

The scene with Jaime and Edmure was BRILLIANT.

The violence in the first quarter was possibly the most brutal so far so that was.... that. Loved the Hound's reunion with the BWB and glad they're not heels. "You're shit at dying" LOOOOOL!

And it was interesting, VERY innaresting that the Sparrow called Cersei's (and presumably Margaery's) bluff by having Tommen outlaw trial by battle.

Whispered words between Cersei and the maester was definitely a wildfire convo! No two ways.

Seriously? That was fucking woeful.

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Yea some of the theorycrafting was a bit imaginative, also some were just downright bizarre but the last 2 episodes of Arya's story arc has just been straight up shit writing imo, so many plotholes.




I think someone alluded to it earlier in the thread but there really seems to be a direct correlation between the deterioration of the writing and the lack of source material available to them. 

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:blink:  was pretty bemused by that episode. did they blow a massive chunk of the budget on bar steward bowl next week, hence the slightly lacking last few episodes. it feels rushed and unfinished a bit, reason why i stopped watching flash, build up, build up. build up, then the aftermath.

GOT used to have shock value, now you dont even get that.

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Thought the same. The Waif looked/acted like a Terminator.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

I'm pissed off at the Ayra scene. How did she heal so quickly? How did she recover after cunting herself on the steps? How did she defeat the Waif when she was so fucked up? So many unanswered questions that I dont expect to be answered in the next episodes.

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Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

I'm pissed off at the Ayra scene. How did she heal so quickly? How did she recover after cunting herself on the steps? How did she defeat the Waif when she was so fucked up? So many unanswered questions that I dont expect to be answered in the next episodes.

After all the build up, getting stabbed repeatedly, losing lots of blood, cunting it down steps shes still able to best a trainee assassin who has spent most of the past year or whatever kicking her arse left right and center and shes able to finally defeat her by switching off the lights and swinging the worlds thinnest sword around and hoping for the best.

Wouldnt be surprised if the t1000 slipped on a banana peel and fell on her own dagger

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Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

I'm pissed off at the Ayra scene. How did she heal so quickly? How did she recover after cunting herself on the steps? How did she defeat the Waif when she was so fucked up? So many unanswered questions that I dont expect to be answered in the next episodes.

Maybe that's the next storyline. The White Walkers have developed a time machine and have sent a Terminator back in time to kill Arya, who will lead the human resistance after Judgement Day.

If she meets The Hound again and his first words are "come with me if you want to live" I may soil myself.

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Oh and who else was excited during the opening credits when it said they'd be nudity only to be disgusted by the only nudity being a full frontal of The Hound having a pish.

Edited by Swarley
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Where the f**k's Varys off to on his secret mission? Any ideas?


Does anyone think there's anything dodgy about Varys disappearing just before the Master's attacked Meereen?


He was talking about needing both ships and friends in Westeros, so assume he was going to meet either Yara & Theon, or Euron.

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After all the build up, getting stabbed repeatedly, losing lots of blood, cunting it down steps shes still able to best a trainee assassin who has spent most of the past year or whatever kicking her arse left right and center and shes able to finally defeat her by switching off the lights and swinging the worlds thinnest sword around and hoping for the best.

Wouldnt be surprised if the t1000 slipped on a banana peel and fell on her own dagger


You may have noticed that this episode included more than a few nods back to previous ones. Jaime's "The things we do for love" before he attempts the murder that started the whole chain of events in the first place that has ruined the Seven Kingdoms; the Hound's about being beaten by "tougher girls" than the BwB (Brianne and to a certain extent Arya, who was cleverer than he gave her credit for); and Qyburn's whisper to Cercei of one last trump card to play after losing the right of trial by combat - a certain flashback of Bran's recently featuring Qyburn wandering below the King's Landing vaults, then wildfire tearing through it - a nod back to the vision Danys had in Season 2 when she wandered through the King's Landing throne room and it was a scorched ruin) - all reminders of how the past in GoT affects its future.


When Arya cut the candle out, she was switching to her Braavosi Water Dancing sword training since series one, part of which involved fighting blindfolded and relying on her other senses to get her foe - the sounds they make, their smell, the slight waves in the air from an opponent's movements, etc.


The Waif was already crassly over confident & had broken just about every tenet of the Faceless as it was, but the moment she shut that door behind her, she was as good as dead, walking straight into Arya's trap. Someone with no blinded training & a knife vs someone trained to fight in the dark with a sword? No contest.

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You may have noticed that this episode included more than a few nods back to previous ones. Jaime's "The things we do for love" before he attempts the murder that started the whole chain of events in the first place that has ruined the Seven Kingdoms; the Hound's about being beaten by "tougher girls" than the BwB (Brianne and to a certain extent Arya, who was cleverer than he gave her credit for); and Qyburn's whisper to Cercei of one last trump card to play after losing the right of trial by combat - a certain flashback of Bran's recently featuring Qyburn wandering below the King's Landing vaults, then wildfire tearing through it - a nod back to the vision Danys had in Season 2 when she wandered through the King's Landing throne room and it was a scorched ruin) - all reminders of how the past in GoT affects its future.

When Arya cut the candle out, she was switching to her Braavosi Water Dancing sword training since series one, part of which involved fighting blindfolded and relying on her other senses to get her foe - the sounds they make, their smell, the slight waves in the air from an opponent's movements, etc.

The Waif was already crassly over confident & had broken just about every tenet of the Faceless as it was, but the moment she shut that door behind her, she was as good as dead, walking straight into Arya's trap. Someone with no blinded training & a knife vs someone trained to fight in the dark with a sword? No contest.

That plus fighting with no eyes at the start of this series gave her the advantage.

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I think Arya was still being deliberately careless to draw The Waif out. She'll have known she was marked for death and that the Faceless Men stray over to Westeros from time to time, so it was better to try and neutralise the threat instead of looking over her shoulder all the time.


Neutralise her by attempting to run off with her knife in her guts? Nah, it was shite writing. There was nothing in that scene that would have stopped Arya getting killed for being so stupid. The Waif could have easily slit her throat or have punctured her stomach in the stabbing, or simply had a poisoned blade.

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