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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Wonder where Theon's lot have buggered off to? 

Was watching the Eldon scene thinking "it really does look like him but it CAN'T be" don't get the decision to cast him twice like that...assuming it's some wanky nod to something or other but just seems bizarre.

Edited by Christophe
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It's moving far too fast. Davos must be fucked with all the travelling at his age.

I get that there's a lot to cram in but if it's at the expense of satisfying reunions and meaningful dialogue between main characters then it will be a big disappointment for me.
Tyrions and Jamie's scene had so much potential but was over in seconds.

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24 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

It's moving far too fast...

Which makes it strange that they don't still have 10 episodes this time. The scene at Eastwatch where characters had a second or two each to react to meeting (or not in Brienne's case) another character was almost comic. Can only assume a combination of inflated per episode payments to the core character actors and the need for more expensive CGI in these series made fewer episodes the better way to go financially somehow, which is understandable but the quality of the drama is suffering because of it.

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It's moving fast because of them losing 3 episodes this series. They said it was because they would use the budget saved to up the quality of the remaining episodes, so far, with the exception of episode 4, they have all been pretty similar to the previous series in terms of quality, which makes me wonder if the last 2 episodes is when they go balls to the wall with it


Episode 6 will run for 71 minutes while the final episode will be 91 minutes long!!

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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21 hours ago, mrcat1990 said:

Noticed that Kevin "I've appeared in fucking everything" Eldon was one of the guards who got murked by Gendry.

A point outside of the plot discussion, how good is Dany's theme? Genuinely immense music.

:lol: I thought it was him!

Also, Littlefinger's smirk is REALLY starting to grate now.  I hope Arya scuppers his plan and sticks needle in his ballsack. 

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Just me who thinks Gilly finding her reveal, and it meaning Jon is a Targaryen, is too obvious for this show?

It'll be somebody else, like Tyrion, and we'll get some smart comment from somebody in the show about thinking it was Jon.

No danger the Night King doesn't have a dragon, or a way to kill a dragon, it'll be tremendous when Dany gives a long speech about being a "breaker of chains" and that, Drogon roars overhead, and then you hear an even bigger roar...

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Surely Dany can send one dragon up beyond the wall to burn the undead army or at least a large portion of it? 
Can see an eagles from Lord of the rings plot hole developing if she doesn't.

I'd be stunned if the Night King doesn't have some way of combating it. We've barely seen anything of him, so we've no real idea what sort of power he has.
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8 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


I'd be stunned if the Night King doesn't have some way of combating it. We've barely seen anything of him, so we've no real idea what sort of power he has.


True, he managed to break Bran's control of the ravens just by looking at them.

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Beware of fucking spoilers lads. Episode 6 leaked last night and there's some short clips all over twitter of scenes from episode 6. 

Im not even gonna lie, i will be downloading and watching this later. No way is some fucker going to spoil this for me [emoji38]
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2 minutes ago, Twinkle said:


Im not even gonna lie, i will be downloading and watching this later. No way is some fucker going to spoil this for me emoji38.png


That's definitely the safest course if you want to avoid finding out what happens i think. If you follow GoT stuff on twitter, it's a minefield today.

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I reckon I'll watch it because I stumbled across spoilers on Twitter and YouTube and although I didn't watch them the title of the videos pretty much gave away what happened.

At least if I watch it I don't need to worry about it being ruined for me.

Just need to find a decent stream for it.

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