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Quentin Taranbino

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The boat outside the cave where he killed Euron was left so he could escape with Cersei.

Oh OK. I wondered about that but thought Davos' line about "I'm not going to enjoy this am I" suggested something a bit more demanding.

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That was maybe what annoyed me the most — the show dehumanized Dany while attempting to humanize Cersei in this Bitches Be Crazy style ending. Talking of which, it was hilarious seeing Cersei tip toe past The Hound on the staircase.
Was only a matter of time before she went off the wall mental. Haha aye it was funny, the references in the episode to that of earlier seasons was pleasing.

Not sure who ends up on the throne but im punting for bran.
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13 minutes ago, quickoverayard said:

Was only a matter of time before she went off the wall mental...

There were hints of it way back when she crucified lots of men with nothing that resembled a fair trial to establish individual guilt way back when capturing a city in Slaver's Bay, then when feeding prisoners to her dragons in Mereen and later on when incinerating the two Tarlys when there was no real rational reason to do so. It's supposed to make you think whether she's really so much better than Cersei and whether she really ever meant the break the wheel stuff. Her response to Tyrion last season when he broached the subject of succession and a more democratic system should have bolstered that further but seems to have been largely overlooked. The people around her were only seeing what they wanted to see in her basically and on a deeper plane the problem wasn't really the individual personalities like Cersei or Danerys but the way that absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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There were hints of it way back when she crucified lots of men with nothing that resembled a fair trial to establish individual guilt way back when capturing a city in Slaver's Bay, then when feeding prisoners to her dragons in Mereen and later on when incinerating the two Tarlys when there was no real rational reason to do so. It's supposed to make you think whether she's really so much better than Cersei and whether she really ever meant the break the wheel stuff. Her response to Tyrion last season when he broached the subject of succession and a more democratic system should have bolstered that further but seems to have been largely overlooked. The people around her were only seeing what they wanted to see in her basically and on a deeper plane the problem wasn't really the individual personalities like Cersei or Danerys but the way that absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
Yeah i totally agree with you, her becoming the mad queen has been totally overlooked because of the war against the night king, the battle at kingslanding brought to light the lengths she will go to for the irone throne.... she's lost Jon as his character is that of valor and i cant see him standing beside her after this.

So im going for Danny to be killed, Jon to refuse the throne and bran to be appointed.
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Yeah i totally agree with you, her becoming the mad queen has been totally overlooked because of the war against the night king, the battle at kingslanding brought to light the lengths she will go to for the irone throne.... she's lost Jon as his character is that of valor and i cant see him standing beside her after this.

So im going for Danny to be killed, Jon to refuse the throne and bran to be appointed.

Thought it was a terrible, terrible episode. Bad script, awful close ups of the worst actors (I thought last week had put paid to that) and very little by way of plot or intrigue. It went all Lord of the Rings for a bit too.

Seems like it’s going through the motions, and if it is, then Jon will kill Danny and that’ll be that.
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Thought it was a terrible, terrible episode. Bad script, awful close ups of the worst actors (I thought last week had put paid to that) and very little by way of plot or intrigue. It went all Lord of the Rings for a bit too.

Seems like it’s going through the motions, and if it is, then Jon will kill Danny and that’ll be that.
Im not to fussed about the script to he honest mate it was great visually and full of action, ive given up judging the show on what it was. They've went fully Hollywood on it and has lost the well written stories and clever sub plots.

Series 1-4 were outstanding but a lot of it is meaningless now as parts of characters / stories haven't went any further.

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2 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

For all those saying it's getting predictable - who foresaw Cleganebowl being a draw? Who can predict next week?


Anybody catch what Dany said to Jon after he didn't get excited snogging his auntie?

Pretty sure she said “fear it is then”

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For all those saying it's getting predictable - who foresaw Cleganebowl being a draw? Who can predict next week?
Anybody catch what Dany said to Jon after he didn't get excited snogging his auntie?

“Alright then. Let it be fear.”

To be honest, anyone who saw Hannibal saw precisely the same ending as Claganebowl.
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Im not to fussed about the script to he honest mate it was great visually and full of action, ive given up judging the show on what it was. They've went fully Hollywood on it and has lost the well written stories and clever sub plots.

Series 1-4 were outstanding but a lot of it is meaningless now as parts of characters / stories haven't went any further.

That’s fair. If this was series two or even four, I’d have stopped watching.
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That’s fair. If this was series two or even four, I’d have stopped watching.

To be honest so would i. I took me 2 attempts to get past the 1st episode of first series.


Personally what grabbed me was the stories and the who, what, why, where and when. i expected more complex backstories about the night king and how to defeat him so that was very underwhelming for me, we've not really got to the bottom of anything about him. Imho i feel to satisfy everyone they should of done two extra series an 8 and 9, then everything wouldn't be as rushed.


Ps still gutted we never got a sword fight between the night king and Jon..... he went out with a whimper


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The way that the show is now - not-so-clever, more action-based - is a direct result of what's come before. Many of the big players in terms of the battle for the throne have been wiped out, along with most of the intelligent schemers such as Tywin, Littlefinger and Olenna. The show, for me and no doubt others, was better when it was more political, but as things progressed it was always going to end up funnelling into what we have now.

It's been very funny seeing all the really odd and creepy 'stans' of specific characters, in last night's case Daenerys, utterly outraged about what's going on. How thick do you seriously have to be to wilfully ignore the clear deterioration of her character and her descent into madness? She has been power-mad for some time now, and has pretty much only ever cared about sitting on the throne at any cost. Her advisors in Jorah, Varys and Tyrion have consistently talked her down from making dreadful, tyrannical decisions in the past - and even then, that hasn't stopped her at times. This has been nailed on from fairly early on in her arc, in my opinion, and folk claiming that her heel turn was lazy writing or a deeply misogynistic cop-out on the writers' part is just hilarious.

Some massive bones can be picked about the plausibility of the dragon coasting through the Iron Fleet spitting flames, but meh. The Clegane show-off was really good and it was very pleasing to see one of the show's best characters achieving his goal. I hope Jaime and Cersei aren't dead, because that would add another layer of intrigue next week. It's impossible to speculate about what will happen in the finale, because curveballs have been the show's currency throughout. I'm looking forward to finding out how it all ends.

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The Danaerys thing has been foreshadowed, no question.  But there was nothing to suggest that level of brutality.  It was a cop-out in the sense that her decent was basically from A to B to C.... to Z.  The problem, I think, is not where she ended up, but the speed at which things degenerated.    I very rarely feel this about television series, but I think as stated above, this is a series too short, and it's been shown up in this final series.  That's largely a problem with the source material, but still.

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2 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

The Danaerys thing has been foreshadowed, no question.  But there was nothing to suggest that level of brutality.  It was a cop-out in the sense that her decent was basically from A to B to C.... to Z.  The problem, I think, is not where she ended up, but the speed at which things degenerated.    I very rarely feel this about television series, but I think as stated above, this is a series too short, and it's been shown up in this final series.  That's largely a problem with the source material, but still.

I do believe that there are serious pacing issues at this stage and have said so before in this thread - the first two episodes of the season, which account for about a quarter of the total run-time, saw very little in the way of serious plot or character development, which is pretty unforgivable when they made a conscious choice to wrap it up in six episodes. However, Daenerys' own personal judgement has been shocking for a while now, she's had very itchy feet with regards to seizing the throne and she's also been very begrudging of late when following the conflicting advice of those close to her. What with her two irreplaceable confidantes in Missandei and Jorah both being given their jotters mere days/weeks apart, an accelerated heid's-gone is kind of understandable. Plus, it wouldn't have made what happened last night as shocking if she'd extensive previous for committing gradually more heinous acts - though, I think some people tend to forget what she did to the Tarlys. When the Kings Landing bells rung out, I - though others may disagree - wasn't sure quite what she was going to do. My personal feeling was that she would light the entire place up, but there was a doubt there which made the eventual outcome all the more brutal. 

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