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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I don't think the Unsullied were ever trained to be an occupying or peacekeeping force. I think they were more supposed to be trained for open battle, with well organised ranks.

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I don't think the Unsullied were ever trained to be an occupying or peacekeeping force. I think they were more supposed to be trained for open battle, with well organised ranks.


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I don't think the Unsullied were ever trained to be an occupying or peacekeeping force. I think they were more supposed to be trained for open battle, with well organised ranks.

A decent army should be able to adapt to the conditions. If I were Dany I'd be checking the T&Cs and looking for a refund.
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I'll disagree here.

Danaerys is the only surviving child of a king. Not just any king but a Targeryan, who have been kings for centuries. Stannis is the brother of Robert Baratheon who took the crown via warfare but otherwise had no historic claim. That said, he was the accepted ruler. Tommen is the legal (if not natural) son of Robert and until such times as his parentage is exposed has a proper claim.

I'd say out of the 3 Stannis' claim is weakest.

I agree with this. Stannis goes on about usurpers, but his claim is only through his brother being just that. Dany is a Targaryen. Yes the king might have been mad, a few others have been as well, but cut up as much of the rest of the family as possible in an attempt to kill any rightful heir? That's the work of a usurper and those supporting his illegitimate claim to the throne. Dany has the best claim in those terms.

Stannis's claim rests on an illegitimacy that hasn't been proven and an illegitimacy that he ignores.

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How does Stannis get introduced in the book? For someone so desperate for power, killing numerous members of his own family in it's pursuit, I don't get why his brother was installed as king considering his determination compared to Robert's (Shall we say more relaxed personality - although I acknowledge he was supposedly much more ferocious in his heyday).

Also, what was Stannis supposedly up to before he got news of Robert's death?

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A decent army should be able to adapt to the conditions. If I were Dany I'd be checking the T&Cs and looking for a refund.

Yeah, but they're not trained to think or adapt. They're trained only to obey orders, regardless.

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Yeah, but they're not trained to think or adapt. They're trained only to obey orders, regardless.

So are the Army of the Dead and they don't seem to be having any problems at the moment!* ;)

* apart from not being able to swim, use boats, fire arrows or spears at people fleeing in boats, or get past huge walls...

Edited by Swarley
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I have been listening to the first book again while I am out walking at the moment. It's the first time I have used audiobooks and I must admit, it helps pass the time far better than listening to music does. I am however, so fucking frustrated having to hear about Jeffrey, Winterfall and various other annoying wee things that you hear occasionally when the narrator fucks it up. Listening to Tyrion with a Welsh accent is the most annoying thing though, it must be said.

I don't think that counts as book wankery, does it?

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I have been listening to the first book again while I am out walking at the moment. It's the first time I have used audiobooks and I must admit, it helps pass the time far better than listening to music does. I am however, so fucking frustrated having to hear about Jeffrey, Winterfall and various other annoying wee things that you hear occasionally when the narrator fucks it up. Listening to Tyrion with a Welsh accent is the most annoying thing though, it must be said.

I don't think that counts as book wankery, does it?

Jeffrey? Winterfall? Sounds like you've been sold a dodgy copy?! ;)
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How does Stannis get introduced in the book? For someone so desperate for power, killing numerous members of his own family in it's pursuit, I don't get why his brother was installed as king considering his determination compared to Robert's (Shall we say more relaxed personality - although I acknowledge he was supposedly much more ferocious in his heyday).

Also, what was Stannis supposedly up to before he got news of Robert's death?

IIRC Stannis is introduced in the book in much the same way as he is in the show - on Dragonstone with Mel burning effigies of the seven gods, and it's from the viewpoint of Davos.

Robert was installed as king as the leader of the rebellion, plus he was the eldest Baratheon brother. Also, because he was far more of a laugh than anyone else available. Didn't want to be king though, just wanted to get rid of the Targaeryens.

Stannis was well pissed off with Robert after the rebellion because he was sent to Dragonstone instead of being given Storms End, which was given to Renly, so there was no great love between Stannis and Robert.

I'd assume immediately before Roberts death Stannis would have been starting his association with Melissandre, who would have probably seen Roberts death in the flames, amongst other things, and chose to seek out Stannis. I don't think we know when exactly they were first together.

Edit to add (copy and paste job) - Melisandre came to Dragonstone because she believed Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai reborn and destined to defeat the Great Other the antithesis of her god. She turns Stannis' wife, Lady Selyse Florent, and several other members of Stannis’s court from the Faith of the Seven to her red god

Edited by Moonhound17
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To be fair, it's only occasionally the guy gets the pronunciation wrong, that's what makes it worse I think. I hope I am never walking past someone when he fucks it up as they will think I am going mental when I shout "Joffrey ya c**t."

The way the guy says Braavos and Petyr though, it's just fucking wrong.

Edited by Musketeer Gripweed
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Mel isn't the only red priet though, I am sure there were another few talked about early on in the show. Why didn't the others run to the aid of potential new kings instead of continuing their preaching over the Narrow Sea?

Thoros of Myr, not sure if thats the right name, is also a red priest. He was sent to King's Landing to try and convert the King to their religion but gave up and started drinking heavily instead. He was hanging out with the brothers without banners in the show.

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