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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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The only thing that bugged me about that episode ways Aryas magical healing stomach wound. Barely able to get out of bed one minute, then tearing around the town the next. Then suddenly, she starts bleeding a bit and is staggering around <_<

Seen a theory that she used a pigs bladder?

But then that would be pointless with Lady Crane stitching her up etc.

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It was the vehicle to bring the Freys back into it,over 2 episodes - why?  for Jaime to meet Brienne again over 2 episodes - why?  and to kill off a distant but relatively awesome side character over 2 episodes - why?  He wasnt awesome in the show, he shot an arrow into a boat and did f**k all else.



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It was the vehicle to bring the Freys back into it,over 2 episodes - why?  for Jaime to meet Brienne again over 2 episodes - why?  and to kill off a distant but relatively awesome side character over 2 episodes - why?  He wasnt awesome in the show, he shot an arrow into a boat and did f**k all else.





Fair points all round. He's a fan favourite in the books (which is probably why it was brought back at all), but didn't get the screen time on the tv show.


I'm guessing it was done over two episodes to allow Brienne to arrive after Jaime did, and after the siege started. GoT doesn't do realism well sometimes, but would've been all quite conveniently timed if they'd arrived at Riverrun in the same episode.

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So all those theories about Arya/waif/both not actually being who they were was all shit then? And Arya was just wandering around without a care in the world in the last episode?

Quite funny actually, since some people seemed so certain!

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So all those theories about Arya/waif/both not actually being who they were was all shit then? And Arya was just wandering around without a care in the world in the last episode?

Quite funny actually, since some people seemed so certain!

what that show to me is that people have expectations in the writing and storytelling that are just not being met since we moved away from the source material.

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Trial by Combat outlawed? Well that is Cersei screwed.



Cersei might have still had a chance if she hadn't shown her hand

way so early. It feels like the High sparrow sent a party out to test the

waters, found out the mountain is pretty much unbeatable, and changed the


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That theory about the guy standing behind the waif being Syrio is pretty laughable now. Think you just about caught him on screen for a split second!

There was so much bullshit going on around the Arya story.


All these fan theories about a man in blue being in about 8 scenes with her and all this "nothing happens for nothing in GoT" kind of forgetting that there are probably only about 50 extras and 50 costumes for the entire Braavos story so of course people will turn up in mutiple scenes.

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Tommen too, if Cersei's found guilty of incest. Makes Tommen's claim for the crown illegitimate. Stupid wee fanny.

In that instance, who would be rightful heir to the throne?

The Baratheon's are deid and they have no heirs unless they pluck a random b*****d from thin air.

I can see the High Sparrow using Tommen as a front to seize power by making him confess his sins of his uncle being his da.

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In that instance, who would be rightful heir to the throne?

The Baratheon's are deid and they have no heirs unless they pluck a random b*****d from thin air.


Perfect opportunity for a certain Targaryan to swoop in....

Robert after all claimed his legitimacy (apart from right of conquest) from a distant Targaryan relative so with his line dead, a restoration of that Royal house would make sense....

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Far better moments in this episode than any recent episode (Jamie at Riverrun, slavers arriving, kings decree) but still utterly dreadful stuff with Arya (no tension whatsoever in the ludicrously scripted chase, you'd already made it clear she's immortal for now) and Tyrion (ANOTHER cringe scene with the other two? Really?). Dialogue again awful in places, but thankfully picking up elsewhere.

The whole opening scene with Ayra was miracles and soap opera.

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Battle of the b*****ds next week though. Game of Thrones at its best when there's a big battle sequence. I'm saying this now - Jon and his army about to lose, only for Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale to ride in at the end and win the day for him.


Will we get to see any of the battle next week? They spent a good few episodes building up the Bolton-Borathian battle and you didn't even get to see any of it. Jon doesn't even have his army sorted yet.


Also Blackfish has been hyped on here, as someone who just watches the show I am disappointed with him, and all the bravado last week about how its his castle ect and you don't even get to see him fight/die? Pish. 


Thought the episode was pretty crap, Hound stuff aside. Problem they have is there is too much going on and not enough time to explain everything, yet they waste time on plenty of filler rubbish. There has to be a huge pay off in the next couple of episodes.

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The battle next week is all over my Facebook already. :lol:


Now I have enough time to put some real thoughts down on last nights episode. It could and should have been a lot better than it was. The deaths of the waif and Blackfish have been built up for weeks, then they get done off screen? Now, I can understand the sense in Arya doing the deed in darkness given her recent blindness (poor girl has been through a lot recently :rolleyes: ) but both events really disappointed me, especially the siege of Riverrun.


Mereen is shit. The story there is shit. The characters there are shit. The accents they have are shit. It's shit and I don't care about it now, never have done to be honest. Make it stop.


The Hound's comedy routine is wearing a bit thin for me already. The writers look like they could ruin a great character if it keeps up. His meeting with Tyros and Beric Dondarrion, while interesting to diehards like ourselves, probably went over a lot of people's heads. Those two haven't been seen since Season 3?


Kings Landing was better last night, but still not as good as previous years as the dialogue isn't as good. It's all clunky and formulaic.


Erm, still love it though of course.

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