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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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That was worth the wait!


The battle scene was as gruesome as Braveheart! That's a compliment btw I love Braevheart.

Poor Rickon, could just tell what was going to happen there. Jon stepped up to the plate as to be expected, battled like a true hero, i felt my chest tighten during the trampling bit :o , knew he wasn't going to die again though. The giant took it like a champ too.

Sansa is still an annoying smug twat, was hoping she'd catch a stray arrow. Hopefully Little Finger can do something horrible to her.


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Jon is a good guy and a great fighter but what a hopeless leader.

They set out their whole plan in advance and he just abandoned all plans by
charging off on his own despite all the warnings by Sansa. Utter shitebag and
Sansa had every right to look at him with disgust as he almost Hibs'd it big
time. If it wasn't for her - they would all be deed.

Also why on earth
wouldn't Sansa tell Jon about Littlefinger? I really can't work out her
reasoning for not telling him.

Edited by Nizzy
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That was worth the wait!


The battle scene was as gruesome as Braveheart! That's a compliment btw I love Braevheart.

Poor Rickon, could just tell what was going to happen there. Jon stepped up to the plate as to be expected, battled like a true hero, i felt my chest tighten during the trampling bit :o , knew he wasn't going to die again though. The giant took it like a champ too.

Sansa is still an annoying smug twat, was hoping she'd catch a stray arrow. Hopefully Little Finger can do something horrible to her.




Pistols at dawn, you.

No one talks about my Salsa in that way!

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Pistols at dawn, you.

No one talks about my Salsa in that way!




I still wouldn't mind dipping her though  :P .


Was that an intentional nod to The Walking Dead when the big gingy bearded Wildling went in c**t Rick mode and bit the guys throat out?



Edited by sergie's no1 fan
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I still wouldn't mind dipping her though :P .

Was that an intentional nod to The Walking Dead when the big gingy bearded Wildling went in c**t Rick mode and bit the guys throat out?


Tbh I've seen that on a few shows recently. Does Stick not do it in Daredevil too?

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So having watched again some things have become clearer. Still a great episode but quite a lot of holes in it, and i think that is really to do with it coming away from the books and making spectacular TV and maybe missing some of the finer touches and subtleties the books provided as source material.

Ramsey was brilliant, and really showed what a good tactician he was compared to JS.

Last scene bugged me a bit Sansa wasn't there when Ramsey was going on about not feeding his dogs for 7 days, but a fitting ending for him.

The arrival of the dothraki at mereen was quite convenient as was the greyjoys, although why they didnt help in the battle if they were so nearby? all seemed a bit shoehorned in.

When the bolton army surrounded them, surely oneone could have grabbed a couple of spears and made a sizeable hole, and why no giant axe or sword or something?


Anywho that is just nitpicking, really enjoyed that and opens up next week and the goings on at kingslanding, and maybe Bran, and the big reveal in flashback of Neds sister in the tower...

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So having watched again some things have become clearer. Still a great episode but quite a lot of holes in it, and i think that is really to do with it coming away from the books and making spectacular TV and maybe missing some of the finer touches and subtleties the books provided as source material.

Ramsey was brilliant, and really showed what a good tactician he was compared to JS.

Last scene bugged me a bit Sansa wasn't there when Ramsey was going on about not feeding his dogs for 7 days, but a fitting ending for him.

The arrival of the dothraki at mereen was quite convenient as was the greyjoys, although why they didnt help in the battle if they were so nearby? all seemed a bit shoehorned in.

When the bolton army surrounded them, surely oneone could have grabbed a couple of spears and made a sizeable hole, and why no giant axe or sword or something?


Anywho that is just nitpicking, really enjoyed that and opens up next week and the goings on at kingslanding, and maybe Bran, and the big reveal in flashback of Neds sister in the tower...

I was going to mention the seven days thing. Sansa wasn't present when Ramsay mentioned that at the war council I thought, but I was going to check it out first. Glad someone else noticed it as well.


The other bit that bugged me even more was I would love to know how they got Ramsay into the kennels with all the dogs doors open and the dogs didn't attack the Stark troops leaving him there.


The Greyjoys arriving in Mereen didn't bother me as much as it should have done. I would have thought it would be difficult to get another 100 boats into the harbour with all the other shit going down though.

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Jon is a good guy and a great fighter but what a hopeless leader.

They set out their whole plan in advance and he just abandoned all plans by

charging off on his own despite all the warnings by Sansa. Utter shitebag and

Sansa had every right to look at him with disgust as he almost Hibs'd it big

time. If it wasn't for her - they would all be deed.

Also why on earth

wouldn't Sansa tell Jon about Littlefinger? I really can't work out her

reasoning for not telling him.


Jon's not an utter shitebag & thereby lies the problem, wanting to do the Stark "honourable thing" every time. As for Sansa not telling Jon, she doesn't really trust anyone except Brianne (the only person that ever kept their word to her bar Tyrion) & knew he'd shoot his mouth off to people she wasn't convinced were in their best interests (least of all Stannis' two former buddies - remember mummy Caitlyn parlied with Renly, which she would certainly have got to find out via the Tyrells).


Also this was the first time she'd gone from fairy princess to pragmatic hardnosed noble making an executive decision: and with someone she'd told to f**k off not that long ago, someone that happily got mad Auntie Arryn to murder Uncle Arryn before murdering her himself right in front of her. Someone that happily betrayed her father on the off-chance he'd get to fill the vacancy in her mum's bed: a woman he was obsessed with beyond all reason, and now appears to have transferred his obsession onto the daughter.


If you were Sansa, wouldn't you now be suspicious - after Baelish's surprise request to meet - that you got landed with Ramsey Bolton in the hope that you were so broken by the experience you'd happily do anything he wanted and be anything he wanted for the sake of a quiet life? Considering what a pathetic easily trodden on specimen she cut down in King's Landing, and Littlefinger proving to be such an utter c**t to anyone to get his own way, you wouldn't put it past him - a brothel keeper does not make for a man with a high option of women.


Hence keeping quiet about her calling in for aid. What if it all went wrong & Baelish saw this as an opportunity to gain control of the whole north by swooping in when the battle was almost over & killing all the survivors bar her? It's a thought she perhaps didn't want anyone else bringing up in camp...


Finally, there was the matter of Winterfell. The Bolton army had to come out for there to be any chance of victory, & no way would they do so if they knew the knights of The Vale were on their way to give the Stark/Wildling forces the cavalry they needed to even up the chances.


(Incidentally, where the f**k did all the archers Ramsey have disappear to?)

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