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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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We never quite heard what Lyanna said to Ned but since there's a baby and it then cuts to John then it's pretty safe to assume that R+L=J is correct. Lyanna Mourment was tremendous again as well.



You hear her whisper to keep him safe, because if Robert finds out he'll kill him.

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Book w****r alert.


In the books, the only two wargs powerful enough to warg into humans are Bran and a wildling called Varymyr Sixskins, who died of his wounds after Stannis defeated the wildlings.


It's mentioned that warging into something is basically about the strength of will of that being. Humans are obviously much more difficult than animals as they have much higher individuality and willpower to resist the warg. Even the direwolves are only really wargable for the Stark kids because they're so comfortable with them.


Bran can warg into Hodor, essentially because Hodor was minimal will power of his own and Bran is the most gifted warg in Westeros. Varymyr couldn't even warg into an old woman to save his life at the end. 


It's extremely unlikely that anyone but the most powerful warg would be able to warg into another human and control their actions.

Book w****r alert.  Pretty sure he warged into wolf, part of a pack he controlled, and was last seen looking down a hill at someone. (Vague i know bit been a c!*ts age sine i read them).

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In terms of potential suitors for Dany,I can't think of many that we have met that would fit the bill;

Jon - Incest ,can't really see it happening.

Jamie - possibly could see this working once Cersei is out of the picture

Littlefinger- doesn't have Sansa and desperate for the throne. Can't see her going for him but I can't see him not going for her.

Not really many candidates at all that would make sense. Jamie probably does though which could be interesting. Path of redemption, alot of political power in Kings landing, unite the houses etc

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In terms of potential suitors for Dany,I can't think of many that we have met that would fit the bill;

Jon - Incest ,can't really see it happening.

The Targaryen's married brother to sister all the time. With Jon now being the King in the North and having the backing of the Northern houses it's the only one that would strength Dany's position. She pretty much has every other Noble house on her side now, apart from the Lannesters.

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I'm struggling for words for that. Absolutely brilliant from start to finish.


From the trailer I thought it had the potential to be a bit of a dull episode but every single scene was gripping. So much happened it's hard to take it all in.


As soon as Tommen took his crown off but the camera stayed where it was I knew what was coming, but the Arya bit completely took me by surprise. When she started talking about the pie you could see what was about to happen, but the thought of why and that it was Arya never crossed my mind, I even started wondering if it was someone like a sister of Talisa Stark or something.


Can't wait to watch it again.

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Ooft, easily the best finishing episode of the series so far. Opening scene was fucking fantastic,Tommen didn't think twice, just strolled straight out. Feel sorry for him tbh.  Buzzing at that 2nd 'King in the North' scene, to think that Jon was dead at this point last season and now he's king. Think a civil war between him and Sansa would be interesting if it were to happen.


Really like how they've set everything up for another war, the Crown/Lannisters V the North, the Vale (maybe) V Targaryen, Tyrell, Martell, Greyjoys. Reckon Euron will join up with Cersei.

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What a fantastic final episode. The only thing that's getting in my tits is that they're just not giving a f**k about how quickly folk are getting places now.

I am now thinking New York/New Jersey. If you have ever done that trip it can be a nightmare at times. Time it right, like the wise ones do, and it isn't a problem.


It is going to be Baelish v Varys at some point soon. And they can both travel well.

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Couple of thoughts after watching it again. With so few episodes to go to a conclusion, everyone's getting in position for a showdown. Melisandre's heading south, what's the bets she bumps into Beric, Thoros & The Hound, who all end up heading North to join Jon? Jon will work southwards while Dany works northwards towards Kings Landing, and The Hound will eventually get to take on the Mountain when they get there.

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Great episode. 9/10. Hefty upper tier cast death list as well. I make it that the following died in one way or the other in King's Landing.

- High Sparrow

- Margaery

- Lancel

- Pycelle

- Ser Loras

- Kevan Lannister

- King Tommen

The opening 20 minutes was probably the best bit. The music was incredible! Put the show on a different level for me. Reminded me of something like Heimat. It was a pretty smart plan from Cersei, not sure about the rapey nun bit, or how this makes her the Quen, but may as well go along with it.

Nice to see Samwell reach his library unscathed.

Guess we have to accept that the show is not acting concurrently. Varys made it to Westeros and back inside an episode, Arya made it to Westeros, Oleanna made it to Dorne, and Jaime rode from Riverrun to King's Landing inside one episode.

One has to assume that with Daenerys holding a lot of the aces (army of sexy warriors with and without penises, wise counsel, dragons, ships, powerful houses in alliance all around the continent) that winter coming is going to f**k them up big style. Good ending scene.

Stuff in the north was all a bit subtle but nice to see some degree of unity and togetherness. Have a breather. Get rid of Melisandre. Bran'll be here soon with his powers.

Err yeah really good and am glad that Walder Frey is dead even though it's another top line actor we won't see again.

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Offt another great episode there. I was really hoping that the last scene would be the Night King approaching the wall, but apart from that a great end to the series and leaves things quite well for the next series.

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f**k me, reading that back makes me realised I've forgot to mention LOADS! What an episode...

Best bit = NHS admin w****r in Old Town!

Loved the shot of Old Town with the ravens and the bit with Sam inside the library, nice to have another new location.

Yet another awesome Lady Mormont scene!

Did not see the Arya bit coming, liked the gruesome bonus of having Bebop and Rocksteady Frey baked into the pie.

LOL at them giving the Dorne storyline the absolute bare minimum of screentime!

Wonder who had the job of lighting those candles in the wildfire. "OK, who's got steady hands?"

I think Cersei's just queen because there's no-one left in power to say otherwise. The whole of the small council are dead now apart from loyal Qyburn (Kevan, Mace and Pycelle were the only others as far as I can work out). Can't see there being much stability though. Wouldn't be surprised if the kingsguard got blown up as well. Logistical nightmare!

I think there's stuff from earlier series that still has to play out. Maggy the Frog's prophecies...

-about Cersei becoming Queen after all her children died - check.

-she'll be displaced by someone younger and more beautiful....watch this space.

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