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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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It's rumoured that season 7 won't be out until next winter, because the D&D say the locations have to look more wintery since winter has finally come. Hope it's all bullshit really

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It's rumoured that season 7 won't be out until next winter, because the D&D say the locations have to look more wintery since winter has finally come. Hope it's all bullshit really

Have they never heard of CGI? ;)

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Have they never heard of CGI? [emoji6]

I know it seems ridiculous, plus I don't know if I could wait that long for season 7. Surely places like Iceland are pretty much the same all year round and I presume that they won't need to film in Croatia this time since Dany has left Mereen.

There CGI budget actually affected them this year especially in ep 9 with Wun Wun and the wildfire explosion in ep 10. I think that's why there was such a lack of action in the other 8 episodes because they were saving the major CGI effects until they really needed them.

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Cotton wool liberally scattered around the set and sprinkling flakes of soap in front of the lens. Millions $$$ saved on cgi, new season released early, you are welcome

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Cotton wool liberally scattered around the set and sprinkling flakes of soap in front of the lens. Millions $$$ saved on cgi, new season released early, you are welcome

I don't think they're wanting it to snow in Kings Landing just not be as sunny.
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I don't think they're wanting it to snow in Kings Landing just not be as sunny.

Bit of black card to create shade then. Sheesh this visual effects caper is a piece of piss
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Surely we need a bit of snow in Kings Landing pretty soon? There's only about 15 episodes left, and winter is here! The effects teams (both physical and cgi) will find that easier when it's not so hot and sunny - and the actors might appreciate that as well!

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edited to add

"Dawn" the sword is made from a fallen star. It has the same properties as a Valyrian steel sword but is much much older. Perhaps old enough to be the sword that the Last Hero who ended the Long Night. 

Edited by dorlomin
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished this series. Awesome.


- Surely Jon Snow is really Jon Sand?

- If Bran goes south of the wall, does the fact the Night's King marked him mean that The Wall's magic won't keep him and his army out? Obviously they'll still have to overcome the physical element of The Wall, but the magic will no longer be of help.

- The Night's Watch are fucked. There are about 17 of them now (there are a couple kicking about at other castles). How can they delay the Night's King and his lads?

- I don't see Jon actually wanting to go to war with the Lannisters, at least not for a bit. I think he'd be happy enough being King in the North as long as the Lannisters don't bother the North. Of course Cersei is a fucking mentalist, so that might not be workable. However, she'll surely have to contend with an attack from Dorne soon. She can't fight a war on two fronts.

- Jaime's face when he realised he was played!

- Where did Brienne and Pod end up?

- Are Dany are her armies going straight to King's Landing? Or will they land in the North? Will they go via the Iron Islands? Big mental Euron needs to be dealt with.

- Do the Frey armies still hold Riverrun? Were the Tully armies allowed to f**k off after their surrender? If so, now that the Lannister army has gone home, will the Tully army swoop back in and take Riverrun back, especially since no one now leads the Frey army? Could the men in the Frey army join with the Tullys?

- Who's in the Dreadfort? I presume some Bolton forces do, but most of their army is gone. Also do they still hold Moat Cailin? Will Jon and his lads take them?

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The big thing with Jon Snow now is whether his parents were married before their respective deaths.

If along the same lines as the book (totally different plot that has been dropped before folk get pissy) then they'll land in the Stormlands first where the Baratheons hold power (or held seen as they're basically all gone)

Would imagine they'll change it though

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