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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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There's a girl (it's always a girl, isn't it) I'm friends with one Facebook who used to post about 3 statuses per day, all of which consisted of a few words, were exceptionally boring, and were written in the style of a 14 year old ned (she's 22 now).

I'm certain she just copied and pasted them from a pre-prepared Word document, because I'd see the following at least 3 times every week:

'wot kin a dae tha nyt :/'

'a fancy a drink lyk :/'

'mon tha gers x'

The worst of this is that she has a kid. It took me a lot of self-control not to post and give her my thoughts (put the fucking drink down and look after your kid) so I blocked her posts from appearing in my newsfeed. I'd have removed her as a friend completely, but she's also good for the odd breakdown regarding boys being c***s and i still want to read those because I'm a bit of a sadist.

Edited by Michael W
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Anyone who posts a bored.com status update or similar gets one demeaning response from me as a written warning and promptly deleted if they do it again. Zero tolerance to that pish.

I've noted that a fair few people have deleted me, so I must be a c**t on Facebook as well as in other areas of my life laugh.gif

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Friend of mine, who's nice, but clearly a wee bit dense:

mind was intensely blown tonight when i got told blind people can't get a drivers license... whoever told me years ago that there are cars out there that tell you when lights are red, when to give way etc, i hate you!!


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Friend of mine, who's nice, but clearly a wee bit dense:


Oh dear. :lol:

Those stupid fu**ing status shuffles.

Edited by HEED
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Forgot to copy and paste, but recently had one that was something like:

"Repost this to your status if you have a brother who doesn't know what a great sister you are!!!!"

Seriously, WHY? :huh:

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All of these reasons as well as my original reasons are now why I don't have a facebook. I don't even miss it although I did keep pulling my phone out for a few days to check it then remembered I had removed it from my phone :lol:

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Just watched the game good to see it AGAIN lol, neil lennon + his talk to his army of mhinks get this clown out of scottish football what an embaresment he's a filthy sewar rat was funny seen him near greetin lol! ♥ ♥ ♥

This has been posted on my newsfeed every day since Hunday, without the slightest change in punctuation or spelling from the only person i would put forward to depict the Rancor from Return of the Jedi on "Stars in their Eyes". Seriously, putrid.

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Guest The Phoenix

I use that a lot. What's wrong with it? It's better than "lol"!

But ":L" doesn't look like a laughing smiley. It looks like some thick, pre-pubescent teenager's way of saying "haha".


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It means a laughing face though. What do you use?

But surely the point of something like that is either 1) to be used as a shortcut for an emoticon, or 2) it looks like an emoticon? That is neither. If something is funny, i simply type, haha.

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theres a girl on mine who obviously is a 9-5 girl.... goes out weekends n doesnt make that big a deal.... off to boho tonight yeay....corinthian wooo.......... this a can take as this is what weekends r about.

HOWEVER.... shes made a wee night out on a SCHOOL night - a TUESDAY.. fair to say her last 10 posts in the last 2 days r how shes been out on a tuesday and that she was in 'Karbon'.......n obv some of my mates were out n she messaged them all sayin 'what a night'.'sum laff' etc......

jezz louise one night out :blink:

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