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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I hate people who get fraped and then the inevitable post follows 'Oh Jimmy you c**t. Got fraped ppl'

Why not just delete the 'frape' you fuckin attention seeking c**t.

I also have this daft burd on my list, who everyday without fail, will say 'Cnt wait fr wrk 2 finish xXx bn such a lng day' or something similar. I have had her on FB for a year and have yet to see a comment or a like on it. Just take the hint and die.

Yeah i spent about half an hour repairing the damage. The c**t.

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  • This girl seems to have regular breakdowns and posts about it all on facebook. As well as falling out with her parents and being kicked she seems constantly interested in what other are doing, despite only pity reciprocation at best. I should add I don't really find it annoying, more funny as f**k. Oh and ever since a sophisticated frape - perpatrartor unknown - I am now one of those weirdos with maximum security settings and C. Muir is the somehow the most prominent person on my news feed.

  • *************bored. what everyone doing?
    Like · · 23 hours ago ·

  • whats everyone up to tonight? anything interesting?
    Like · · Friday at 11:24pm ·
      • Goin to my bed.. Up for work at 7am!! Pure handcore aren't I :PFriday at 11:29pm · Like
      • Catty.... :)
        23 hours ago · Like

Edited by Supras
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Frapes are shite and the material totally predictable.

Yes, i was fraped last night by one of my mates, who predictably changed everything in my profile to "In a Civil Partnership", "cottaging" etc etc. No originality whatsoever. "If" i was planning on getting him back, i like to think i'd be more original.

I must admit, I do like some frapes, my personal favourite being the one where they change the victims birthday to today, and see how many happy birthdays they get before they notice.

Also, starting events in their name is always fun.

But the sexuality ones are really dull now.

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Always wonder how so many people get "fraped".

Why do people go out of the room, usually whilst drinking, and leave their phone on the table? Especially when it happens to them EVERY FUCKING WEEK! :rolleyes:

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Always wonder how so many people get "fraped".

Why do people go out of the room, usually whilst drinking, and leave their phone on the table? Especially when it happens to them EVERY FUCKING WEEK! :rolleyes:

The only two times I've been fraped is on the uni computers(you can close the internet window but it keeps you signed in) so when I went to go print something off or get something from the shop they just opened facebook up and did it. And the other time was when my sister asked to borrow my computer, I hadn't signed out and she did it. She's an idiot though and when she gave me it back, I brought up facebook and saw in the feed my frape, turns out it was actually on her facebook and she hadn't signed out eitherlaugh.gif

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Always wonder how so many people get "fraped".

Why do people go out of the room, usually whilst drinking, and leave their phone on the table? Especially when it happens to them EVERY FUCKING WEEK! :rolleyes:

Uni halls/flats in my experience.

I fraped my mate once saying if 50 people liked the status he'd shave his hair off for charity. Even now a few months down the line he bumps into people who ask him why he's still got his hair. I like frapes to cause inconvenience to the person, rather than any kind of comedy value to others looking on.

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I must admit, I do like some frapes, my personal favourite being the one where they change the victims birthday to today, and see how many happy birthdays they get before they notice.

Also, starting events in their name is always fun.

But the sexuality ones are really dull now.

Hmmm. I think I might delete his entire profile.

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"I feel like an ugly duckling amongst a flock of swans :("

"I need a hug"

"Nothing like a bit of Steps to cheer me up"

"Crying watching house :'("

"How many ways can a heart be mangled? </3"

Take the hint and f**k off. As well as about 17 statuses about getting a new phone and liking hundreds of stupid, pointless, useless pages. I'm pretty sure someone I know reads this thread and knows exactly who I'm talking about. Yip, it's her. Fucking annoying.

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i regularly frape my pal

have to keep liking this page Boys Hugs Are Nice And Warm And When You Hug A Girl Its Ehhh

he keeps unliking it which makes it better because instead of it only appearing once, its like hes having a revelation every saturday night laugh.gif

probs goes under the shit frape category but

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I also have this daft burd on my list, who everyday without fail, will say 'Cnt wait fr wrk 2 finish xXx bn such a lng day' or something similar. I have had her on FB for a year and have yet to see a comment or a like on it. Just take the hint and die.

Use that as her first comment...

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i regularly frape my pal

have to keep liking this page Boys Hugs Are Nice And Warm And When You Hug A Girl Its Ehhh

he keeps unliking it which makes it better because instead of it only appearing once, its like hes having a revelation every saturday night laugh.gif

probs goes under the shit frape category but

it does

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Dear santa, This year for Christmas please may I get into your sleigh and go to Afghanistan and get all the soldiers and bring them home, they deserve the presents more than I do! Put this as your status to show your respect to the soldiers that won't be coming home this christmas♥

stuff like this really fucking annoys me mad.gif

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This lassie just posted

Guys that hit girls. I genuinely don't see how this solves anything? There is no reason for it, no matter how bad things get being abusive is not what you do. Talk to your gf/bf. It's not accepted by anyone i know but it should be the same both ways! just because most boys/men are stronger than women doesnt mean women should be allowed to hit men...Fair enough it is mostly women who are victims and i'm not condoning it in any way, that doesnt mean that it is just the guys that hit their partners! If it is unacceptable when men do it, it should be unacceptable when woman do it. It's only fair. But no matter what sex is getting abused it is still never the answer and bang out of order.

To which this boy replied

You need a dildo or a boyfriend.

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I would have replied along the lines of this:


It takes 42 muscle to frown when you disagree with your girlfriend. But it only takes four muscles to extend your arm and bitch slap that motherfucker.

Disclaimer: I do not condone domestic abuse in any way, shape or form.

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  • This girl seems to have regular breakdowns and posts about it all on facebook. As well as falling out with her parents and being kicked she seems constantly interested in what other are doing, despite only pity reciprocation at best. I should add I don't really find it annoying, more funny as f**k. Oh and ever since a sophisticated frape - perpatrartor unknown - I am now one of those weirdos with maximum security settings and C. Muir is the somehow the most prominent person on my news feed.

  • *************bored. what everyone doing?
    Like · · 23 hours ago ·

  • whats everyone up to tonight? anything interesting?
    Like · · Friday at 11:24pm ·
      • Goin to my bed.. Up for work at 7am!! Pure handcore aren't I :PFriday at 11:29pm · Like
      • Catty.... :)
        23 hours ago · Like

like and i'll post answers:

1. My addiction

2. My relationship status

3. Biggest turn on

4.Biggest turn off

5. Favourite colour

6. Favourite food

7. Where i was born

8. Someone i used to like

9. Someone i miss

10. Thing i hate most

11. Someone I trust

12. Biggest regret

13. The hottest person to like this status


I also like the moaning "people are full of shit"

"whats up?xxzzzzzzz"

"I'll text you"

laugh.gif Why? It's just so pointless.

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I also like the moaning "people are full of shit"

"whats up?xxzzzzzzz"

"I'll text you"

laugh.gif Why? It's just so pointless.

I think it's some sort of contest to gather as many "Aw you OK bbz? xxxx" replies as humanely possible.

There's a horrendous ginger bint on mine who posts one of these every week, almost invariably as a result of getting wrecked and ended up being rattled by some equally pished guy employing the 2 o'clock bin rake. Almost inevitably Sunday comes, the guy is horrified and fucks off, and she posts a rant about it on Facebook. FFS learn the lesson you stupid chav c**t.

Edited by jupe1407
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