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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Footballers get paid so much they should stop complaining about anything, I mean I bet he's having such a hard time fighting for his life in a private hospital room before he goes back to his mansion. Soldiers live in tents and have to do their own surgery if they get hurt. lets see who's got the balls to copy and paste this to their facebook, I bet 95% of you won't.



"Private, you're on patrol this afternoon"

"Sir, no, sir. I'm currently trying to treat my stomach wounds. Was shot yesterday..."

Honestly, people can be fucking morons.

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You'd think that Celtic and Rangers fans would be a bit more careful with what they post on Facebook after the amount of people who were jailed because of the bile they posted on Facebook/Twitter. A Rangers fan on mine today:

"Get it up ye ya Catholic fuckers hahaha lmao"

Total tadger. Deleted.

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You'd think that Celtic and Rangers fans would be a bit more careful with what they post on Facebook after the amount of people who were jailed because of the bile they posted on Facebook/Twitter. A Rangers fan on mine today:

"Get it up ye ya Catholic fuckers hahaha lmao"

Total tadger. Deleted.

I know where your coming from. A photo appeared in my newsfeed a few hours ago with two so called local "rhebels" burning a union flag with the quote of the butchers apron up in flames.

I'm at my friends in port Glasgow with a Morton fan two rangers fans and four Celtic fans and it's been nothing but a good laugh all day.

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Something about the old firm... even the artsy types who align themselves to one of the bigot brothers can't help but allow the paranoia to flow.

Some posts from a normally quite articulate, reasonably intelligent Celtic fan over the last couple of days.

McCabe was playing against nine men, feck sake I could look like Iniesta against that many players as long as I keep the ball moving. First one was never a sending off, particularly in an Old Firm game. Your lot still conceded two goals to nine men, if a team is playing nine men then not one of them should have a yard of space on the park, Celtic were coming into the game and piling on pressure before the sending off, it ruined the game.

Bocanegra's was a red, here's why, it was a clear goalscoring opportunity, at Cha's one Wallace is heading away from goal, the keeper is coming out, if he turns inside Mulgrew is there, it is not a clear goalscoring opportunity. Also Bocanegra scythed Samaras down as opposed to the most minuscule of tugs from Cha. Having said that it was stupid to give the ref any chance to do us as he was always going to, we were never going to be allowed a fair playing field on a day like that at Ibrox, we had Rangers under some real pressure with two decent attempts on goal and a counter-attack led to the sending off. Wallace was also well offside at Little's goal so I think all Celtic fans are entitled to feel that the ref cost us the game. Rangers played well, Aluko's goal was brilliant. But Celtic were showing they had enough to come back and win the game, before Wanyama's red I thought we would still get a draw out of the game. And if that was a red then Whittaker should have also been sent off for his challenge.

The level of contact has nothing to do with it, it's denying a clear goalscoring opportunity. Therefore it is a red card. Cha's red was not denying a clear goalscoring opportunity as wallace was running away from goal, there was cover and Forster was probably going to get to the ball first anyway. What Celtic's early chances tell you is that they were settling back into the game, and even with nine men we had enough to score two, think of what eleven would have done, with the options we could bring on from the bench. Calum Murray: Rangers' MOTM.

Oh FFS. Better team one? You are the one's who'll be deluded then. Sone Aluko had one good moment all game, it's a great goal fair play. In case you didn't notice Samaras almost did the same thing minutes later. In fact, two great saves and a glaring miss from Stokes stopped you from falling behind before the sending off, with the options Celtic have on the bench I don't think even the most ardent Rangers fan would argue you would have one that game had it stayed eleven vs eleven.

Cha's sending off is not a sending off, this is the last time I'll say this. By the letter of the law, it has to be a clear goalscoring opportunity, being last man doesn't even come into it, Forster and Mulgrew are covering, Wallace doesn't have the ball under control, he's running away from the goal. Cha has barely touched him. Murray saw a chance to kill a potential powder keg of an old firm game in Glasgow had Celtic won, and he took it. Wanyama's red I think is dubious, I can at least see why it was given, but if you want to hark back to the winter old firm game then what about Healy's challenge on Forrest or McCulloch's on Kayal? Both were far worse than Wanyama's challenge and only one even received a booking, so don't even start. If anything then Whittaker should also have been sent off when you consider he was the only one in that challenge with his studs off the ground (you will notice they hit Wanyama's shins.

Two meaningless goals, if you have eleven on nine not one of the nine should even have three yards of space, to me that shows you would not have coped with eleven, particularly the way Celtic were keeping the ball when we created our chances.

Your second goal, the one that sealed the game, was offside. In fact it was at least a yard and a half onside.

The same linesman wrongly flagged Stokes offside when he was clean through.

Whittaker also grappled Ledley to the ground by the neck in the penalty box.

Can't handle the big occasion? Aye, That'll explain why Lennon's Celtic has won five old firm games, and come away with two draws at Ibrox. Drew away against Udinese and Rennes who are both doing well in their respective leagues. Came back from 15 points behind to go two points in front before New Year i.e. before Jelavic was sold and administration. And has managed to hit four or more at what I would consider to be the hardest away days besides Ibrox (Tynecastle, Easter Road and Tannadice).

Compare that to Rangers who have been dumped out of every competition at the first hurdle this season with the exception of beating the mighty... Arbroath.

Lennon's the embarrassment? Don't even bother with that argument, I don't think anyone in football has ever succumbed to the pressures he has come under. Both for his own, his familys' and his players' safety. But yet we should all fell sorry for the bold and noble Ally McCoist and what a difficult job he has had? It's him who is the embarrassment, complaining about lack of revenue and personnel when it was losses to Malmo and Maribor that denied Rangers of what could have been crucial revenue. I, like the majority of other Celtic fans, am delighted with Lennon, he has brought the team lightyears ahead considering who he succeeded. He is a Celtic man who calls it as he sees it and isn't concerned with meeting the standards of 'dignity' called for from a club who have been sending out can collector's when everybody knows it will make no difference, and whose fans have even called for the Parliament and the Queen to save their club... Some 'dignity'.

This is the last thing I'll say, do you know what you should be most embarrassed by? That crass 'WATP' stance. What do you think it even means? Take it out of the context of your club for a second, it's the kind of thing you would hear at an EDL rally, yet it is your battle cry. Your fans revel in shouting 'paedophiles' and 'child molesters' at others as a form of point-scoring. Point-scoring with that? Pathetic. Some of us want to move on.

Nevertheless I hope you all enjoyed the game, and your weekends. Enjoy what's left of your club while it lasts for no one will shed a tear when the tax-bill hits.

There was some fuckwittery from Rangers fans over the course of this conversation, but nothing in the same league as this.

edited after poor word choice was highlighted before - artistic types are often full of absolute w**k - usually about politics and the meaning of life rather than a red card, but it's w**k none the less.

Edited by Mushroom
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Something about the old firm... even the artsy types who align themselves to one of the bigot brothers can't help but allow the paranoia to flow.

Some posts from a normally quite articulate, artistic Celtic fan over the

I find it sad that someone would post 700+ words on one Facebook status, regardless of what pish they are spouting.

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I think the worst bit of it was Mushroom describing someone as 'artistic' like that precludes them from having shit opinions and being a twat.

Normally the word 'artistic' would have me thinking that someone's opinions are a bit shitter and they're a bit more of a twat than normal, to be honest.

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Are there no Celtic fans out there who know how to spell? Jeezo :lol:

Your being harsh here, where's you're sense of compassion. :angry:

Errrr unsure.gif

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Sorry if I'm being an idiot, but I don't see anything wrong with the use of "there" in that context?

f**k, I thought it was "Aye there no.." as opposed to "They're", didn't realise the first word was "are." I've just read it all wrong tbh.

Totally fucked this one up. My apologies. laugh.gif

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