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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Anyone remember the urban myth in the 90s that killer clowns in a white transit van were roaming about snatching children? Seems like 'suspiciously middle eastern looking men with foreign number plates' is the updated version.

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I'm district just now. I'm going to see if I can sneak into the Practice Nurse one day this week and get it.

The jag, that is. Not Ebola.

At the hospital we got an email to fill in an online thing this year, then you take your reference number along to the torn faced shower doing the session.

I reckon we will get our first ebola case this or maybe next week in the uk/scotland, should be a laugh.

eta District eh, loving those bed sores and catheter changes ?


Edited by Romeo
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I'm district just now. I'm going to see if I can sneak into the Practice Nurse one day this week and get it.

The jag, that is. Not Ebola.

Best to make that quite clear whenever you are in with her.

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Some daft bints are sharing a Daily Record story about two "terrified mums" who were allegedly followed about a couple of supermarkets in the Central belt by "middle eastern-looking" men who were staring at their children.

Similar lines, but yesterday my son and I were in getting haircuts, and there was a bloke parading up and down past the barbers, peering in the window/door, while we were in, back and forward, back and forward, constantly.. Apparently he'd been doing this before we went in, too. The two lassies in the shop were getting quite unnerved by this behaviour and phoned their boss, who advised them to empty the till.

After our haircuts we went across the street to the local supermarket, and the girls in the paper shop part had also been noticing this guys strange behaviour.

However, no news of any robberies in the locality, so whatever else he was up to he wasn't casing the joint. Unless he really fancied one of the hairdressers, and was waiting for the shop to be empty before going in and chatting her up.

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At the hospital we got an email to fill in an online thing this year, then you take your reference number along to the torn faced shower doing the session.

I reckon we will get our first ebola case this or maybe next week in the uk/scotland, should be a laugh.

eta District eh, loving those bed sores and catheter changes ?


I actually am! Can't beat a sloughy mess before your lunch. Had a cracking couple of abcesses today too. :D

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A couple of Mrs Shotgun's sort-of-but-not-really friends are currently having a falling out. Now back when I was young, women sorted their differences with a rammy in the pub or on the street. A bit of hair-pulling, maybe some scratching and a lot of shouting. Possibly a half-hearted attempt to get the husbands to fight each other.

But because this is 2014, the falling out has to take place on Facebook. And there's no actual aggression involved. Just a series of cryptic status updates from the pair of them, with no outright references to the other.

"There are people in my life who don't deserve me" countered by "I've learned that nobody can bring me down, no matter how hard they try" followed by "Every day, I'm getting stronger even though there are some who would try to stop me" and on and on and on.

Thing is, the people who are close enough to give a shit know all the details already and aren't getting involved. So the juvenile attention whoring is simply sitting out in the ether. No likes, no "OMG hunni, what's wrong?" or anything else. Yet the pair of them still don't seem to be getting the message.

These are women in their 40s ffs.

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A couple of Mrs Shotgun's sort-of-but-not-really friends are currently having a falling out. Now back when I was young, women sorted their differences with a rammy in the pub or on the street. A bit of hair-pulling, maybe some scratching and a lot of shouting. Possibly a half-hearted attempt to get the husbands to fight each other.

But because this is 2014, the falling out has to take place on Facebook. And there's no actual aggression involved. Just a series of cryptic status updates from the pair of them, with no outright references to the other.

"There are people in my life who don't deserve me" countered by "I've learned that nobody can bring me down, no matter how hard they try" followed by "Every day, I'm getting stronger even though there are some who would try to stop me" and on and on and on.

Thing is, the people who are close enough to give a shit know all the details already and aren't getting involved. So the juvenile attention whoring is simply sitting out in the ether. No likes, no "OMG hunni, what's wrong?" or anything else. Yet the pair of them still don't seem to be getting the message.

These are women in their 40s ffs.

You've got to love passive aggression.

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Some daft bints are sharing a Daily Record story about two "terrified mums" who were allegedly followed about a couple of supermarkets in the Central belt by "middle eastern-looking" men who were staring at their children.

The thing is that if you read the article, it's basically making national news/hysteria out of when you bump into someone you know in the shops and then awkwardly have to say hi every 5 minutes as you pass each other in every fucking aisle.

Another guy on my facebook commented that it's basically an article about two Asian men going for their messages.

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A lot of rage on the go just now about shops charging a whopping 5p for a carrier bag. The best rant ended with, 'I'll take my own fucking bags in with me, but I'll take Asda ones to Aldi and Tesco ones to Lidl just to piss them off'.


I'm sure they are devastated that the whole idea is being adhered too.

Gutted and inconsolable

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A lot of rage on the go just now about shops charging a whopping 5p for a carrier bag. The best rant ended with, 'I'll take my own fucking bags in with me, but I'll take Asda ones to Aldi and Tesco ones to Lidl just to piss them off'.



It's not as if Aldi and Lidl charged anyway.

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Little Baby Jesus Mother of God...that dickhead Morton supporter Ryan O'Donnell who keeps appearing on my newsfeed due to some friends of mine liking his shit has reappeared as Return Of The King Ya b*****ds. He claims to be a 'comedian'.

I defy anyone to go onto his page and watch any of his videos without immediately going down to your local shady pub with dubious Northern Irish connections and enquiring about the going rate for a hitman.


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There's a girl on my facebook who has created a profile for her dog and has the dog listed as her daughter.

To make matters worse, she constantly tags her in statuses and has the dog reply with "WOOF! WOOF!"


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There's a girl on my facebook who has created a profile for her dog and has the dog listed as her daughter.

To make matters worse, she constantly tags her in statuses and has the dog reply with "WOOF! WOOF!"

We demand screenshots

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