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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Some woman has taken up issue with the fact she has been reported for posting this. Of course we have all the mummies coming in and saying "disgraceful, this is a beautiful picture xx" and "breastfeeding is a wonderful thing, gd on you xxx".

Wtf is wrong with people? Shit like this has no place on Facebook.


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Little Baby Jesus Mother of God...that dickhead Morton supporter Ryan O'Donnell who keeps appearing on my newsfeed due to some friends of mine liking his shit has reappeared as Return Of The King Ya b*****ds. He claims to be a 'comedian'.

I defy anyone to go onto his page and watch any of his videos without immediately going down to your local shady pub with dubious Northern Irish connections and enquiring about the going rate for a hitman.


What a fucking banger!
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Some out of touch idiot has just posted the Bill Cosby I'm 83 and I'm tired rant that was doing the rounds ages ago, upon trying to find out how old this status was i googled him to see how old he was now expecting maybe he's 85 but in fact he's only 77. After the quote from Cosby who ever came up with the FB status added the infuriating after thought of "If you don't forward this then you are part of the problem"

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^^^ This has appeared on mine too. The seetheometer is approaching critical in the comments section, with other facebook mums "showing support" for the original poster by also posting pics of themselves breastfeeding :lol:

Indeed, with some even adjusting their baby's hand so that it's giving a middle finger and a "big f**k you to all the haters!!!"

Absolutely fucking tragic.

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Some out of touch idiot has just posted the Bill Cosby I'm 83 and I'm tired rant that was doing the rounds ages ago, upon trying to find out how old this status was i googled him to see how old he was now expecting maybe he's 85 but in fact he's only 77. After the quote from Cosby who ever came up with the FB status added the infuriating after thought of "If you don't forward this then you are part of the problem"

It's weird how almost every quote or story shared on facebook is an urban myth. You'd think some of it would need to be real.

Agree with timehop too - it is mainly reminding me not giving a f**k the first time around.

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Its just so infuriating for me why people share these things! Cosby may well have said it but if they have got his fucking age wrong then who knows. Its the final quote that bothers me the most, like those ones that say if you are brave enough then share this (usually anti muslim) status

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Just had a picture of my female cousin's baby sleeping on the couch - 'think someone is tired lol' - quickly followed by a slightly closer photo - 'tired baby'.



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Just had a picture of my female cousin's baby sleeping on the couch - 'think someone is tired lol' - quickly followed by a slightly closer photo - 'tired baby'.



Yeah I've just unfriended a female I went to school with.

Every day your treated to the following:

1 picture of her son just woken up

A status on how big he is

A picture of him making a mess

A picture of him and her with a "<3"

A picture of him eating

Etc. Etc. Etc.

f**k off you bitch

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Some woman has taken up issue with the fact she has been reported for posting this. Of course we have all the mummies coming in and saying "disgraceful, this is a beautiful picture xx" and "breastfeeding is a wonderful thing, gd on you xxx".

Wtf is wrong with people? Shit like this has no place on Facebook.

That's a small baby or she has mahusive norks.

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Its just so infuriating for me why people share these things! Cosby may well have said it but if they have got his fucking age wrong then who knows. Its the final quote that bothers me the most, like those ones that say if you are brave enough then share this (usually anti muslim) status

Nah I'm sure I read it was some right-wing politician who said it. Cosby seems to be used so that Islamophobes can say 'See - he's black and even he hates them! I'm totally not racist for hating them'.

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Nah I'm sure I read it was some right-wing politician who said it. Cosby seems to be used so that Islamophobes can say 'See - he's black and even he hates them! I'm totally not racist for hating them'.

Many liberal leaning celebrities have had this sort of 'opinion' attributed to them over the years. Right-wingers love to distribute this stuff and claim it was written by Robin Williams, George Carlin, ex Monty Python cast members and the like because as you note, you can't argue with them now can you? One of my favourites, was a piece of drivel about how all America's problems could be traced to liberals banning God from schools and how we needed to reintroduce school prayer immediately. It was purported to have been penned by Bill Gates and we all admire him, right?

Only problem...Gates is an atheist.

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Well i feel absolutely outraged that Bill Cosby didn't even say that with the amount of people who shared it at the time and how he must have felt about it. When a quick search of his name finds a number of sources (i didn't want to just take the first one i saw in case i got it wrong) have his age out by 6 fucking years. It just shows how absolutely moronic people who share these status's are. The sad thing was when i first read it on someones page i commented saying something like "the world was tired of your shite patter about 30 years ago you un funny b*****d" or words to that extent and now i feel awful

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I had to delete someone yesterday for constantly posting pictures, stories and videos of enormous spiders. There was a bit of a peak in spider-activity on my facebook a few weeks ago, when it seemed that the tarantulas had joined forces with the camel spiders to infiltrate great swathes of the central belt...but this guy has persisted since then.

Cheerio Andrew.

Also, don't quite understand the seethe level about breast-feeding. Never really seen much of a problem with it.

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