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What about all your 'inexperience'? :P

Johog, don't listen to this mans ramblings, if you want to speak to the most successful mafia game player on this site then look no further.

I'm in training you see. Being forced into being a Captain was a big leap, this is the next natural step. ;)

I wouldn't get involved with this man, Johhog. Word on the street is that he is an utterly corrupted individual. He can't even get your name right, absolutely shambolic man that he is.

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Legend?! Johhog, you are not to speak with that one. There is something not right with him, you see. So, what can I get you? A drink? Perhaps you need to relax? If so, I'll get Sooky right away.

I'm here Johhog! biggrin.gif

Sooky why don't you tell jojo about there games? Never know he might make the deadline for a change :P


Just read their site. 1 month deadline??!! blink.gif

Also, lichtie, this was GTG's idea so he should be allowed to host it.

Also, this "mith" guy seems worse than Stalin!

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I've heard tales of those who longed to escape the harsh and unforgiving reality of life on MafiaScum.net. The end result? Nearly always a missing person case. Mith has blood on his hands make no mistake about it.

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Their a bit odd with their rules.

I think the best way to go about it would be send TRS over their to host a game, with a few players from here, and show them how these games should really be played.

Then introduce them to survivor games and watch them all have heart attacks :lol:

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Jesus, you're only allowed 2 posts a day across there by the looks of things. Or that's what they consider to be a good player.

You know what though? I think this is a goer. We need permission obviously from that Mith guy to play the game over there, but if he's up for it then I would be.

We always want to try new types of games etc, and I think their rules would certainly be that.

I'm up for it Lichtie. I'm over there just now having a look through their games, they're not bad. A lot more open than these games, so different tactics would need to be employed to what we're used to...

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2 posts a day? 4/5 month game? Playing on their forum? We seem to be bending backwards for them. I'm definitely out.

You were out for Lichtie's game anyway :P

Was it not yourself that wanted a longer game in the first place? I agree, we maybe do need to look at the deadlines etc (a month or whatever is too long, especially when we're used to the fast pace on here). Nothing wrong with trying something a bit different - that's what GTG's survivor game was afterall, and that's turned out to be quite successful.

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You were out for Lichtie's game anyway :P

Was it not yourself that wanted a longer game in the first place? I agree, we maybe do need to look at the deadlines etc (a month or whatever is too long, especially when we're used to the fast pace on here). Nothing wrong with trying something a bit different - that's what GTG's survivor game was afterall, and that's turned out to be quite successful.

I'll try anything as long as it's on this forum, and we can post more than twice a day.

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Why did you go over there then Lichtie? You don't even make the top 20.

Stop breaking it to him gently, he's a big boy he can take it.

Lichtie, the inbred poster Smit is a better player than you. That's how low it's got for you. Dark days.

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I don't know what is more off putting about there site, the fact that a week between deadlines seems like a fast game to them, how shite there site looks or the fact that this 'mith' guy has some sort of god complex and has to aprove everything they do.

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I don't know what is more off putting about there site, the fact that a week between deadlines seems like a fast game to them, how shite there site looks or the fact that this 'mith' guy has some sort of god complex and has to aprove everything they do.

Sorry sir, but that is utter and complete BS. mith is almost involved too little, he is almost a figurehead. How did you get that feeling? The only thing he does is setting up invitationals and Marathon Days.

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