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The Creepy & The Strange

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I prefer shit that's weird and real. Like numbers stations. No hint of the supernatural about them, but we can only wonder what agents of state are doing with these codes. Whatever it is, it ain't pretty.

Here's an awesomely creepy video that montages an FCC emergency broadcast system test with a beautifully unnerving image and recording of the Swedish Rhapsody numbers station. Watch it with the lights off and headphones up high.

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I think the government agents in black will be leaving the Portland video gamers behind and heading to Swampy's trailer after that. :ph34r:

Numbers stations are weird and cool. I know a guy from my Uni who applied to join the security services, it would be awesome to get a job in charge of stuff like that. I'd just walk around all day chuckling at my big secret secrets. This is probably why I am not in the security services :lol:

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In the town of Frederica, Delaware a 42 year old woman hung herself from a tree near a busy road one night. The body hung there for almost 24 hours, and in plain view of numerous pedestrians and motorists without being reported.

This took place 5 days before Halloween and you have to guess many let it be as the thought it must have been a decoration. Imagine if nobody had reported it and it hung there for the next 5 days?

Its also worth considering if the woman meant to hang herself so close to Halloween, and hoped she would blend in with the decorations better than she did, why would you want to rot in public?

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I prefer shit that's weird and real. Like numbers stations. No hint of the supernatural about them, but we can only wonder what agents of state are doing with these codes. Whatever it is, it ain't pretty.

Here's an awesomely creepy video that montages an FCC emergency broadcast system test with a beautifully unnerving image and recording of the Swedish Rhapsody numbers station. Watch it with the lights off and headphones up high.

Sounds like a frequency test for a radio station? nothing interesting about it. I recall before q96(now rock radio)_started they played a tape of the moon landing on a loop for months before it went on air.

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Speaking about the Number Stations, I'm sure there is something about China who have been running blocking devices for years but every so often, these stop and Russian message is broadcast. I've been trying to find it again since I last read it but I've been finding it rather difficult.

Here's one, the birth-place of pre-frontal lobotomy, Danvers State Hospital (Appears in the film Session 9) was scheduled for destruction a few years back as they were making it into apartment flats or something like that. (Who'd live there?!) On April 7 2007, four of these apartments went on fire and four of the construction trailers burnt down in a large mysterious fire that was visible from 17 miles away. The buildings under construction were decimated and the older buildings that were left received minimal damage, a few were slightly burnt from the heat of the fire but other than that were fine. An investigation took place into the fire and authorities could not figure out what caused the blaze. More interestingly, the construction company had set-up a webcam link of the construction of the old site but at 2.03 am on the night of the fire, the pictures cut out and the webcam was disabled.

Here's where the story is slightly ruined, Danvers has been fully renovated now with only the underground tunnels and the graveyard remaining.

Danvers State Asylum is the creepiest place in the world IMO. Some of the stories I've heard about that place are unreal and the worst of it is, some are proven fact.

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Speaking about the Number Stations, I'm sure there is something about China who have been running blocking devices for years but every so often, these stop and Russian message is broadcast. I've been trying to find it again since I last read it but I've been finding it rather difficult.

Not quite your description, but this is fairly similar. It's particularly strange when you consider someone is paying electricity costs etc. for these stations to run 24/7.

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I've always found Jack the Ripper quite interesting, not because he was a murderer who was never found, but his use of the victims was fucking mental.

He carried out 5 murders & after the 5th murder he basically ripped his victims body inside out. This experience was so 'fulfilling' that he dissapered off the face of the earth & was never to be found.

To the guy who posted the video about the Swedish numbers station, what's so scary about it?

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The Rendlesham Forest Incident is the name given to a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of a craft or multiple craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England, in late December 1980, just outside RAF Woodbridge, used at the time by the U.S. Air Force. Dozens of USAF personnel were eyewitnesses to various events over a two- or three-day period. Some ufologists believe it is perhaps the most famous UFO event to have happened in Britain, ranking amongst the best-known UFO events worldwide. Along with the Berwyn Mountain UFO incident, it has been compared to the Roswell UFO incident in the United States, and is sometimes referred to as "Britain's Roswell".[1]

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) denied that the event posed any threat to national security, and stated that it was therefore never investigated as a security matter. One notable to take sharp issue with this statement was Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, who stated an incident like this at a nuclear weapons base was necessarily of national security interest. Eyewitness and Deputy Base Commander Colonel Charles Halt (see below) has also disagreed and insists the event was covered up by both the U.K. and U.S. intelligence services. Later evidence indicated that there was a substantial MoD file on the subject, which led to claims of a cover-up; some interpreted this as part of a larger pattern of information suppression concerning the true nature of unidentified flying objects, by both the United States and British governments (see the UFO conspiracy theory). When the file was released in 2001 it turned out to consist mostly of internal correspondence and responses to inquiries from the public. The lack of any in-depth investigation in the publicly released documents is consistent with the MoD's earlier statement that they never took the case seriously.[2][3] Included in the released files is an explanation given by defence minister Lord Trefgarne as to why the MoD did not investigate further.[4]


something comes into a site with nuclear weapons and leaves behind radaition levels, and nobody knows what the f**k is going on.

Edited by DAFC
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I've always found Jack the Ripper quite interesting, not because he was a murderer who was never found, but his use of the victims was fucking mental.

He carried out 5 murders & after the 5th murder he basically ripped his victims body inside out. This experience was so 'fulfilling' that he dissapered off the face of the earth & was never to be found.

To the guy who posted the video about the Swedish numbers station, what's so scary about it?

I dont think the phenomenon of Jack the Ripper is really anything special worth getting excited about. He killed 5 women & shat himself at one of them.

The mountain hikers death is really quite interesting tbh, why we're the first 2 found naked & no signs of humans doing the damage.

Danver state hospital seems mental, care to share some of these stories?

The Swedish video is quite creepy.

Im into this shit as well, optical illusions are brilliant at times & more often than not make you think wtf!

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There's always scrapyard type noises coming from behind my house at night, used to think that was a bit strange. Could of been sort of after dark activities from the neighbours's, but I was disapointed to finnd out it was just railway repairs.

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I've been to Oradour in France. It's been left as a kind of open-air museum exactly what it would have been like after all its inhabitants were massacred. It's a truly horrific place.

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Far from creepy but defo strange, i remembered a post from possibly the music forum about easter eggs in albums which had a ink to ''cracked''


The number 1 is bizarre, a band hid a text file on a vinyl album and called the track it was hidden in ''300bps N, 8, 1 (Terminal Mode or Ascii Download)'' which was the instructions on how to retrieve it. Connect up a modem, and you download a text file about them being extorted by the Brazillian government. Hardly anybody could do this in 1992 so why bother?????

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The mountain hikers death is really quite interesting tbh, why we're the first 2 found naked & no signs of humans doing the damage

I think this was explainable. Apparently one of the side effects of hypothermia is that they feel the need to take off more clothes because the become very disorientated and don't think straight. Obviously this results in more heat loss and quicker death. What I found weird was the missing tongue and high levels of radiation.

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I think this was explainable. Apparently one of the side effects of hypothermia is that they feel the need to take off more clothes because the become very disorientated and don't think straight. Obviously this results in more heat loss and quicker death. What I found weird was the missing tongue and high levels of radiation.

My original thought was the other hikers murdered them for supplies (those two couldve been the weakest maybe?), but it is strange considering the rest of the hikers were all killed further along the line.

I don't believe the local inhabitants done it though.

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