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The Creepy & The Strange

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Valentich disappearance

A pilot with a Class Four instrument rating and 150 hours of flight experience, Valentich filed a flight plan from Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne, to King Island in Bass Strait on 21 October 1978. Visibility was good and winds were light. He was flying a Cessna 182-L, with a cruising speed of around 256 km/h (160 mph). He departed Moorabbin at 18:19 local time, contacted the Melbourne Flight Service Unit to inform them of his presence, and reported reaching Cape Otway at 19:00.

At 19:06, Valentich asked Melbourne Flight Service Officer Steve Robey for information on other aircraft at his altitude (below 5000 ft, 1524 m) and was told there was no known traffic at that level. Valentich said he could see a large unknown aircraft which appeared to be illuminated by four bright landing lights. He was unable to confirm its type, but said it had passed about 1,000 feet (300 m) overhead and was moving at high speed. Valentich then reported that the aircraft was approaching him from the east and said the other pilot might be purposely toying with him.

At 19:09 Robey asked Valentich to confirm his altitude and that he was unable to identify the aircraft. Valentich confirmed his altitude and began to describe the aircraft, saying that it was "long", but that it was traveling too fast for him to describe it in more detail. Valentich stopped transmitting for about 30 seconds, during which time Robey asked for an estimate of the aircraft's size. Valentich replied that the aircraft was "orbiting" above him and that it had a shiny metal surface and a green light on it. This was followed by 28 seconds silence before Valentich reported that the aircraft had vanished. There was a further 25-second break in communications before Valentich reported that it was now approaching from the southwest. Twenty-nine seconds later, at 19:12:09 Valentich reported that he was experiencing engine problems and was going to proceed to King Island. There was brief silence until he said "it is hovering and it's not an aircraft". This was followed by 17 seconds of unidentified noise, described as being "metallic, scraping sounds", then all contact was lost.


Shat 90 reading that.

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Here is, I shit you not, a true urban legend:

A 57-year-old man living by himself in Japan began to notice small things amiss in his house -- objects wouldn't be where he'd left them. Food would disappear that he swore he didn't remember eating. He'd wake up to strange sounds in the middle of the night, but every time he'd go and check them out, the door would be locked, the windows tightly shut. Nobody was there.

Was he losing his mind? Being messed with by a shy poltergeist? To find out, he set up a series of spy cameras around his house. The next morning, he ran back the footage on the camera and that's when he saw it. A strange woman crawling out of a cupboard like it was the TV in The Ring. And if you think that's terrifying, imagine what happened inside his stomach when, at the end of the video, she crawled back into the cupboard. The one that was just a couple of feet away from where he was standing, watching the video.

Presumably in an effort to maintain bowel control, the man assumed the woman was a burglar who was only temporarily hiding in the cupboard, and had since left. He called the police, who pointed out that all the locks on his doors and windows were undisturbed. There was simply no evidence whatsoever that anybody had broken in -- in other words (cue dramatic strings) the woman had been in the house all along.After a thorough search, the woman was found. Apparently she had sneaked into the house and slept, ate and even took showers there for an entire year without being detected.

Heard of the 'Bloop'? In 1997, an ultra-low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the NOAA. While the audio profile of the Bloop does resemble that of a living creature, the source is a mystery both because it is different from known sounds and because it was several times louder than the loudest living animal, the blue whale.

Video of 'Bloop', decide for yourself:

My personal opinion is that 'Cloverfield' was real. :lol:

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That shit freaked me out! Wonder what you would do in that situation.

Aye thats a bit disturbing.

I'd get the cock out, that'd scare her away.

Has anyone heard of Albert Fish? That old bstard is creepy.I watched his documentary by mistake one night on my own and i was that freaked out i hid under the covers untill i fell asleep.

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Aye thats a bit disturbing.

I'd get the cock out, that'd scare her away.

Has anyone heard of Albert Fish? That old bstard is creepy.I watched his documentary by mistake one night on my own and i was that freaked out i hid under the covers untill i fell asleep.

So you went to bed, basically?

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I always get freaked out by UFO stories. If you wake up and there's a ghost standing at the end of your bed, you'd shit it, but what's the ghost gonna do to harm you? Nothing! If you wake up and there's an alien grey standing at the bottom of your bed, you'd shit it. and there's every possibility the wee fuckers going to take you on a galactic quest of probing and experimenting! Gives me the shivers.

I actually bought a book that was called "The UFO Case Files Of Scotland". So many interesting and creepy stories in that to shit you right up! One of them is called "The Fife Incident" which happened between Newton of Falkland and Falkland (or Freuchie and Newton Of Falkland, can't remember) Where a women, her friend and son saw a UFO and viewed it several times. As this place was just on my doorstep I convinved my brother to go with me and check out her story. All the landmarks are as she said but I'm not too sure where the main incident occured (She just said she took a back road to Dunshalt. we drove along that road but we couldn't work out where they had stopped.) The craziest thing about this story for me was my sister-in-law was taking the piss out of me and my brother for going "UFO Hunting" to her mum and then her mum piped up "I saw a UFO once when we were driving to Falkland" (She didn't know we were going to Falkland) Apparently it was a silver circle in the sky with blue and red lights flashing around the object in a circular motion, but she didn't think to tell anyone because people wouldn't believe it. Creepy as f**k!

The Fife Incident

Also check out..

A70 Incident

Livingston Incident

Edited by Kid Twist
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I watched his documentary by mistake one night on my own and i was that freaked out i hid under the covers untill i fell asleep.

I basically did the same after I watched the film "Scum" when I was young.

Ghost Watch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwatch) did it for me in my youth. Though the ending was somewhat farcical and the logical part of my brain told me it was a fake, it did nothing to quell the irrational fear that kept me awake and suitably terrified for several nights thereafter.

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I would also like to add that opposite where I am staying at the moment there is a small overgrown field. Which isn't very scary. But beyond that there's a small forest with an abandoned childrens home next to it. Creepy as f**k when you gaze over at night time! I might have to do a bit of Urban Exploring? laugh.gif

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