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The Creepy & The Strange

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does anyone remember the cartoon pinky and the brain ? well every time i see this thread i am singing the title to the them tune of that programme :lol:

I loved that cartoon. What an unlikely pair, though.


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Whoever bumped this thread back up, thanks - have spent a good few hours going through all the links, some seriously creepy and weird stuff in this world.

Like a couple of previous posters mentioned, I have occasionally had the 'sleep paralysis' thing, but unfortunately for me I get the one with the 'Terrifying Hallucinations' which in my experiences always feel like I am being pulled at and clawed at by someone/something. Knowing that this is a well documented effect does not alter the fact it is an absolutely terrifying mind f**k of an experience, and I generally have to stay up all night with the lights on afterwards.


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Paveglia (sp) off Venice, a small island in which during the plague, was where both dead & alive sufferers from Venice were taken too and buried or burnt.

Fast forward to the 20th century/late 18th & they build a mental asylum on the place, now the head doctor was found dead, after jumping from the bell tower, apparently being tormented by spirits of the dead patients & the plague victims.

The island has been locked off by the Venice council & fishermen won't fish nearby because of the large amount of bodies they have pulled out of the sea.

Can't get the link just now however

Up for sale last month............


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does anyone remember the cartoon pinky and the brain ? well every time i see this thread i am singing the title to the them tune of that programme :lol:

I used to be fucking terrified of that show, the theme tune still puts me on edge a bit

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Got shown this recently by a Celtic fan at work, freaked the Jesusing f**k out of me. Obviously nothing more than a coincidence but a spooky one at that. Read post 190 of this thread:


I'm still screaming asking them telling them i don't understand.. then they say BOSTON,BOSTON

Still on the ground i scream at them what the f**k do you mean ?

BOSTON THE ANNIVERSARY.. IT'S COMING.. when it does you know the answer to be one of the free

Quite weird when he's talking about a bombing whilst mentioning Boston and folk telling him something is coming etc etc, but here comes the screechy violin part. Look at the date of his post, and look at the date of the Boston bombing.


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Got shown this recently by a Celtic fan at work, freaked the Jesusing f**k out of me. Obviously nothing more than a coincidence but a spooky one at that. Read post 190 of this thread:


I'm still screaming asking them telling them i don't understand.. then they say BOSTON,BOSTON

Still on the ground i scream at them what the f**k do you mean ?

BOSTON THE ANNIVERSARY.. IT'S COMING.. when it does you know the answer to be one of the free

Quite weird when he's talking about a bombing whilst mentioning Boston and folk telling him something is coming etc etc, but here comes the screechy violin part. Look at the date of his post, and look at the date of the Boston bombing.


Then everything seemed to freeze then bang bang bang the shops lights wen't out one after the other untill there was complete darkness.

Everyone screaming could hear kids cry but the intire sky was like a bottle green colour and the sun seemed 10 times closer and it was pitch black, so i have started running all i can hear is screams and the sound of the bombing sirens and police sirens.

I being to run around in the direction of my home the same way i walk home everyday yet the building had been knocked down years back and replaced the old buildings were all still there so i'm still running trying to get past hundereds of people then i look back up to the sky and all i can see now is green smoke in the air with the pitch black sun still there then people infront of me start dropping like flys one after the other until i see two people infront of me drop then finally me.

I drop to the floor i can feel my organs collapsing and i'm choking on the smoke, then i wake up out of my sleep but i still can't get out of the dream i'm still there yet part of me is telling myself i have woke

sounds like he has ended up sitting next to the green brigade imo

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:( Is there no way of finding out what happened?

Its a load of fake crap. :(

I think the screenwriter for 'the descent' was with the guy, bumped him off and nicked his story.

That film did give me the heebyjeebies. That and wolf creek.........

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That Boston bombing dream is very strange. I can't think of a rational explaination. The amount of detail means it can't be a normal coincidence. Must be some kind of premonition.

Anyway great thread and here's another classic. The Solway Spaceman.


Really? To me it's just a guy with a white shirt on and a goldfish bowl on his head? Am I missing something here?

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That Boston bombing dream is very strange. I can't think of a rational explaination. The amount of detail means it can't be a normal coincidence. Must be some kind of premonition.

Anyway great thread and here's another classic. The Solway Spaceman.


looks like a bee keeper outfit

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That Boston bombing dream is very strange. I can't think of a rational explaination. The amount of detail means it can't be a normal coincidence. Must be some kind of premonition.

Anyway great thread and here's another classic. The Solway Spaceman.


Only thing that is any coincidence is the date he made the post on. Never specified it it was a dream from the previous night or at least a couple of days.

The boys probably about six floors under in a cell in Langley or quantico by now.....

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