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I think we've done good business in this window to be honest. Yes, it would have been good to have kept Fellaini, but would I rather have kept him and not brought in Lukaku, Barry and McCarthy? Not a chance.

Fellaini has done a great job for us over the last couple of seasons, but it's been clear that he's wanted to go since the interest was 'made public' and £27.5m is a very good fee.

I'm delighted to have gotten Lukaku. With decent service he could have a similar season with us to the season he had last season for West Brom.

While Gareth Barry isn't a massive signing, he's experienced, he's a decent midfielder, and he'll give us depth and versatility, so I'm satisfied with that.

McCarthy it remains to be seen if it's good business by Martinez. He wouldn't have been my 'pick' as Fellaini's replacement, but he was one of the shining lights in a woeful Wigan side last year, so we've got to hope that in a better side, he'll improve further.

Overall, pretty pleased with the outcome of this window's transfers for Everton.

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It's a good final day for Everton - Felliani was a 'one good game in three' sort of player, Baines was more valuable to the team if you ask me. Midfield is a strong area for Everton and losing Felliani, gaining McCarthy and Barry and having Barkley emerge is probably decent, on balance.

Lukaku is a great signing as well.

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All this "we've" and "us" is rather tragic.


As I've said many times before, myself and others on this thread go to watch Everton quite often (I myself have made 10/11 games in each of the last two seasons) so I do support them. Therefore, I see no problem in referring to them as we.

Anyway, good business done last night and agree with you Tom that McCarthy is the only one I'm a bit wary of, but he was certainly excellent for Wigan last season. I'm also of the opinion that it was more important to keep Baines than Fellaini, so pleased the club have managed to do that, as well as get a fee higher than what his release clause was.

Barry is an experienced campaigner and a decent player which will undoubtedly strengthen the midfield, while we all saw what Lukaku did last season. Very happy to get him on loan for the season.

I'm a wee bit sad to see Vic go as well given he was brought through the ranks, but I wish him well and £6 million is a good fee. Also sorry to lose Fellaini but that deal was inevitable.

Onwards and upwards. COYB.

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All this "we've" and "us" is rather tragic.

I don't understand it myself. This forum is full of "diddy team" supporters who take every opportunity to complain about glory hunting old firm fans from all across Scotland but then step into the "misc football" section and there's an astounding number of Chelsea, Utd, Liverpool, City, and Arsenal "fans" who use exactly the same tenuous excuses (my girlfriend's brothers step-dad had a budgie when I was wee and it was green and gold and so now I support Man Utd) that Old Firm supporters use to justify "supporting" their team from the highlands or the east coast.

By all means "support" an English team. But you then lose any moral high ground when it comes to "support your local team".

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i can't believe everton managed to sign lukaku. He would have been a good signing for a champions league side. I'm not fully convinced by martinez as a manager but am still very optimistic about the season ahead.

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The Royal Oak is about 5 mins away from the park but will fill to bursting before the game so get in early. Guides online will tell you to avoid if you aren't blue but i've never seen a lick of bother in it. The Brick is also decent but will fill up too as it's in sight of the ground.

For something on the way back towards the city, The Valley is a cracking wee neutral bar (half decked out blue, half red!)

As far the city centre itself, you're better exploring that yourself depending on what you're after but avoid all the theme bars in Matthew Street as you'll be pulled left, right and centre by promotion staff wandering about the street and pay well over the odds when you get inside.

Edited by Christophe
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Going to the Chelsea game next week while on a Stag. Any suggestions for decent boozers pre and post match?

Plenty of City Centre bars. Royal Oak, Wetherspoons in Walton (forget its name), the Abbey and the Elm Tree are all near the ground, cheap and will be full of Blues.

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Barry's block to prevent a certain goal was immense. Great display by him.

Everton had to dig deep but did that well and got forward to good effort. Fantastic set-up by Jela for Naismith's goal, and Barkley once more looked the part in midfield. Great result, especially after the opening three games where we deserved far more than just three draws.

Allez Allez Allez oooohh, we're Everton FCCCC, Roberto's Blue Army!

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