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Question Time

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Haven't watched this for a while as it's past my bedtime on school nights. There's a right nippy fucker on this week. A young New Labour type who seems to think the program is a vehicle for him to have a go at Ken Clarke. Poor old Ken.

Thankfully, Dimbleby asked him nicely to stop being a c**t, and he seems to have piped down since then.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Haven't watched this for a while as it's past my bedtime on school nights. There's a right nippy fucker on this week. A young New Labour type who seems to think the program is a vehicle for him to have a go at Ken Clarke. Poor old Ken.

Thankfully, Dimbleby asked him nicely to stop being a c**t, and he seems to have piped down since then.

Yep, he actually did quite well given how vacuous and moronic his answers were. When asked if he was concerned about increased borrowing putting up the interest rate he gave a great dodging answer accompanied by a confused look any politician would be proud of.

He'll be a massive success, he's hit the formula of talking shit but looking good doing it.

Ken Clarke talked a lot of sense even if he was slightly bemused and annoyed by the amount of research his opponent had done given he clearly had barely any idea who the annoying w****r arguing with him was.

The American speech writer should have been involved more whilst Deborah (the one from Dragons den whose surname I am not comfortable spelling) piping on about bringing back manufacturing to education was a bit of a non goer.

As for the rest there seemed to be some annoying union leader and I've forgotten the others.

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Yep, he actually did quite well given how vacuous and moronic his answers were. When asked if he was concerned about increased borrowing putting up the interest rate he gave a great dodging answer accompanied by a confused look any politician would be proud of.

He'll be a massive success, he's hit the formula of talking shit but looking good doing it.

Ken Clarke talked a lot of sense even if he was slightly bemused and annoyed by the amount of research his opponent had done given he clearly had barely any idea who the annoying w****r arguing with him was.

The American speech writer should have been involved more whilst Deborah (the one from Dragons den whose surname I am not comfortable spelling) piping on about bringing back manufacturing to education was a bit of a non goer.

As for the rest there seemed to be some annoying union leader and I've forgotten the others.

The look on Chuka Umunas face was priceless when Clarke took the piss out of him for having the hard neck to criticise the incumbent government on Borrowing. Fucking idiot.

I like Ken Clarke. He's certainly one of the best parts of this government. He's the first Justice secretary for a long time who isn't an illiberal populist c**t.

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  • 1 month later...

That Tory bint is annoying. She believes the "public said" that people should put behind party politics and come together to form a coalition and wants the Labour party to stop opposing government policies.


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english people are retards. joking about war with argentina :blink:

the argument about what the islanders want is utter bullshit. if china fills tibet up with han chinese does that mean its ok for tibetans to be a minority? aren't israeli settlements in the west bank illegal? squatters rights are a load of pish.

the islands are a waste of money, give them back to the argies and cut a deal for a percentage of the oil.

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english people are retards. joking about war with argentina :blink:

the argument about what the islanders want is utter bullshit. if china fills tibet up with han chinese does that mean its ok for tibetans to be a minority? aren't israeli settlements in the west bank illegal? squatters rights are a load of pish.

Except that's not what happened. It's not as though an indigenous population was either swamped or expelled. It was previously uninhabited before colonial ventures in that region. The French first laid claim, then the British and then the Spanish, but virtually no one actually stayed there. After it was all but abandoned by the Brits and Spanish (with appropriate plaques placed on them) the closest thing the island had to a proper population was a bunch of American and British whalers who'd use it as a temporary port. The United Provinces of the River Plate had sporadic attempts at establishing control over the islands prior to the establishment of Argentina, but never had any meaningful control and only a tiny handful of ships based at Puerto Soledad. There are largely unsubstantiated claims that when the British took control of it in 1833 these Argentinian shippers were forced to leave, this expulsion being no more a claim of right than any of the other prior removals of colonial claim of right to the islands, be that Spanish or British. The only substantial settlement ever to have taken place was by the British, and it has long since prescribed.

the islands are a waste of money, give them back to the argies and cut a deal for a percentage of the oil.

And to hell with the multiple generations of the only permanent settlers? How wonderful.

The Argentinians only want the Falkland Isles because it gives them Antarctic oil drilling rights. This isn't out some some desire to re-establish an indigenous population.

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That Tory bint is annoying. She believes the "public said" that people should put behind party politics and come together to form a coalition and wants the Labour party to stop opposing government policies.


She was right though about Labour opposing for the sake of opposing.

Charles Moore was really good apart from the question on the royal yacht.

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