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Question Time

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Anyone who says 'dece' on air as part of a question wins a special prize.

Or "Pleasing" "Verge of tears" "Seething".

Would be pretty funny.

Right, you're on. :lol:

'dece' will be difficult (how do you even pronounce it?) but I think 'pleasing' 'verge of tears' and 'seething' are more than achievable.

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It just seems like the BBC want to stir things up a bit. Whilst I quite like Farage, even I can accept that he really isn't all that relevant to Scotland at all.

Cough, cough, RATINGS, cough.

Tonight's show will be indistinguishable from The Jeremy Kyle Show as these two attempt to out-bampot each other.

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George Galloway, Ruth Davidson, Angus Robertson, Anas Sarwar & Lesley Riddoch and Farage

Two Tories, Two Labour, no Lib Dems, no greens, a UKIP, a journalist and one SNP for the panel.

You could argue from a Scottish (and to an extent British) Parliament perspective that the BBC have used a sterling metaphor here for representing the political landscape up here.

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Haven't watched this in ages. Every time I do I remember why I don't. 6 folk on the panel is one too many, especially if you're going to have terrific thundercunts like Galloway on board. Will give it a look tonight to see if there's fireworks in the first 15 but chances are Family Guy and American Dad will be on by the third subject.

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I'll give it a look-in but if they havent gotten around to throwing chairs at each other i'm turning off. Galloway is a p***k of the highest order, amazed the BBC found another to share the panel with him with Farage.

Recording finishes about an hour before the program starts so I'll give you a heads up!

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I'm sorry to inform you but Galloway and Farage acted like best friends throughout the whole thing!

I had my hand up for quite a whole but unfortunately the Great Dimbleby didn't pick me. :(

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They are friends.

Who was impressive /unimpressive ?

I must admit that I wouldn't have thought that. Galloway, Farage and Robertson were all decent. Davidson and Sarwar seemed very quiet, especially Sarwar and Riddoch just annoyed me.

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I think the UN security council guy, the lassie in the yellow top seething about post-independence education and tuition fees (in a country where education is already a devolved power :1eye ), and most notably the weirdo at the front talking about anti-Scottish hatred in England show why the 16/17 year old audience should never be tried again.

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Just back. I never said anything tonight, I did have my hand up at one point but unfortunately those who were either a) trying to be funny to get their 30 seconds of fame on TV (aliens) and b) people just trying to look knowledgeable on TV (UN guy) were picked. I thought the audience were pretty good tonight considering we've had to put up with this '16/17 year olds don't have a clue what they're talking about' patter. A couple let the side down, but on the whole I thought there was some good points made and intelligent debate.

I saw Sooky beforehand but shat out of going up to him and saying "I know you from P&B!"

Edited by ScottR96
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That was the first I saw of the Scottish Labour deputy leader and I thought, although a bit quiet, he was a great speaker. He probably got through to the young audience more than any other panel member.

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