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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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And when exactly did this last happen, I've long since accepted that he's a fanny.

His "set pieces" are so often and consistent, you have to conclude that they in fact are actually his reality.

Possibly doing you an injustice... I dont pay enough attention to check who's 'rising' on a regular basis but there's a steady shoal willing to trade 'facts' with VT only to learn that they are 'living in Mortons shadow'. This has them gagging for the ol' hook again.

Everyone in this division has had their moments (some grander than others) but right now - we're all diddy teams.

The mighty Gers :rolleyes: with their illustrious history may find out shortly that past glories (while the fans enjoy the memories) account for squat diddly in the present day.

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Possibly doing you an injustice... I dont pay enough attention to check who's 'rising' on a regular basis but there's a steady shoal willing to trade 'facts' with VT only to learn that they are 'living in Mortons shadow'. This has them gagging for the ol' hook again.

Everyone in this division has had their moments (some grander than others) but right now - we're all diddy teams.

The mighty Gers :rolleyes: with their illustrious history may find out shortly that past glories (while the fans enjoy the memories) account for squat diddly in the present day.

We'd all be diddy teams in the SPL as well, the only club who'd have a claim otherwise would be Dundee, even then, it's starting to get into 1922 territory.

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It was a genuine question.

League cup, when it was a worthwhile competition with a gateway to Europe, as well as numerous 1st & 2nd division titles

(of course there were a few relegations in there as well but this is apparently normal in the great cycle of diddy clubs.)

Your turn!

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League cup, when it was a worthwhile competition with a gateway to Europe, as well as numerous 1st & 2nd division titles

(of course there were a few relegations in there as well but this is apparently normal in the great cycle of diddy clubs.)

Your turn!

Seems like I touched a nerve there.

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First class trolling attempt there from LinkinFighter laugh.gif


Not really, a Raith fan asked about Morton's achievements recently, so I asked about Raith's recent achievements. blink.gif

From the answer I got you could tell he was on the defensive.

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There's nothing I have witnessed as an Ayr fan that VT can outdo as a supporter at Morton, my kids have had more Hampden cup visits than most if not all Morton fans on here, given Mortons lack of recent cup success I'd guarantee that my wife and kids have witnessed more cup games of any standard than VT has.

I tend to live in the past with regard to Ayr, at least it is actually my own past and not a past I've read in a history book.

Not a single member of the Ayr United support, past or present, has ever seen their side lift just one national trophy of significance. Never.

This means that you are all, collectively, living in the shadow of greater clubs like Morton, hence why you:

1) Attempt to subsistute semi-final roastings for actual success and

2) Spew and rage when the big team collects their mandatory 12 points a season from plucky diddy sides like yourselves

Repeat 1, repeat 2: because nothing ever changes for the diddy sides. Forever living in our shadow.


League cup

lol wut

The League Cup never has, and never will be, a trophy of significance.

Not only have Raith eternally failed to win the Scottish Cup, but in your sole final appearance, you got pumped by Falkirk. Embarrassing stuff really.

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So any Celtic fan under the age of 45 can't claim that their side won the European Cup? Or did they have to be physically present in Lisbon also in this bizarre, tear-stained checklist that the diddies like to bring up?

Historical success has no sell-by date. Those clutching at that straw clearly do not know success.

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Historical success has no sell-by date.

this is true

however historical success really has no relevance on the current season, unless you are the current holders of a competition

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however historical success really has no relevance on the current season, unless you are the current holders of a competition

So you regard Dunfermline and Celtic to be of equal stature within Scottish football? An amusing argument, but certainly a convenient one given your own side are one of the minnow tadpoles at this level of existence.

I think we are all aware that some teams are distinctly bigger than others, within the same competitive level. Even some of the diddies have been adult enough to grudgingly know their place.

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