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Grand Theft Auto V

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Love the convo between Michael and Trevor about Trevor being a hipster :lol:

Genius bit of conversation that :lol

I just went to Trevor and he was lying on an island with a boat docked up holding a bottle of whiskey, wearing only pants and dead members of the lost surrounding him :lol

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I can't really remember what mission that is. Is that the one where you are preparing for the 1st heist? And you drive to it with Lester and climb a few ladders and there is like a massive roof? Above the Jewel store?

I think it is, when you go to meet Lester, you're meant to enter the building apparently, but I can't seem to be able to get into any doors. I've not played it since but it might be alright next time I do.

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I think it is, when you go to meet Lester, you're meant to enter the building apparently, but I can't seem to be able to get into any doors. I've not played it since but it might be alright next time I do.

Do you not have to run round the corner to the jewellers on that one? I spent a while running in to a door next to the car before realising.
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Went to the B on the map for a mission, and there is no marker to actually start the mission?

Are you sure you're the right person? Each person has different coloured markers, so Trevor is orange, Franklin is green and Michael is blue. (I think, Trevor is definitely orange so if I'm wrong then it's the other way about for green and blue)

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Are you sure you're the right person? Each person has different coloured markers, so Trevor is orange, Franklin is green and Michael is blue. (I think, Trevor is definitely orange so if I'm wrong then it's the other way about for green and blue)

I went off and did another mission then went back and it was fine. :huh:

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