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On 6 November 2016 at 08:45, mizfit said:

Okay, so I'm late to the party. But I'm halfway through Asylum and I'm addicted.

Asylum was the best season. It's sadly been all downhill (for me anyway) since. The Coven season was aimed at the teen girl market, the Freakshow season was a great concept executed terribly (it was all over the place), and I gave up on the Hotel season entirely (it was essentially extremely softcore homoerotic pornography starring Lady Gaga to up the camp).

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First two were very good with Asylum being the best. The rest haven't been great and this season has been pretty poor. It started off ok but it's just got silly now and there is not much in the way of a plot just each character being bumped off one at a time.

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I thought it was a good first half to this season, and thought the second half got off to a great start, but since then it's just taken a really weird and needlessly absurd turn. Even more absurd than previous seasons at times which takes some doing.

Looks like another shift in tone for the finale which gives me some sort of hope. So I'll give it a bash.

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Well that was underwhelming. It lived up to the producers' claim that the second half of the season would go in a direction no-one was expecting...I never expected it to be shite, so fair play to them.

It's been on the skids for a few seasons now; the first two were great, and Coven was a lot better than I remembered when we re-watched it recently. Freakshow started off well and fizzled out halfway, and Hotel was a hysterical campy mess.

A few decent jump-scares aside, this one's been dire.


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Aye utter shite ending unfortunately. I actually thought it was a good season overall. It certainly held my interest right until the end; something Freak Show and Hotel failed to do.

I'm not too sure if the producers like that type of programme (ghost story types with the real people narrating) or if the whole season was a massive spoof.

A really poor ending anyway. I can't recall Lana being such a boot either. I recall liking her in Asylum. She came across as a right uppity bitch in her appearance.

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Just finished freakshow which i enjoyed, the ending irked me a little bit though, i don't know why. 

Got halfway through Hotel but was struggling to pay attention, not too sure from what i've seen so far. 

Jimmy's version of Come as you are in Freakshow was quite good i thought though. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Roanoke, pretty awful affair. Was quite enjoying the new direction the first half was going in, the rest was just an utter farce through. The whole "second series" segment, and after, was just completely brainless C movie shite.

Freakshow was so bad I didn't even bother watching Hotel, although I found the episodes of that series that I did see quite good. I've gone right off it again though

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On 27/09/2017 at 23:36, sonsism said:

This weeks episode of Cult really kicks it up a gear after a pretty slow first 3 episodes.  Evan Peters is killing it as Kai so far.

Hard to believe it's the same guy who was Kit Walker back in Asylum. As good as Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson are/were, only Evan Peters seems to get given the opportunity to really show how many wildly different characters he can play.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched the Cult finale there and very much enjoyed it.  Think I'll need to re-watch some of the older series but this definitely ranks high for me.  This season didn't even have Lange, Bates, O'hare or Rabe which is mental considering they're most of my favourites! 

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