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Booing Davie Weir

Will you boo Davie Weir?  

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I've always said that I'd never boo a Scotland player. I never booed McAllister as I didn't feel he deserved it. I felt his performances weren't the best but he always gave 100% IMO.

Someone who walks out on their country however can fu<k right off. whatever Berti said about him he should've been above tantrums like that.

He'll definitely be getting booed like fu<k from me. Anyone else?

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Weir walked out on Vo*ts, not Scotland.


Walk out on the manager (at that point), and you walk out on the team, and the country. :angry:

I'll never be able to give Weir the same backing as the other guys in the squad, but I'll never boo someone while they're wearing the blue jersey. :unsure:

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dont think i would boo him, i dont believe he turned his back on his country(unlike Duncan Ferguson), he never said he didnt want to play for Scotland he just wouldnt under that joke we called a manager for 4 years.

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Weir walked out on Vo*ts, not Scotland.


Nonsense! I'd swim through wreekin pish to play for Scotland and I can't abide anyone who wouldn't do the same!

Scotland players aren't playing for Berti Vogts, Craig Brown, Andy Roxburgh, David Taylor, Jim Farry, Ernie Walker, William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, the Proclaimers, Sean Connery or any of that lot! They're playing for the fans and the jersey! There's simply no other reason for turning up!

Weir must die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

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I've always said that I'd never boo a Scotland player. I never booed McAllister as I didn't feel he deserved it. I felt his performances weren't the best but he always gave 100% IMO.

Someone who walks out on their country however can fu<k right off. whatever Berti said about him he should've been above tantrums like that.

He'll definitely be getting booed like fu<k from me. Anyone else?


I wouldn't boo Davie Weir (apart from the fact grown men making a sound like BOOOOOO is stupid), but I would boo any Jehovah's Witnesses who came to my door uninvited :P

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Guest Guinness_Alan

I'm with Tormod on this one. Anyone who says he doesn't want to play for Scotland,. for whatever reason, can GTF and never come back. The players can not pick and choose what managers they want to play for, or what games they want to play in.

If they are picked to play for their country it should be seen as an honour. If Weir didn't see it that way then bye bye Davie!

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I'm behind Weir. Great performance in the San Siro, and he is an excellent player we can't afford to leave out. What's in the past is in the past.  :)


Yep, we need him at the moment IMO!

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For what he did he isnt my favourite player, but ill never go as far as to boo any player who plays for Scotland, or any other team i support. I just dont feel it is "supporting" your team by booing, and i was disgusted at the treatment Mcallister got.

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It's hard to make a judgement without knowing all the facts. There's maybe more to it than we know. I certainly wouldn't boo him. For those saying that they would boo him, what would they do if they were Irish? Would they be giving Roy Keane stick just now or would they just turn a blind eye because he's such an important player? :rolleyes: I mean, he didn't just walk out on his country, he walked out on his country during the world cup finals. :blink: It's easy to ampllify these things and make the guy out as some sort of Judas figure but, really, what is the f'ckin point? :rolleyes: The Vogts days are over. Fresh start and let bygones be bygones.

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Guest Pompey

I was at the Czechoslovakia game at Celtic Park, and was disgusted with the stick McAllister got for missing a penalty four years previously.

However, I do think that it's been overhyped - a lot of the booing was fans booing the booers :blink:

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I do not agree with David Weir has done I do think less of him for doing so, but I would never boo anyone while they were playing for Scotland, or Queens. What good is it going to do? The only time I have ever booed at a Scotland game was at full time when Norway beat us at Hampden in October. But that was directed towards Vogts and the general ineptitude of the performance that day, rather than any player individually. I've also once had a stand-up argument at Hampden with a couple of Old Firm fans who were booing players from whichever half of the Old Firm they didn't support.

As far as I understand, his decision to quit the international team was due to the criticism that was dished out on his and Dailly's performances in the 2-2 draw with the Faroe Islands. This criticism was fully deserved IMO. Scotland were an utter shambles that day. And there are two ways to respond to criticism: take it on board and try and win the critics round in the next game, or go off in the huff saying you'll not play for the team again.

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What a pathetic thing to even be discussing. What tiny narrow minded views. I would CHEER Davie Weir more than the others for coming back to the current shambles that we have. That not what I call turning your back on your country.

I also applaud Smith and McCoist for doing their bit as well when we need it the most.

Here's a Scotland the Brave, Kilts and Claymores kind of analogy for all you "Nationalists" baying for Weir's blood - What has Weir done that was really as bad as Robert The Bruce did hundreds of years ago when he constantly tuned his back on his country?

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What a pathetic thing to even be discussing.  What tiny narrow minded views.  I would CHEER Davie Weir more than the others for coming back to the current shambles that we have.  That not what I call turning your back on your country.

I also applaud Smith and McCoist for doing their bit as well when we need it the most. 

Here's a Scotland the Brave, Kilts and Claymores kind of analogy for all you "Nationalists" baying for Weir's blood - What has Weir done that was really as bad as Robert The Bruce did hundreds of years ago when he constantly tuned his back on his country?


spot on.

Hes a decent bloke Weir and should be encouraged like all the other scotland players during this current sh1tty period for us.

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I can't respect him for what he did, but if he's willing to give 150% every time he puts on the jersey, I'm willing to give him another chance.

I wouldn't boo him, but I hold him in lower regard than the rest of the squad.

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