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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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hmrc, duff and phelps, bdo, lord nimmo, lord glennie and the stock market all came to that conclusion independantly so thats 6 independant sources

uefa came to their conclusion independently as they recognise the likes of fiorentina as the same club despite them starting from scratch - thats 7

the other footballing ones and the asa are linked - do that makes 8 separate sources coming to their own conclusion that we are the same club

you can add in the judge from yesterday who said we were the same club three times yesterday, thats 9

compared to the zero credible sources you have

as for your arguments,

we had to apply because the company not the club was new, the club is recognised as the same club by all the organisations involved.

we couldnt play in europe because we didnt have three years accounts even though uefa recognises us as the same club - the fiorentina example, coefficient points and various quotes about "sporting continuity" and if clubs create a new company structure they will have to "apply again"

complete acceptance of the club /company split idea is based on the fact that three judges state this can and did happen and various clubs in scotland and england have done this in the past and remained the same club - there is absolutely no evidence to contradict this.

there is no evidence that stands up to the slightest of scrutiny that backs the new club argument, the evidence for the same club is overwhelming.

Define 'club'.

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yawn, the mods are free to check my ip address to check if there is any connection to tedi, as for leeds, luton , hearts etc - the information is freely available, you dont really want to talk about it though, do you? as its another nail in the coffin of the new club garbage

Wow IP address that must be like ,impossible to change eh?

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A couple of posters have been "asked" to take a couple of days away from the forum to consider if they want to continue posting here or not.

I hope they come back.

I probably should point out, though, that the "warning" the other day was in no way aimed solely at Rangers fans.


I hope they're back too.

Good to see however that P&B won't tolerate this 'green yins' nonsense.

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yawn, the mods are free to check my ip address to check if there is any connection to tedi, as for leeds, luton , hearts etc - the information is freely available, you dont really want to talk about it though, do you? as its another nail in the coffin of the new club garbage

Funny how even Law Lords can't understand it either?

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the hypothetically in that sentence refers to the first part " idea clause may not specifically state "limited" not the second part and when you add that to the two other things he said ( which you ignored because you have no answer to them) then his position is clear, rangrs are the same club , thats three judges now

The hypothetically refers to the whole scenario.

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Why was the club vs. company debate relevant to this case anyway? Judging by this old article, the clause said "Club or the company", so it would seem that Green had all bases covered in this regard.

Wish I could listen to the whole argument instead of just those tweets, I wonder why Green's council went into this.

The old article with the clause, from November: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-34932541

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I think the key to understanding Rangers fans is accepting that they're basically like Trump supporters - not only approving of their heroes being horrible, vile, spiteful morons, but actively glorying in it and celebrating it, simply because it annoys lots of people who they really don't like.

Sociologists and psychologists would have a field day with this Spiers thing alone. I'm not sure that there's another phenomenon quite like it in world football. Lazio, maybe.

I actually have a bet I placed three months ago: a £10 double on Donald Trump to be Republican nominee (11/4), and Rangers to win the Scottish Cup (14/1). It's an insurance policy against the unthinkable.

Regarding the psychology of Rangers fans, it's worth bearing in mind that they've had years of endless taunting on here and that must give rise to a siege mentality in those who aren't calm enough to handle the flak. People become entrenched and so the likes of Kincardine who (IMO) used to come across as a good-humoured guy, is reduced to taking extreme pro-Rangers views on everything, and hurling insults at idiotic diddies in most of his posts.

Also, so many Rangers supporters are initially drawn to them because they are successful, so they have a bit of the spoilt child / school bully about them. They can't handle adversity, and so they will say and believe anything that makes them feel good, no matter how preposterous or unbalanced. That trait has only been exacerabted by the endless "yer club's deed!" stuff they've endured for years.

And then there's Bennett who is a bastion of truth, balance, and integrity.

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Define 'club'.

Four Galloot Pioneers had a dream and formed a club.

This club changed its legal status to become a limited company

The Moonbeams Man later changed the status to be a PLC.

This PLC (club and company; one and the same) went into administration, could not get a CVA agreed with the creditors and therefore was consigned to liquidation. i.e. - Deid

All sorts of sophistry has been jiggery-pokered just to provide the illusion that Rangers still exist.

Sevco exist - but they are pretending to be Rangers.

Nacho - It must be hard for you, but after 4 years acceptance must come soon.

you'll feel better for it.

54* and stopped counting

*less the cheaty ones.

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Why was the club vs. company debate relevant to this case anyway? Judging by this old article, the clause said "Club or the company", so it would seem that Green had all bases covered in this regard.

Wish I could listen to the whole argument instead of just those tweets, I wonder why Green's council went into this.

The old article with the clause, from November: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-34932541

It was sevcos council that wanted to draw the distinction, which the learned judges laughed out of town.

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I actually have a bet I placed three months ago: a £10 double on Donald Trump to be Republican nominee (11/4), and Rangers to win the Scottish Cup (14/1). It's an insurance policy against the unthinkable.

Regarding the psychology of Rangers fans, it's worth bearing in mind that they've had years of endless taunting on here and that must give rise to a siege mentality in those who aren't calm enough to handle the flak. People become entrenched and so the likes of Kincardine who (IMO) used to come across as a good-humoured guy, is reduced to taking extreme pro-Rangers views on everything, and hurling insults at idiotic diddies in most of his posts.

Also, so many Rangers supporters are initially drawn to them because they are successful, so they have a bit of the spoilt child / school bully about them. They can't handle adversity, and so they will say and believe anything that makes them feel good, no matter how preposterous or unbalanced. That trait has only been exacerabted by the endless "yer club's deed!" stuff they've endured for years.

And then there's Bennett who is a bastion of truth, balance, and integrity.

Replying probably more to the post you quoted, than to you. I think Rangers fans are a very divided group right now, there's a lot of internal conflict right now and insults thrown at each other, maybe not very visible here on this forum. I agree with you that this forum probably inspires a siege mentality. Some very strange dudes here, and I don't mean just Rangers fans.

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It was sevcos council that wanted to draw the distinction, which the learned judges laughed out of town.

As I understood from tweets, the Green council said that club is only in people's minds, it doesn't exist (or something along those lines), then Rangers council replied to it in his speech much later, after court break, and then it escalated and judge went into it.

My impression is that the judge keeps asking both sides 'why is this relevant' more or less, in various forms.

But you could be right though, maybe Rangers council made that argument first, in writing before the court, and that's why Green's council went into it.

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I actually have a bet I placed three months ago: a £10 double on Donald Trump to be Republican nominee (11/4), and Rangers to win the Scottish Cup (14/1). It's an insurance policy against the unthinkable.

Regarding the psychology of Rangers fans, it's worth bearing in mind that they've had years of endless taunting on here and that must give rise to a siege mentality in those who aren't calm enough to handle the flak. People become entrenched and so the likes of Kincardine who (IMO) used to come across as a good-humoured guy, is reduced to taking extreme pro-Rangers views on everything, and hurling insults at idiotic diddies in most of his posts.

Also, so many Rangers supporters are initially drawn to them because they are successful, so they have a bit of the spoilt child / school bully about them. They can't handle adversity, and so they will say and believe anything that makes them feel good, no matter how preposterous or unbalanced. That trait has only been exacerabted by the endless "yer club's deed!" stuff they've endured for years.

And then there's Bennett who is a bastion of truth, balance, and integrity.

Since they've now had 4 years without success and it's going to be a few years yet before they can pull themselves out of the financial mess they're in, I wonder if a generation of glory-hunters will be lost. Their current full-houses must have some foundation in backs-to-the-wall-up-ye behavior but will there be a dip in 10 or 20 years from now, a lost generation?

(Legal note: the above does not necessarily constitute any recognition of unbroken continuity and also stretches credibility in assuming that they'll survive for the next 10 years.)

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Since they've now had 4 years without success and it's going to be a few years yet before they can pull themselves out of the financial mess they're in, I wonder if a generation of glory-hunters will be lost. Their current full-houses must have some foundation in backs-to-the-wall-up-ye behavior but will there be a dip in 10 or 20 years from now, a lost generation?

It's not really been four years of no success though.

Since they got their heads round where they found themselves, it's been generally upward progress. Now I'm not pretending that's impressive, because given the resources, it certainly isn't.

The point is though that it's been perceived as a journey 'back'. It's even included runs to the semi finals of each of the main Cups.

For me, the test will come if and when they reach the top flight and are no great shakes. Should they go two or three seasons of being unable to challenge at the top, that's when it might get interesting.

That reality will be harder for fans to adjust to, than the current novel one that still sees them win the vast majority of their matches.

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Yes they have...


I don't believe for a minute that the bottle story was made up.

I've seen video evidence on here that proves Halliday deserved a booking.

I don't believe for a minute that Spiers made up his tale about what a Rangers director said.

In each case, what I believe is far likelier than the alternative.

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The stock market, does that mean Youngsy can sell his shares?

Did that happen when Craig Whyte took over?

It's a new club, get over it...No big deal you still have a club to support who carry on with all the traditions of the previous one.

As far as I remember , shares in both clubs can still be traded. Not on the stock market, but they are still alive.

God, that reminds me, Gio De Stef was buying some old club shares. Wonder how that worked out for him....

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