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What pals would this be, Dave?

I take it you're speaking of 2 Rangers fans who were banned for some reason. As for having a 'bee in my bonnet' according to you that is, i'm looking for consistency on this board from the mods.

That means, Dave a balanced outlook in everything that is stated in here that can be taken as a sectarian or racist term, as in referring to a Rangers fans as 'The Klan'. That, whether you or any one else likes it is offensive. So Dave, as you're such a paragon of virtue, is the term 'The Klan', against a football support derogatory or not. If the term 'green yins' is contentcious then the same applies to the term ' The Klan'.

Still can't answer my question I see.

Not "banned for some reason". It's quite clear why they have been asked to take a break.

especially in Tedi's case.

Edited by dave.j
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Only thing i want is the term ' The Klan' banned from this forum, it's racist and as such if poster want to continue to use it then ban them. Simple as that, or maybe you don't mind such a racial term being used across a broad spectrum of posters. As for McGillivan, please shut the f uck up

I think on balance The Klan should be banned. It's a step too far and there's no need for it.

Just curious Youngsy:

1. How many times in the last 10 years have you sang the billy boys, or We Are Rangers?

2. How many Rangers fans have you reported to stewards for singing these songs?

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I think on balance The Klan should be banned. It's a step too far and there's no need for it.

Just curious Youngsy:

1. How many times in the last 10 years have you sang the billy boys, or We Are Rangers?

2. How many Rangers fans have you reported to stewards for singing these songs?

Is this what yon Mr X calls whataboutery?

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There's still plenty of abuse comes the other way though, don't kid yourself it's just our issue. You only have to read some of the stuff posted on here.

Is this what yon Mr X calls whataboutery?

Yes bennett, exactly that.

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Dream on. Your magnificant support allowed your club to die. That is the reality.

You must look on with envy at the way Hearts supporters grouped together to save their club whilst you had about 10 arseholes trying to be billy big baws representing about 15 supporters each.

I've heard this line numerous times now but I'm mystified as to what Rangers fans could have done to save their club in 2012. It was all too late by then. The figure mentioned at the time was 'upwards of £134M'. Assuming 100,000 adult, wage-earning fans, that's over £1300 per fan. Not peanuts.

I've no sympathy for the fans - they shoved their over-spending success in our faces for long enough so they can wallow i it now their club's dead - but I'm not sure what they were supposed to do in 2012.

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Listen, if ' up to your knees in f----- blood' is classed as offensive, where is the difference about 'up to your knees in Arab blood', as sung at the recent Dundee derby game. Arabs living in Britain may well be offended at that.

Och Youngsy, I was with you as well.

What you're saying here is daft though.

Nothing remotely offensive about those from the middle east is intended in the Dundee thing.

Now, we could argue that care should always be taken with language, but don't cheapen the entire discussion by claiming that there's equivalence between daft nicknames, and abuse aimed directly at fans because of particular religious associations of the clubs they follow.

See when you've got a point Youngsy, don't go buggering it up with stupidity.

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Do me favour, son. Try and kid many of the posters on here but seriously i know how much of a bigot you are. The word Klan denotes racism amongst all right thinking people throughout the world and i, being part Jewish, for one am not prepared to accept this wording towards myself or any another Rangers fan in a jocular fashion on this forum. Keep going with this and we'll see where it goes.

Joey Ramone was Jewish and the KKK took his baby away , I'm not sure if any of the guys that done it were Rangers fans though.

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I've heard this line numerous times now but I'm mystified as to what Rangers fans could have done to save their club in 2012. It was all too late by then. The figure mentioned at the time was 'upwards of £134M'. Assuming 100,000 adult, wage-earning fans, that's over £1300 per fan. Not peanuts.

I've no sympathy for the fans - they shoved their over-spending success in our faces for long enough so they can wallow i it now their club's dead - but I'm not sure what they were supposed to do in 2012.

I think that's right.

Despite the fun of the "You let your cub die" line, I suspect that by the time it was happening, it was way beyond the fans to avert.

You're also right though in identifying the massive Schadenfreude element. The triumphalism of the fans during that era was such, that the joy of seeing where it led is unbounded.

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I've heard this line numerous times now but I'm mystified as to what Rangers fans could have done to save their club in 2012. It was all too late by then. The figure mentioned at the time was 'upwards of £134M'. Assuming 100,000 adult, wage-earning fans, that's over £1300 per fan. Not peanuts.

I've no sympathy for the fans - they shoved their over-spending success in our faces for long enough so they can wallow i it now their club's dead - but I'm not sure what they were supposed to do in 2012.

The figure, whatever it was, is simply expressed as "more than the club could or would offer to HMRC as a settlement." They had multiple chances to come to an arrangement with the taxman over a period of years, but chose not to engage.

What the Horde* should have done was, in a total volte-face from their normal mindset, taken notice of the rumours about the Blue Sisters' ** financial affairs which were circulating at least a decade before their eventual death, and demanded answers from the Men in the Big Hoose. They chose to look at the shinies instead. A similar attitude has led to the financial rape of the new club by a succession of chancers. Follow followers*** of the Tribute Act**** don't understand why the rest of us find this amusing. Which we find all the more amusing.

*Problem, youngsy?

** What about this, then?

***Is this one OK?

**** Surely you're not going to spit the dummy on this one?

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To be honest. I agree that the klan shouldn't be used. I know the rangers fans can come across as erse holes but to describe them as a term used for the KKK isn't on.

Most rangers fans I know are sound folks. One or two are the FTP type but their iq seem to be low double digits.

On the whole I find most the rangers fans here fine and have held decent conversations with a few of them. Must be hard getting it from all angles and not getting a little exasperated and coming across wagons circled.

That said. The term 'yins' coloured green is just childish as is the blue 'ones'.

When they aren't doing whatabouttery and bringing up the Torbet shite they are fine. Yes it happened. Yes it's deplorable but it's time to let it go.

Once both sets move into the 21st century then we will see Scottish football progress as we all wish.

Rivalry is fine but to get to the stage where you come across as foaming at the mouth at just the mention of your rivals it's time to step back an re-evaluate your life

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Is this what yon Mr X calls whataboutery?

No. That's when you choose to ignore or unfairly reject someone's initial accusation and instead throw back some other counter-accusation. It's a deflection technique aimed at pulling others down while avoiding looking yourself in the mirror.

Whereas I agreed with youngsy on his point - Klan is unacceptable language IMO. Not the worst expression in the world but still wrong. So having answered this, it earns me the right to ask him something else.

Not surprised you haven't understood the nuances of whataboutery after all this time.

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I think that's right.

Despite the fun of the "You let your cub die" line, I suspect that by the time it was happening, it was way beyond the fans to avert.

You're also right though in identifying the massive Schadenfreude element. The triumphalism of the fans during that era was such, that the joy of seeing where it led is unbounded.

It was happening during their 9 in a row so no, the fans are to blame 100%

The desire for success waay above what ££ they could afford led to it. The baying for 'more' by the crowd is what killed them.

Fucking great now :)

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To be honest. I agree that the klan shouldn't be used. I know the rangers fans can come across as erse holes but to describe them as a term used for the KKK isn't on.

Most rangers fans I know are sound folks. One or two are the FTP type but their iq seem to be low double digits.

On the whole I find most the rangers fans here fine and have held decent conversations with a few of them. Must be hard getting it from all angles and not getting a little exasperated and coming across wagons circled.

That said. The term 'yins' coloured green is just childish as is the blue 'ones'.

When they aren't doing whatabouttery and bringing up the Torbet shite they are fine. Yes it happened. Yes it's deplorable but it's time to let it go.

Once both sets move into the 21st century then we will see Scottish football progress as we all wish.

Rivalry is fine but to get to the stage where you come across as foaming at the mouth at just the mention of your rivals it's time to step back an re-evaluate your life

And the inability of some to type the full name of the opposing arse-cheek, the extra 'h' in so many words, the refusal to accept that most diddy fans don't have a 'big team'.

Apart from that, they're OK.

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What the Horde* should have done was, in a total volte-face from their normal mindset, taken notice of the rumours about the Blue Sisters' ** financial affairs which were circulating at least a decade before their eventual death, and demanded answers from the Men in the Big Hoose. They chose to look at the shinies instead. A similar attitude has led to the financial rape of the new club by a succession of chancers. Follow followers*** of the Tribute Act**** don't understand why the rest of us find this amusing. Which we find all the more amusing.

To be fair to them, was it really all that obvious at the time?

I'm hearing rumours about United's parlous financial situation, that we're over-spending on salaries, that Thompson is looking to pull the plug, that the consolidation of the debt last year perhaps wasn't as good a thing for the club (note, Rangers fans, 'club') as it was sold as at the time.

What should I be doing about it?

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