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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is, of course, another excellent point by you. Who is more deluded? We Bears who say we're the same club or you diddies who act as if we are?

I'll just keep reminding you of the break in your continuity. You know, the one that allowed you to shed all that debt and still keep the tainted titles?

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I hate to break it to you but Celtic have profited from the moronic bigotry and extremist politics of their supporters just as much as Rangers have and will continue to do so for many years so long as the dregs on other side keep lapping the tribal shite up.

You certainly have a rose-tinted view of your club.

Nothing more zealous than a convert!

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Are you in the same parallel universe wheely bin as Wunf?

The old 'divide and rule'approach, Kinky?

There are thousands of supporters who believe Rangers died or, more euphemistically, had an interruption to their continuity. No parallel universe required. This whole thread is dedicated to the topic.

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You two are more avid fans than me. I used to like David Mellor when he did 606 and Jim Traynor when he was still an Airdrie fan.

Jim Traynor was actually quite good back in the day.

606 stopped being worth listening to though, the minute Danny Baker stopped.

Did you ever see that clip of David Mellor attempting to kick a ball?

I can't believe anyone sentient actually listens to Radio Clyde to be honest. It's made for simpletons.

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The old 'divide and rule'approach, Kinky?

There are thousands of supporters who believe Rangers died or, more euphemistically, had an interruption to their continuity. No parallel universe required. This whole thread is dedicated to the topic.

I read an advert saying that we were dead, it must be true because no sane person/s would've spent £thousands if it wasn't....

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The old 'divide and rule'approach, Kinky?

There are thousands of supporters who believe Rangers died or, more euphemistically, had an interruption to their continuity. No parallel universe required. This whole thread is dedicated to the topic.

Divide and rule? Merely corralling like-minded folk.

And yes....this thread is as 'you say potato' moment. The diddies say its a tribute to our demise and sane folk wonder why you post about a deid club.

Only God kens and he is, after all, a blue nose.

Jim Traynor was actually quite good back in the day. 606 stopped being worth listening to though, the minute Danny Baker stopped.

JT was good on his phone-in. I like him much less in his media role. I have an inkling he's behind some of our recent media manoeuvrers and that's to our club's demerit.

Danny Baker? I have always loved him on the wireless. Even now I like to listen to him on 5 Live on Saturdays.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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