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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Said this a few weeks ago but this story, for now, is dead.

Rangers are not going bust anytime soon, the "good guys" inherited an almighty mess and from what I see they are slowly but surely sorting it out.

So long as there isn't pressure to repay the working capital loans any time soon they will continue to borrow it until they can reasonably get back into a positive cash flow. I would imagine this will take promotion (now guaranteed) and subsequently European football (far from guaranteed).

I would think it is in their interests to trim their cost base as I'm guessing sympathetic shareholders will only go so far. On promotion to the prem it will be interesting to see how hell for leather they go on challenging rasellick. That will be crucial to their recovery.

For what it's worth I think they have a decent manager in place who can make them competitive at least for Europe without spending a wad of cash. In this regard they are in good stead.

This is the reality of it folks, as much as I hate to say it, they are doing ok.

I really do hate to say it.

More or less, nice to see a level head.

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More or less, nice to see a level head.


Just how I see it, but that is without having a detailed look at accounts.


I would say if I was a supporter of the Govan mob, I would be suspicious of King, as it does seem he hasn't put a penny of money into the club when he said he would.  This seems to have been missed by the fans as the current team as built up enough goodwill for the "off the pitch" stuff to have taken a back seat.

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Said this a few weeks ago but this story, for now, is dead.

Rangers are not going bust anytime soon, the "good guys" inherited an almighty mess and from what I see they are slowly but surely sorting it out.

So long as there isn't pressure to repay the working capital loans any time soon they will continue to borrow it until they can reasonably get back into a positive cash flow. I would imagine this will take promotion (now guaranteed) and subsequently European football (far from guaranteed).

I would think it is in their interests to trim their cost base as I'm guessing sympathetic shareholders will only go so far. On promotion to the prem it will be interesting to see how hell for leather they go on challenging rasellick. That will be crucial to their recovery.

For what it's worth I think they have a decent manager in place who can make them competitive at least for Europe without spending a wad of cash. In this regard they are in good stead.

This is the reality of it folks, as much as I hate to say it, they are doing ok.

I really do hate to say it.

I hope that you're wildly, catastrophically wrong.

I suspect however, that you're pretty much right.

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Just how I see it, but that is without having a detailed look at accounts.


I would say if I was a supporter of the Govan mob, I would be suspicious of King, as it does seem he hasn't put a penny of money into the club when he said he would.  This seems to have been missed by the fans as the current team as built up enough goodwill for the "off the pitch" stuff to have taken a back seat.

I was sure that King had bought shares, put in loans/funding etc, tbh I'm happier with him being part of a group rather than just him calling the shots.

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Said this a few weeks ago but this story, for now, is dead.

Rangers are not going bust anytime soon, the "good guys" inherited an almighty mess and from what I see they are slowly but surely sorting it out.

So long as there isn't pressure to repay the working capital loans any time soon they will continue to borrow it until they can reasonably get back into a positive cash flow. I would imagine this will take promotion (now guaranteed) and subsequently European football (far from guaranteed).

I would think it is in their interests to trim their cost base as I'm guessing sympathetic shareholders will only go so far. On promotion to the prem it will be interesting to see how hell for leather they go on challenging rasellick. That will be crucial to their recovery.

For what it's worth I think they have a decent manager in place who can make them competitive at least for Europe without spending a wad of cash. In this regard they are in good stead.

This is the reality of it folks, as much as I hate to say it, they are doing ok.

I really do hate to say it.

Will those operating losses allow them to gain a European Club licence under FFP rules?

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I have to ask again, are your really sure you read my post?

Did you read mine? I already answered your question whilst you are noticeably trying to avoid mine.

Twice today already.

Why did you say that you would vote against getting 26% of RRL if this was so important issue for getting the club to balance the books?

Oh, might as well ask again if you have a definition of small creditors and the list of those that have been paid or ard you just going to ignore it yet again?

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Honest question - furra change.  


If Rangers do win the Cup (20% chance according to Ladbrokes) does anyone think the FFP rules will prevent them being put into the 2nd Qualifying Round of the Europa League?


Who decides whether they do or don't meet the rules?  Is it the SFA or UEFA?

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Did you read mine? I already answered your question whilst you are noticeably trying to avoid mine.

Twice today already.

Why did you say that you would vote against getting 26% of RRL if this was so important issue for getting the club to balance the books?

Oh, might as well ask again if you have a definition of small creditors and the list of those that have been paid or ard you just going to ignore it yet again?


I have realised that trying to find meaningful answers from Rangers fans is a useless exercise.


Either they ignore, deflect, accuse, retaliate to, slander, or simply 'walk away' from difficult questions, much in the same style as they always have.


what a dreary and pitiful mob

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I have realised that trying to find meaningful answers from Rangers fans is a useless exercise.

Either they ignore, deflect, accuse, retaliate to, slander, or simply 'walk away' from difficult questions, much in the same style as they always have.

what a dreary and pitiful mob

I agree with most of that except they don't do "walking away"

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To answer my own question, I took a look at UEFA's website.  I think the following extract is interesting and it would seem to suggest that it's going to be close-run.  Have Rangers lost more than €30M over the last 3 years?  Would they be allowed to discount the running costs of Murray Park?


3) Are clubs no longer allowed to have losses?


To be exact, clubs can spend up to €5million more than they earn per assessment period (three years). However it can exceed this level to a certain limit, if it is entirely covered by a direct contribution/payment from the club owner(s) or a related party. This prevents the build-up of unsustainable debt.


The limits are:

• €45m for assessment periods 2013/14 and 2014/15

• €30m for assessment periods 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18


In order to promote investment in stadiums, training facilities, youth development and women’s football (from 2015), all such costs are excluded from the break-even calculation.

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I have realised that trying to find meaningful answers from Rangers fans is a useless exercise.

Most questions get the answers they deserve and the rare, agenda-free question tends to get a candid response from us.  You also have to factor in that a fair few pellets have the same, "what a dreary and pitiful mob" attitude as you and aren't here to have a discussion but to castigate and ridicule.  Ergo, you're part of the problem and you deserve the most desultory of responses.


As far as the results for the end of the last FY goes, well it was shite but the numbers have already been flagged so are a surprise to no one.


As one poster mentioned the really interesting (but obviously lacking) info would be our cash flow which will, of course, be negative but 'how negative' is crucial.  We've stacked up a fair amount of debt, we've got rid of a few high cost players but we've also recruited a lot this year, especially behind the scenes.  OTOH we've likely added at least 7,000 paying fans for homes games since June last year.


We're clearly a long way away from being self-sustaining but we won't really know how far away we are for another year.  We also have the horrendous retail 'deal' to contend with.


My take?  We're in a better position now than we were for the reporting period of this set of accounts.  We'll generate more revenue in both this and next FYs.  We're still losing money but how much is unquantifiable.

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Most questions get the answers they deserve and the rare, agenda-free question tends to get a candid response from us. You also have to factor in that a fair few pellets have the same, "what a dreary and pitiful mob" attitude as you and aren't here to have a discussion but to castigate and ridicule. Ergo, you're part of the problem and you deserve the most desultory of responses.

As far as the results for the end of the last FY goes, well it was shite but the numbers have already been flagged so are a surprise to no one.

As one poster mentioned the really interesting (but obviously lacking) info would be our cash flow which will, of course, be negative but 'how negative' is crucial. We've stacked up a fair amount of debt, we've got rid of a few high cost players but we've also recruited a lot this year, especially behind the scenes. OTOH we've likely added at least 7,000 paying fans for homes games since June last year.

We're clearly a long way away from being self-sustaining but we won't really know how far away we are for another year. We also have the horrendous retail 'deal' to contend with.

My take? We're in a better position now than we were for the reporting period of this set of accounts. We'll generate more revenue in both this and next FYs. We're still losing money but how much is unquantifiable.

Hiya Kinky. Keeping away for any particular reason? Debentures?

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Most questions get the answers they deserve and the rare, agenda-free question tends to get a candid response from us.  You also have to factor in that a fair few pellets have the same, "what a dreary and pitiful mob" attitude as you and aren't here to have a discussion but to castigate and ridicule.  Ergo, you're part of the problem and you deserve the most desultory of responses.


As far as the results for the end of the last FY goes, well it was shite but the numbers have already been flagged so are a surprise to no one.


As one poster mentioned the really interesting (but obviously lacking) info would be our cash flow which will, of course, be negative but 'how negative' is crucial.  We've stacked up a fair amount of debt, we've got rid of a few high cost players but we've also recruited a lot this year, especially behind the scenes.  OTOH we've likely added at least 7,000 paying fans for homes games since June last year.


We're clearly a long way away from being self-sustaining but we won't really know how far away we are for another year.  We also have the horrendous retail 'deal' to contend with.


My take?  We're in a better position now than we were for the reporting period of this set of accounts.  We'll generate more revenue in both this and next FYs.  We're still losing money but how much is unquantifiable.


a decent and honest response, and one your fellow bears could do with imitating


I assume the ridicule sometimes comes (in my case anyway) because many of your fellow fans are seemingly unable to hold a decent conversation, especially one that requires self examination of your club's current plight.

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