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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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we know that its the same club and all the evidence backs us up

"All the evidence" :lol:

What hope is there with such generalisations?

It's a massive can of worms and a hugely contentious subject. You ignore your ex manager, ex captain, ex media head, Steven Naismith, the editors of every newspaper in Scotland, your ex fans chief ("liquidation means the club dies"), your own fans with their red card protest, the TUPE situation, the licence situation, Rangers I getting vote on Rangers II's admission to the SPL, etc.

Not to mention the fact that if this was happening to Celtic and not Rangers, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

I have no wish to go into the rights and wrongs of every aspect as it's been done to death on here, but there is a wealth of evidence on both sides. I accept its the same club of sorts, but the record books will always show "got liquidated" which is a massive red neck.

The fact they gained so many titles while spending what they couldn't afford doesn't sit well with me either. It was the same with Gretna. Only they went bust and didn't feel this crushing need to preserve their history because, by and large, their followers aren't world class gloryhunters who get off on lording it over everyone else.

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I seem to recall a few P & Bers getting all excited about this back in July 'more bad news for Rangers' quoting the blogger John James etc...


Just thought they would be interested in how it turned out.

And how did it turn out? Because I see you conveniently left this part out the quote....

"It is unclear if the players, who were backed by footballing union PFA Scotland, reached a settlement with the club or chose to simply drop the claims."

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I seem to recall a few P & Bers getting all excited about this back in July 'more bad news for Rangers' quoting the blogger John James etc...

Just thought they would be interested in how it turned out.

Are you still heralding the unaudited accounts?

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"All the evidence" :lol:

What hope is there with such generalisations?

It's a massive can of worms and a hugely contentious subject. You ignore your ex manager, ex captain, ex media head, Steven Naismith, the editors of every newspaper in Scotland, your ex fans chief ("liquidation means the club dies"), your own fans with their red card protest, the TUPE situation, the licence situation, Rangers I getting vote on Rangers II's admission to the SPL, etc.

Not to mention the fact that if this was happening to Celtic and not Rangers, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

I have no wish to go into the rights and wrongs of every aspect as it's been done to death on here, but there is a wealth of evidence on both sides. I accept its the same club of sorts, but the record books will always show "got liquidated" which is a massive red neck.

The fact they gained so many titles while spending what they couldn't afford doesn't sit well with me either. It was the same with Gretna. Only they went bust and didn't feel this crushing need to preserve their history because, by and large, their followers aren't world class gloryhunters who get off on lording it over everyone else.

That's a really excellent post - one of the best on here in a while.

It is indeed the same club, kind of.

I'm happy to even accept the daft notion that there is something kind of ethereal about what constitutes a club in terms of a 'spirit' and its fans. At the same time though, I know that that bears little scrutiny and that club and company have always been utterly synonymous in football terms.

The Gretna parallel is a good one.

With them, a team in black and white still plays out of Raydale Park. However, nobody feels a need to insist that they reached a Cup final, played in the top flight and reached Europe.

Now the difference in scale is obviously massively significant. I think also though that many people support Rangers (and Celtic) for altogether different reasons than other clubs are followed.

It matters less to fans of Gretna, or Airdrie, or even Middlesbrough than it does to a lot of Rangers fans, because fans of those clubs base their support much less on a sense of status and on what was won before they even existed.

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we know that its the same club and all the evidence backs us up,



"All the evidence" :lol:


Another post of unmitigated dross from you which I deleted from the quote as it's the same tawdry bollocks that every P&D trots out.


Sane people seldom post about a new club.  They may make the odd quip now and then but, largely, new clubs are treated with casual disdain.


How do I know we're the same club?  Simply by looking at how often the plastics and diddies post about us.  Almost a quarter of a million posts and counting on The Big Thread and you and your sorry lot are STILL bumping your gums about a new club.


How do I know we're the same club?  The Diddies' posts tell me that we are.

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The Gretna parallel is a good one. With them, a team in black and white still plays out of Raydale Park. However, nobody feels a need to insist that they reached a Cup final, played in the top flight and reached Europe.

They don't even add anything from pre-2008 to their club website's honours page. Almost as if they simply forgot all the titles their now-dead club won.

Cracking bunch of lads.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Another post of unmitigated dross from you which I deleted from the quote as it's the same tawdry bollocks that every P&D trots out.


Sane people seldom post about a new club.  They may make the odd quip now and then but, largely, new clubs are treated with casual disdain.


How do I know we're the same club?  Simply by looking at how often the plastics and diddies post about us.  Almost a quarter of a million posts and counting on The Big Thread and you and your sorry lot are STILL bumping your gums about a new club.


How do I know we're the same club?  The Diddies' posts tell me that we are.


The truth oft comes dressed in rags

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Those 4 year old reports were written before the event, and they were fully accepted by everyone, including Rangers fans, as being correct. That's why you all waved big red cards, and were correct to do so, because you knew that your club was at risk of going down the stank.


If you can provide evidence prior to 2012 that even Rangers fans thought liquidation was an irrelevance, then please do.


The fact that Rangers fans wish to have continuity is completely understandable. The fact that the governing bodies wish to perpetuate the myth is wrong, but understandable. The fact that the media have rewritten history to pretend that nothing really changed with liquidation is utterly, utterly, pathetic. And also worrying.




Another myth – here’s a quote from an  STV article from 2011 outlining what would happen if the Olcdo was liquidated, it’s very clear according to that rangers would survive and be the same club. This proves that the information was freely available before liquidation and it wasn’t some myth created after the event.

“There is an alternative for football clubs. As was the case in England with Leeds United, the insolvent company can create a "phoenix" club and attempt to transfer every part of the club to a new business, leaving behind the debt.â€




Here’s what duff and Phelps had to say at the start of April 2012 before the CVA failed, once again clear the club would survive liquidation.

"We cannot rule out the winning bid could prefer a different structure that meant the sale of the business to a new company and in that eventuality it is certainly possible that Rangers would be liquidated," co-administrator Paul Clark told a number of newspapers. "But it would only be done so after the football club was made safe."




Rangers fans wanted to avoid liquidation for obvious reasons – losing players, possibility of relegation down the divisions etc. but most were aware that the club would survive as there were buyers in place for it as the evidence shows.

you can add lord glennie saying club and company were seperate entities which happened pre cva and its clear that you are talking your usual bollocks

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Another post of unmitigated dross from you which I deleted from the quote as it's the same tawdry bollocks that every P&D trots out.


Sane people seldom post about a new club.  They may make the odd quip now and then but, largely, new clubs are treated with casual disdain.


How do I know we're the same club?  Simply by looking at how often the plastics and diddies post about us.  Almost a quarter of a million posts and counting on The Big Thread and you and your sorry lot are STILL bumping your gums about a new club.


How do I know we're the same club?  The Diddies' posts tell me that we are.

We'll never stop reminding you though.  

Rangers cheated then they died.

You can call the club playing out of Ibrox whatever you want, but the rest of Scottish football will never forget and they'll never stop reminding you.  

Liquidation and cheating are as much a part of Rangers' history as trophies and sectarian bigotry.  

Embrace it  :thumsup2

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we know that its the same club and all the evidence backs us up, you claim we are a new club based on 4 year old newspaper comments , a few comments from ex pros with no expert knowledge and thats it- officially we are the same club in the eyes of all that matter



the sort of thinking that flat earthers like yourself use to justify their deluded theories


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Another myth – here’s a quote from an  STV article from 2011 outlining what would happen if the Olcdo was liquidated, it’s very clear according to that rangers would survive and be the same club. This proves that the information was freely available before liquidation and it wasn’t some myth created after the event.

“There is an alternative for football clubs. As was the case in England with Leeds United, the insolvent company can create a "phoenix" club and attempt to transfer every part of the club to a new business, leaving behind the debt.â€




Here’s what duff and Phelps had to say at the start of April 2012 before the CVA failed, once again clear the club would survive liquidation.

"We cannot rule out the winning bid could prefer a different structure that meant the sale of the business to a new company and in that eventuality it is certainly possible that Rangers would be liquidated," co-administrator Paul Clark told a number of newspapers. "But it would only be done so after the football club was made safe."




Rangers fans wanted to avoid liquidation for obvious reasons – losing players, possibility of relegation down the divisions etc. but most were aware that the club would survive as there were buyers in place for it as the evidence shows.

you can add lord glennie saying club and company were seperate entities which happened pre cva and its clear that you are talking your usual bollocks

Yes, which all proves that 'continuation' was a matter of expediency, rather than any keenly felt course.

As I said, it was a means to sort of keep Rangers alive. It wasn't seamless or anything other than a last resort though.

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We'll never stop reminding you though.

Rangers cheated then they died.

You can call the club playing out of Ibrox whatever you want, but the rest of Scottish football will never forget and they'll never stop reminding you.

Liquidation and cheating are as much a part of Rangers' history as trophies and sectarian bigotry.

Embrace it :thumsup2


Oh, and I'd like a refund of all the money I spent watching 10 years of a fixed sport.

Or at least Lance Armstrong the relevant titles...


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