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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SFA chief executive Stewart Regan has revealed Rangers could be booted out of Scottish football if they are found guilty of giving players two contracts.

The governing body is currently conducting an independent inquiry into Craig Whyte's controversial takeover of the crisis-hit Ibrox club.

However, Regan has confirmed other issues have arisen during the course of the far-reaching investigation which will also be looked at in greater detail.

It has been speculated that Gers players had two contracts with the Glasgow club when EBTs were in use between 2001 and 2009.

And last week ex-Rangers director Hugh Adam claimed that specialist payments were being made to playing personnel as far back as the mid-1990s. Under the SFA's articles of association, clubs are only allowed to give players one contract of employment.

Regan admitted on Friday that the allegations made by Adam, who was ousted from the club board by former owner Sir David Murray, would be looked at. And he outlined the range of punishments available to the organisation if Rangers are found to have breached their strict guidelines.

He said: "If you look at our articles of association, it shows a range of powers that the judicial panel has.

"What will happen is that the matter will go to the Scottish FA main board and will then pass through to the judicial panel.

"There's a whole range of things from suspension to termination of membership at the extreme end to fines and ejection from the Scottish Cup or other such penalties the panel deem appropriate.

"It (Hugh Adam's claim) is one director's take on things, but, as a board, we have to examine it."

Regan added: "The inquiry covers primarily the Craig Whyte era, but in digging into facts it has take us into other areas.

"It's thrown up matters which are of interest to the committee. I'm there representing the board. We've got into the meat of what has been going on at Rangers and now the inquiry has gone in different directions.

"The inquiry isn't judge and jury. The process is one of investigation and presenting the facts.

"The board will consider the facts and if the board feels the facts are compelling they will pass that to the compliance officer and it will go through the normal disciplinary process."

Regan refused to dismiss the possibility of a separate inquiry being launched specifically into allegations of double contracts at Rangers in the future.

He remarked: "That will depend on the board's view of the facts and what information there is. The situation is changing daily and new information is emerging all the time.

"We've got our hands on certain pieces of information and we're exploring it and asking for further information. If it's the board's opinion that they want a fuller investigation then that will be an option."

Meanwhile, Regan has confirmed that SFA president Campbell Ogilvie, whose role at Rangers during the Murray era has come under scrutiny, will not be involved in any investigation into secret payments.

He saud: "I think it's pretty obvious that he (Ogilvie) is heavily conflicted. Campbell won't play any part in any meeting, discussion or conclusion on any activities surrounding Rangers."


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I appreciate this, and I hadn't realised McCann's teapot remained in the original box.

However, if Whyte shatters his teapot and starts using a new one out of a new box, then [1] it won't be Rangers even technically-speaking and [2] it won't be playing in the SPL/SFL, as it won't have SFA membership.

He would, more likely, try moving his (batterred and dented) teapot into a new box.

Exactly. Question is can rangers survive the big tax case and a CVA?

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From that thread:


"Your country" coming from a guy whose location is Glasgow. blink.gif

Can we join the Bundesliga if we do then? Perhaps Spain?


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All the "F**king try it" and "I'd love to see them try" posts on there make me think of some wee bampot holding his arms out shouting "come ahead then" while backing off as the other guy just stands there. Absolute f*cking rockets, to keep with the fireworks theme.

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I feel sorry for SSNs Charles Paterson. Poor guy has been stood outside Minty Moonbeams Park all day, with fcuk-all to report. I hope some enterprising wee burger van man has racked up outside to supply tea and coffee (and new teapots).

One more observation - that's some size of bird shit on the window of Fraser Wishart's motor.

Are they dead yet?

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:lol: They seem to be under the impression that other leagues would want them.

I can imagine the English FA saying:

"Well, We've got an application from Rangers. We should really consider it. They'll bring a lot to the table. They're a company who are broke, with an outstanding tax case, in administration and have a history of providing illegal contracts to players. Also, they bring a vibrant atmosphere which is welcoming with their anti-catholic and anti-Irish chanting. I mean, what better examples of fine sportsmanship and fan support than when they came down to create those vibes down in Manchester at that cup final. Oh, it's alright. They've got a big hoose, the people and have footballing sensations like Lafferty and Healy. How could we ever pass this up?"

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Exactly. Question is can rangers survive the big tax case and a CVA?

Well, that depends on what you regard as 'Rangers' and whether you mean The Rangers FC plc or not.

As things stand it looks unlikely The Rangers FC plc will survive the existing administration and the likely tax defeat.

It looks more likely that what the administrators, Rangers fans and the football authorities will term 'Rangers' might - rightly or wrongly - in the way Leeds did.

I don't like the thought of it... it's fairly sickening... but equally, I haven't previously thought of Clachnacuddin + Leeds as being 22 + 5 years old respectively.

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Well, that depends on what you regard as 'Rangers' and whether you mean The Rangers FC plc or not.

As things stand it looks unlikely The Rangers FC plc will survive the existing administration and the likely tax defeat.

It looks more likely that what the administrators, Rangers fans and the football authorities will term 'Rangers' might - rightly or wrongly - in the way Leeds did.

I don't like the thought of it... it's fairly sickening... but equally, I haven't previously thought of Clachnacuddin + Leeds as being 22 + 5 years old respectively.

Rangers are Rangers HJ, until we see liquidation or a Newco start.

Easier defining current or should that be currant legal entity as Rangers and any new company as Newco.

Ibrox and Murray Park can transfer as assets between the two, but not the club history, although Whyte has no doubt arranged for images/colours/websites/media that have a identifiable part of the 'rangers' brand to be transferred as part of any package.

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That is singularly the biggest load of pish I have seen from these fucking clowns in all my life ( and they have come up with a bucket load of pish ideas):angry:

So to protect Ranjurs and Sellicks European ambitions they would punish the wee teams more harshly than the big teams. These cunts have lost it...They have totally lost the fucking plot.. ( and of course the scary thing is that they are our clubs, our chairmen.. Why don't they just assemble on the steps of Hampden, drop there pinstripe strides, bend over and let the fucking Old Firm rodger there arses. It would be much quicker and then we could just get on with it..):blink:

Edited by The ghost of Jim Morton
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They would be annoyed, but. It would open doors across Europe. We might just be the catalyst for major change across European football, that all the major clubs have been looking for.


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Ibrox and Murray Park can transfer as assets between the two, but not the club history, although Whyte has no doubt arranged for images/colours/websites/media that have a identifiable part of the 'rangers' brand to be transferred as part of any package.

Does that include the Arsenal shares ;)

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Rangers are Rangers HJ, until we see liquidation or a Newco start.

Easier defining current or should that be currant legal entity as Rangers and any new company as Newco.

Ibrox and Murray Park can transfer as assets between the two, but not the club history, although Whyte has no doubt arranged for images/colours/websites/media that have a identifiable part of the 'rangers' brand to be transferred as part of any package.

I wouldn't disagree with any of that from a personal viewpoint.

But it's any transfer of "football membership assets" that causes the problem and what Rangers fans would cling to as Leeds fans have - they aren't a new club in the eyes of the footballing authorities. If they were, they'd be having to apply for membership, etc. I don't think the media has regarded Leeds as a new club either. I'm sure rival fans did, perhaps quite justifiably.

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