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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The fact fans of all clubs want justice to be done will not bother those who make the decisions, I fear.

I'm sure there more to come out that might make it harder for the SPL/SFA to make the decisions they would want without turning our game into a laughing stock and drawing eyes from bigger boys

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They just assume mate, it's got to be two sides of the same arse or nothing ;) Their heads would explode otherwise

Almost as bad as the predictions we are going to suffer the same fate as Rangers, you know despite our financial position being nothing like at all.

Just wishful thinking

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I'm sure there more to come out that might make it harder for the SPL/SFA to make the decisions they would want without turning our game into a laughing stock and drawing eyes from bigger boys

Well you'd think enough had come out already what with the two different tax cases, breaking of SPL rules regarding contracts and the SFA charge of bringing the game into disrepute. If that's not enough to make the decisions easy then I don't know what more has to come out.

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:D wait for it..... sectarian? Asshole you may be but if you read back a bit instead of using both six fingered hands/claws to skin up, you would see I am a proddy (born) Celtic fan. Why does that make me a sectarian bigot?

When have 'I' ever said I wanted Celtic out of Scottish football?

England ? Feck that. More overhyped than your sense of pious indignation.

Atlantic League? Na, I'm not European thankyooverymooch.

KTID ? Signing ON not off I would have thought.....................

Again, you fulfil your picture dictionary definition. I KNOW your religious history. Why? Because YOU decided to post it, thinking it relevant. What church/temple/mosque/synagogue do I go to? Not relevant, is it? This is a FOOTBALL forum. With every post, you and your like drag "religion" into it. Here's a heads up, by the way - Christianity is a religion. Roman Catholicism, "the wee free" (your words), Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Evangelism and many others, are what are called "sects". So you and your blue Sisters actually follow the SAME religion. Good, huh? You can all have a nice chat over tea and biscuits after church this Sunday. ;)


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Rangers' problems are only just beginning.

They'll lose the 'big tax case' I've been told, so will have not a hope of CVA being accepted, will be liquidated and demoted, if the banks have their way. Clubs can't wipe the slate clean and resume the status quo, or they'd all be at it, removing all bank debt by going under.

Can't see any other scenario.

It means the New Rangers will probably buy a Div 1 team, take them over and restart from there. Cowdenbeath should avoid promotion at all costs! Seriously, a lot of them are sitting ducks for this sort of takeover at little expense.

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Again, you fulfil your picture dictionary definition. I KNOW your religious history. Why? Because YOU decided to post it, thinking it relevant. What church/temple/mosque/synagogue do I go to? Not relevant, is it? This is a FOOTBALL forum. With every post, you and your like drag "religion" into it. Here's a heads up, by the way - Christianity is a religion. Roman Catholicism, "the wee free" (your words), Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Evangelism and many others, are what are called "sects". So you and your blue Sisters actually follow the SAME religion. Good, huh? You can all have a nice chat over tea and biscuits after church this Sunday. ;)


Rationalised to stop his head exploding :D

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Rangers' problems are only just beginning.

They'll lose the 'big tax case' I've been told, so will have not a hope of CVA being accepted, will be liquidated and demoted, if the banks have their way. Clubs can't wipe the slate clean and resume the status quo, or they'd all be at it, removing all bank debt by going under.

Can't see any other scenario.

It means the New Rangers will probably buy a Div 1 team, take them over and restart from there. Cowdenbeath should avoid promotion at all costs! Seriously, a lot of them are sitting ducks for this sort of takeover at little expense.

Interesting...well Yorkson at the pars has invited Rangers fans to go there :o

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Actually, I hope they come to a CVA arrangement, come out of admin, limp to the end of the season, lose the tax case in pre-season, plunge into administration again then lose another 10 points next season. They won't survive the second insolvency event if it's thanks entirely to a £50m plus tax bill.

Then I get two portions of jelly and ice cream.

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Two genuine questions not at the wind up.

  1. Where were these "Blue Knights " when David Murray was trying to sell the club for the last 4 years ?
  2. Why would anyone buy Rangers when there is still a possibility of huge financial penalties from HMRC ?

Something about this news seems a bit too coincidental.

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Again, you fulfil your picture dictionary definition. I KNOW your religious history. Why? Because YOU decided to post it, thinking it relevant. What church/temple/mosque/synagogue do I go to? Not relevant, is it? This is a FOOTBALL forum. With every post, you and your like drag "religion" into it. Here's a heads up, by the way - Christianity is a religion. Roman Catholicism, "the wee free" (your words), Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Evangelism and many others, are what are called "sects". So you and your blue Sisters actually follow the SAME religion. Good, huh? You can all have a nice chat over tea and biscuits after church this Sunday. ;)


Indeed go ask your dad/uncle over whether it matters a shit. YOU brought bigotory up hence I posted what I was born to disprove your idiocy.

'Cos I support Celtic you take it I am a Cafflik bigot?

Well. Killie fan, hmmmmmmm, Proddy, follows the Juniors because some mates/thugs play for them, has a whippet (not a greyhound cos they're for puffs), always buys Ford or Vauxhall cars cos they're 'the dogs', has at least 2 close family members in Strathclyde Police (Force not custody) and drives a van.

Close? No cigar?

Stereotypes my boy, stereotypes.

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Yes it is exactly that, 'if' the moral 10 go their own way, Scottish football IS at risk.

Tv deal is only relevant to an SPL. It has been going through my mind 'what if' ? scenarios, ie , the currents fold, get 9 other teams to join in with them to create an alternative FL? Is it possible?

Say for the sake of arguement 9 well supported SFL teams get a good deal to feck off and join them, tv deal in place, sponsership etc. It would take a shitload of cash to buy Rangers, but if they were bought AND not in SPL 'could' a newco LEAGUE be set up?

Incidently KTID, Killie 'boast' the most scumball bigots outside the OF and Hearts that I have had the misfortune to come across. Nearly all I have known have Rangers dads/mums etc and support Killie out of being seen to be different, or to annoy their Ayr pals. Like Goths.

Yep, you are scum just like me :lol:

WTF !!! You really don't grasp this at all do you. If RFC cease to exist the other 10 teams would be in control within the SPL so why on earth would they want to jump ship to RFCNewCo's league - they would be back to square 1. Despite what the "Celtic minded" might say when presented with the question Celtic DO need Rangers to exist in the manner they have been accusomed too.

Sounds like the old Celtic paranoia is alive and well which just proves to me that you KNOW your time is up.

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Good. The SPL has been a failure. I'd rather the SPD was recreated within the SFL.

there are too many governing bodies in such a small country.

I think we need a revolution of sorts to get the crowds back to the game.

I would be in favour of a 20 team SPD, a 20 team SD1 and a regionalised SD2 incorporating non league and junior clubs.

play offs, terraces, lower wages for players, more fans, terrace prices that match the national minimum wage, 10% of capacity being given to local schools, games played at 5/6pm on a Saturday (more and more people are employed in jobs that force them to work Saturday mornings and early afternoons). have beer tents erected inside the grounds after the game serving cheep but low alcohol beers at reasonable prices - turn the games into social events. Standard family (non segregated) priced tickets for all teams at £40 for a family of 4. maximum squad sizes of 20 over 21yo players of which 10 must conform to UEFA's homegrown policy, SPD clubs have B teams in the SD2 regional leagues. Wage limits in the SD1 and lower of each player earning no more than double the national minimum wage (on a pro rata basis obviously). Each club to have a student section of least 5% of the ground with 1/2 price tickets. Wage structures in SPD to be based on performance with maximum basic wage rates (that are the same for each club) clubs able to set bonuses seperately based on league positions and cup performance and able to pay large bonuses for european football progress.

Edited by vanpablo79
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Actually, I hope they come to a CVA arrangement, come out of admin, limp to the end of the season, lose the tax case in pre-season, plunge into administration again then lose another 10 points next season. They won't survive the second insolvency event if it's thanks entirely to a £50m plus tax bill.

Then I get two portions of jelly and ice cream.

Double Administration is just greedy.

Already we know Europe for next season is gone with possibly further years if they go Newco

Would the SFA ban rangers/Newco from the cup for 2012/13 for not paying Dundee Utd?

Will the SPL charge rangers/Newco for financial doping and what will penalties be?

Is Paul Murray a fit and proper person? Or is that the point? Is he the frontman for someone?

What did the administrators mean by the various consortiums showing an interest with some of them having similar individuals?

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WTF !!! You really don't grasp this at all do you. If RFC cease to exist the other 10 teams would be in control within the SPL so why on earth would they want to jump ship to RFCNewCo's league - they would be back to square 1. Despite what the "Celtic minded" might say when presented with the question Celtic DO need Rangers to exist in the manner they have been accusomed too.

Sounds like the old Celtic paranoia is alive and well which just proves to me that you KNOW your time is up.

Thats why I said SFL not SPL..................

5 or 6, plus 3 or 4 of the SPL 'might' think the grass is greener IF cash was promised AND in place.

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there are too many governing bodies in such a small country.

I think we need a revolution of sorts to get the crowds back to the game.

I would be in favour of a 20 team SPD, a 20 team SD1 and a regionalised SD2 incorporating non league and junior clubs.

play offs, terraces, lower wages for players, more fans, terrace prices that match the national minimum wage, 10% of capacity being given to local schools, games played at 5/6pm on a Saturday (more and more people are employed in jobs that force them to work Saturday mornings and early afternoons). have beer tents erected inside the grounds after the game serving cheep but low alcohol beers at reasonable prices - turn the games into social events. Standard family (non segregated) priced tickets for all teams at £40 for a family of 4. maximum squad sizes of 20 over 21yo players of which 10 must conform to UEFA's homegrown policy, SPD clubs have B teams in the SD2 regional leagues. Wage limits in the SD1 and lower of each player earning no more than double the national minimum wage (on a pro rata basis obviously). Each club to have a student section of least 5% of the ground with 1/2 price tickets. Wage structures in SPD to be based on performance with maximum basic wage rates (that are the same for each club) clubs able to set bonuses seperately based on league positions and cup performance and able to pay large bonuses for european football progress.

I agree with a lot of what you say here, except I'm not sure about the B sides in lower divisions. I'm much more in favour of a return of a reserve league.

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