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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So the Yank is proposing to pay £11M, & out of that he expects to gain all assets (the shares, Ibrox, Murray Park & the playing staff)

This cash has to payoff the £500k deposit, Craig Whyte, Haudit & Daudit & the creditors CVA. Whilst his Clone Rangers carry on regardless in the SPL as if nothing has ever happened.

The only thing missing is him having contacted the EU with regards dropping the TUPE regulations, that are applicable to all contracts within the EU?

So where Rangers were losing £1M+ per month, both prior & during administration, here's the ball buster. Mr Millars version will be in exactly the same position.

This will be whilst also having to fight costly court cases against a variety of companies with regards Season Tickets, Catering & Official Merchandising.

Kiddy, you almost make it sound like Miller is taking the piss.

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Is this not really stupid? Rangers need money so they are encouraging their Scottish based fans to travel to Belfast for a fundraising game and pay £79 to Stena...

Or am I missing something?

I like this bit.

If your day trip is cancelled due to bad weather or because the fixture itself is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.


Made me giggle anyway.

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Bill Miller statement:

Shoot boy. Ah aint nevva, no how took no shit from no SPL or no admininanastrator. Ma incumabator done save all yo ass boy. In Alabammy ah is a big wheel. Yessir!

:D :D

ah gonna get all serious on yo SPL ass muthafucka...

who is dis stuart regan f**k...??

a gonna kill his ass, muthafucka

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This to me looks like what Rangers are doing (or some variation)


Its pretty shocking and basically lets them take the assets of the company and everything they want for next to nothing.

Its basically a new co but rather than buying the assets at market rate to pay the creditors they make them safe

and force a CVA through or wind up the old company.

What it confusing is how the ad-mins are allowed to do this.

In no way is this a great deal for the creditors. The best deal for them would Rangers being wound up and

the assets sold at market rate to create a pot or a fair CVA offer.

Hopefully the SPL/SFA do not let them get away with this without extreme sanctions.

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It's true what people are saying, this is tiresome.

I can't believe how many times the knights or Kennedy or the yank or the Singapore fella have been in or out or back in and then back out.

I can't believe how many times I've read that HMRC are gonnae accept a CVA.

I can't believe the media actually believe Rangers have a hope in hell of not being liquidated.

I can't believe that Haudit and Daudit still keep getting away with saying liquidation won't happen and people believe it.

In the time its took me to write this who's pulled out and who's back in again?

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The other day I decided to ask a Gers fan for the 1st time "is your club dead yet?" Jeez they don't like that.

Still he spent a few minutes telling me the Singapore fella was minted and Rangers are too big to die.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Newco? Incubator? Asset transfer? Liquidation?

Whatever the final terminology Rangers and all their sycophants in the media/governing bodies settle on; let's make sure as their opponents every week, to constantly remind them what fake, franchise, stealing, cheating, resource draining, tax-dodging fucks they have and always will be. :)

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Honestly it's beyond parody, is this Bill Miller in the mafia?

Regan :- I want your answer and the money by noon tomorrow. And one more thing. Don't you contact me again, ever. From now on, you deal with Oglive.

Bill Miller: head of SFA? You can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: nothing. Not even the fee for the license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.

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More hilarity from RM

As much as other clubs are rubbing our noses in it at the moment there will be a good few shitting themselves at the prospect of no Rangers in the SPL
That's for sure ... we pay the bills pipeb.gif

Have the bears suddenly started doing "irony"? :lol:

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Exactly and what a great purchase I mean how many clubs in world football have a virtually guaranteed home gate of 50,000 as well as countless more fans throughout the world and a history to die for

Never was a truer word posted on that forum. :lol:

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The boy from Ernst and Young said the chances are slim. if the incubator goes ahead then they wouldn't have the licence to play in the league as it would still be held by the old rangers. As in the shite rangers would still be trading the licence can't be transferred so the new ' we ain't done nothing wrong' rangers would have to apply for the league.

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This to me looks like what Rangers are doing (or some variation)


Its pretty shocking and basically lets them take the assets of the company and everything they want for next to nothing.

Its basically a new co but rather than buying the assets at market rate to pay the creditors they make them safe

and force a CVA through or wind up the old company.

What it confusing is how the ad-mins are allowed to do this.

In no way is this a great deal for the creditors. The best deal for them would Rangers being wound up and

the assets sold at market rate to create a pot or a fair CVA offer.

Hopefully the SPL/SFA do not let them get away with this without extreme sanctions.

I would imagine that this("transactions at an undervalue" which is a breach of s238 Insolvency Act 1986) would protect the creditors , would it not?


Edited by Hayseed
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