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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes, but they are the people and Scottish football will die without them laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

IF Rangers get away with this purely based on "it's us and we are needed" then why are we even bothering with a rulebook?

We could just adopt primary school "rules" where the biggest guy that everyone was feart of would tell us what the decision is and that's it, jumpers for goalposts lads.

And at the full time whistle, or rather the end of break bell, the results are decided by both sides disputing all of the others goals as offside, fouls on the goalie, etc before the winner is deemed to be whatever team manages to sing "We won we won we won we won" to the tune of "Amazing Grace" the loudest and longest when heading back to class without getting into trouble with a teacher.

There's times I think the Old Firm think those ARE the rules. :unsure:

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1335559130[/url]' post='6180094']

OK Guys and Gals, Newbie here . Not an internet virgin, but a P & B Posting virgin, so please be gentle.

My username hints at my leanings, and have been following my team since the late 60's. Ithought i had witnessed a lot in my long time on this earth, but i have to say this thread has been a revelation to me.

Never before have i seen such a coming together, and general group huggedness by such a broad spectrum of football lovers in this country. It is quite staggering that the ugly sister in the blue dress has managed to unite so many diferent factions.

Anyway, for my first post i would just like to say :

Rangers have come out from between the buttocks of scottish football and pebbledashed the porcelain. They have created such a stench that everyone else is disgusted with them. Everyone now want to dump on them, BUT NOBODY WANT TO FLUSH. (Ge...t the picture). At the end of this whole mess, the porcelain of Scottish football must be so clean, you could eat your dinner off it. Which is why they must be flushed, flushed and flushed again until football in this country is clean again. RANT OVER.

Newbie, aye ok.

You want rid of the competition and get the most...........

Join the queue........................................................................................................................................................................................

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Just wondering as it seems I am the only christian on here but thought would ask how peoples religious faith is getting then through these tough and turbulent times. For me God is there as a guiding light and too many forget that and I would like to know how many of you like me pray every night to god and put their faith in him that he will help us through this. Anyone else prepared to state that in God they trust?


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Then there's the claim that Rangers didn't sign a player for nearly three years. A lie, a complete and utter lie. There was only one season in Walter Smith's second spell as Rangers manager he didn't spend a transfer fee on a player, 2009-10. In every other season under Walter Smith, Rangers spent money on transfer fees, and in every one of those their transfer expenditure was higher than their income. His total transfer expenditure was roughly £35 million. Stringent restraints? Even when the tabloids were spewing out the 'poor, skint Rangers being run into the ground by the big bad bank' line every single week they were spending £4M on Nikica Jelavic.

OK...Here are the actual figures of the ins and outs during Smiths 2nd stint at Ibrox taken from the BBC.

You see since Walter joined rangers midway through 2006/2007 season rangers have spent £36.07m on players on a grand total of 40 players coming through the doors at Ibrox. It can be argued that a lot of this money will have been brought in from player sales, and indeed with 92 players leaving Ibrox during his tenure to date he has amassed £30.55m in player sales

92 Players sold/Released and replaced by 40!! I find that figure staggering but there you go. A net spend over the years of just under £6 million. Considering the cuts in player numbers that would amount to a small profit when you take in the wage bill being lowered over those same years.

Then you have the on field success and the money European football brought into the club. You only have to look at the mess we are in now to see how vital that income is.


As for the leaving the Scottish game...Walter Smith can say whatever he wants but Sir David Murray said right from the beginning there would always be a Rangers in Scottish Football in some way. I took that to mean we have a Reserve Team or somethign similar here as a feeder club. Look i know that is all pie in the sky bollocks but IF Rangers had left for the English/Atlantic league it would have been the Team they left behind i would have been following and that is why i always remembered that promise being made...Then again they have all made many promises over the years to our gullible support :(


Walter Smith will not stick the knife into Sir David Murray and tbh i would think less of him if he did as they are very close personal friends. What Smith says in public is not always what he is thinking inside.

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Top RM sleuth Blue_Nose88 has busted us. In reference to this thread -

Just shows how obsessed (or should that be jealous) of us the rest of Scotland is, sad thing is these idiots don't seem to realise without Rangers, there is no Scottish football FFS

Sticking the boot into us is just brings them one stop closer to their own death.

I'm not interested in up Scottish football anymore, we are one of the biggest clubs in europe, they need us a lot more than we need them, time to leave this backwater country and move down south

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BBC Scotland understands that Bill Miller's bid for Rangers is worth significantly more than the Blue Knights and Brian Kennedy's.

The Blue Knights' Paul Murray told BBC Scotland on Friday evening that he believes his joint bid with Sale Sharks owner Kennedy outbids the American's.

Both bids depend on taking the club's bond holders' debt, around £7m, out of a Company Voluntary Arrangement.

But it is thought the Knights' bid uses that figure as part of its offer.

Adminstrators Duff & Phelps said "neither bid involves liquidation of the football club".

And they added that there were "significant differences between the two offers in terms of a prospective return to creditors and approach to future funding and these have to be evaluated".

Rangers sold thousands of debentures to fund the construction of the Club Deck at Ibrox Stadium in the early 1990s.

Supporters paid sums of about £1,100 to £1,600, which guaranteed the right to take out a season ticket on that seat and offered them some extra benefits.

Ticketus, who funded Whyte's takeover of the Ibrox club last year and had been part of the Blue Knights group, earlier in the day withdrew their commitment to funding a takeover bid.

The London firm was put off by the uncertainty over the club's future in the wake of a 12-month transfer ban relating to charges of Scottish FA rule breaches, a ruling Rangers are expected to appeal, and potential changes to Scottish Premier League rules.

Murray and Kennedy negotiated a partnership and a statement on behalf of the duo read: "This offer we consider to be substantial.

"[The offer] is conditional on a CVA being approved by the creditors, and Mr [Craig] Whyte's shares being acquired."

Murray and Kennedy added: "We hope this is accepted so that we may proceed with due diligence forthwith and make a start to the task of re-building Rangers Football Club of 1872. "

Kennedy had an initial bid rejected and was told his most recent verbal offer was not acceptable by the club's administrators while the Blue Knights and Miller have been trying to achieve preferred bidder status.

Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland's Sportsound, Murray said: "I've been talking to Brian every day for the last three months. We have built up a good relationship.

"I respected his decision to bid on his own but it was very clear that he was very much a kindred spirit in terms of wanting to help the club

"He also has a lot of experience in owning sporting clubs and I think that experience plus his business acumen is a great combination.

"That combination with the rest of the guys is a powerful cocktail."

Miller and the Blue Knights/Kennedy must now wait to hear from Duff & Phelps which of them has been given the nod to proceed to a period of due diligence.

"Time is of the essence. It really is now pretty critical," added Murray, a former Rangers director.

"We are running up against unbelievable time pressures. It's getting to the point where it is a real issue."

Asked about the value of his joint bid compared to truck tycoon Miller's bid of £11.2m, Murray said: "If what Bill Miller has said is accurate, we believe it is worth more than that.

"This is more than just about money; I think this is about philosophy as well.

"We have been very clear that a CVA is the only thing the supporters want.

"Speaking as a supporter, I do not want the club's timeline has been broken."

Murray's bid is not only conditional on a CVA being approved; it depends on owner Craig Whyte's 85% shareholding being acquired, either by Ticketus, who are owed almost £27m, or the administrators.

"On the assumption that 75% of the value of those creditors vote for it, then the CVA becomes effective," said Murray.

"There is then a 28 day cooling-off period where people can request more information.

"Ticketus have a lot of financial leverage over Craig Whyte.

"I expect them to be positive on the CVA and I expect them to deliver the shares as well."

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Walter Smith will not stick the knife into Sir David Murray and tbh i would think less of him if he did as they are very close personal friends.

So close that it's impossible to imagine Teflon Walter wouldn't have had a clue about how his chum was financing his player budget. Smith is as guilty as the rest of them.

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I love this thread. Its great to see fans of all the so called diddy clubs uniting in the hope that Rangers are finished off.

The only blackspots on this thread are the posts from Celtic fans who somehow think they are in this with us. They aren't. We need to get rid of them too.

What is happening at Ibrox may be overshadowing everything just now - but rest assured, Scottish football fans won't forget the way Celtic, Lennon, Lawwell, Reid, et al, went about stirring up sectarian hatred last season (and this) and their intimidation of referees and match officials. We won't forget how they have used sectarianism, bigotry and hatred for the past 100 years to gain success on the pitch and lord it over us all.

Once we get Rangers out of the way its time the remianing clubs acted to get rid of Celtic. We need to get shot of all the bogots in one fell swoop.

FFS Captain, get real.

The world is full of revolutions that failed because a handful of bampot zealots wanted all or nothing, so that the forces they were fighting against put aside their differences enough in time to unite and see off the common enemy of both.

Give Celtic and their fans enough reason to feel their club could be next to suffer the wrath of the diddies getting mad-as-hell-and-not-going-to-take-it-anymore, and they'd suddenly put all instincts aside and start supporting their brothers in grime for real. Remember they've been doing it for over 100 years so far, and it's probably only the fear of causing their fans to go bonkers at them after the Neil Lennon bomb business that's stopped the Celtic board from publicly giving "haunners" to Rangers.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves and concentrate on getting one of them shot down dead for good - the one that's a by-word worldwide for rioting football fans after Manchester. After they're in the firey pit, then we'll see what comes: whether Celtic and their supporters do agree to real changes in the game up here, or whether they prove to be as utterly selfish as ever.

Whatever the case, Scottish football will be in an opportunity to reform for good that would be impossible with both of the gruesome twosome alive and kicking. It's an opportunity most of us never thought we'd live to see.

So let's not blow it on "all or nothing" - let's get the main job at hand done first.

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So close that it's impossible to imagine Teflon Walter wouldn't have had a clue about how his chum was financing his player budget. Smith is as guilty as the rest of them.

Sorry but guilty of what? There has been no ruling on the EBTs as far as i know...Maybe you know differently...Link?????

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They have a plan.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.

I make a bid.

Pull it out.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.

I make a bid.

Pull it out.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.


All this putting it in ....pulling it out....isn't this the recognised contraception method for the other lot.........have they got wind of this new catholic league and are looking for a sneaky way in?

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