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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It all sounds like it was very compliant in this restaurant. If Grier really didn't know anything, did he, as a financial expert, not ask a single question? What kind of meat was on the menu? And how juicy was this meat?

Wonder if they had ice cream and jelly for afters?

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It always amazes me how they can find out all this info on the so called enemy of Rangers, but yet they brown nosed Craig Whyte to the bitter end, and believed everyone was out to get him (they started the BBC protest after the first documentary) and out to get Ra Peeple

They are more interested in hating others than supporting the club they claim to love.

They are really stupid. A new collective term could be "a *** of morons"?

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In their move to take the transfer sanctions appeal to the Court of Session, we are witnessing the Rangers Football Club version of Suicide by Cop. An interesting historical snippet from that article:

While only formally studied in late 20th century, the concept of deliberately precipitating one's own slaying by the provocation of executive officials may span back to the late Roman Empire. In 4th century northern Africa, a Donatist sect known as the Circumcellions (or "agonistici") emerged that held the concept of martyrdom to be very sacred. On occasion, members of this group assaulted Roman legionaries or armed travelers with simple wooden clubs to provoke them into attacking and martyring them. Others interrupted courts of law and verbally provoked the judge so that he would order their immediate execution (a normal punishment at the time for contempt of court)

I am sure that D&P and the Rangers legal team must be well aware that the likely consequence for this action is to force the SFA's hand, and compel them to expel Rangers from the SFA. That's a meltdown scenario for Rangers - without a licence to play in Scotland, there won't be enough meat left on the bones to interest even the scabbiest of the financial vultures circling the corpse of the club.

Vaporising any remaining value in the club may not be the sort of tactic you'd expect from Administrators, but D&P have repeatedly demonstrated that they are not your ordinary Administrators. However, since the BBC got on their case, they have been slapped across the face with the large wet haddock of reality. Their tone has changed to scared and defensive. They are in the shit up to their necks, and the tide of shit is still rising.

So why the self-immolation on the day after the SPL told them to produce the dual contracts documentation or face sanctions?

Maybe they have a Cunning Plan for survival that doesn't depend on membership of the SFA.

Or is expulsion from the SFA and the permanent death of Rangers Football Club a more attractive option for RFC (IA), D&P, the SPL and the SFA than subjecting the dual contracts case to the forensic legal analysis of Lord Nimmo Smith?

If they'd rather kill themselves off than face the music on that one, I reckon that reflects some fairly major sphincter-twitching among the main players. The sort of sphincter-twitching that would occur when contemplating the loss of one's job, one's reputation, expulsion from one's professional body, or even a spell of enforced hospitality as a guest of Her Majesty.

Interesting times.

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Ok so I think even the most 'pessimistic' of us can agree rangers are 'royally' fecked.. so the attention has to turn again to what can be done to improve scottish fitba and get it to where the majority of scots fitba fans want it..

In an ideal world rangers would be no more but no matter what they will be back in some form down the line so the changes have to be implemented urgently while the old firm strangehold is broken.

The last few shambolic months have shown the spl leadership of doncaster / topping is not fit for purpose and their, I shudder to use the word, 'vision' for the game is at the other end of the spectrum from the fans. This is our game and we have to claim it back.

Aswell as a change of leadership we need now to forevor change the voting system to something resembling democratic. With this changed then radical changes have to be brought in if the scottish game is to have any hope of salvation:

- introduction of bigger top league (ideally 16)

- introduction of exciting playoff format

- democratic sharing of tv revenue

- greater financial transparency and openess throughout the game

- introduction of league pyramaid system

If there is less money in the short term so be it, if the tv companies pull out so be it. Its time to get every club self-sustainable and not reliant on the scraps sky tv through us- on that platform will future financial prosperity be built on.

The spl chairman have to grab this opportunity and tap into the fans demands for radical change, rangers collapse has given the game an opportunity for change that may never arise again - its time to stand up and be counted for the integrity and good of the scottish game over financial short-sightedness.

Go to the section on German football (half way down) http://footballspeak...nable-Game.aspx The article talks about English football but you can read that as Scottish football also - except the SFA has over the years been seriously more ineffective than the FA and cosied up to Rangers in particular and 'billionaires'.

The main points to be taken from this piece and the lessons that can be learned for other countries football to ensure financial sustainability and stability are:

  • Be tough with the rules. The DFB Bundesliga rule book is 200 pages long and has highly specific rulings on finance which ensure anyone not adhering to the rules is sufficiently punished. The 50+1 rule is one that would surely work with many British clubs (Newcastle, Sunderland etc) with massively passionate fans.
  • Lay trust in Youth Academies. It may initially hamper the quality of the league but if the trust is gradually introduced then only half the team would need to be from the Youth Academy, following the 6+5 rule which despite being unappealing to watch, would be financially suitable as it would reduce the need for expensive imported players. A reduction in ticket prices would be needed to keep fans interested. The top two Leagues in Germany invested 75 million Euros in these youth Academies in 09/10.
  • Get a Pro-active Football Association. I'm not into Italian or Spanish football well enough to conclude about the effectiveness of their FA's, but certainly from England's FA perspective, they have many lessons to learn from the DFB in taking a leading role in ensuring the sustainability of football in their country. (SFA please note)
  • Limit Outside Influence. The DFB were wise enough to relax the rule making outside investment illegal having seen the desire elsewhere on the continent for investment in football. The fans will always still have a majority in the club whilst welcoming investment but NOT decisions from outside donors.
  • Ditch the 'Unfashionable' Idea. The Premier League may currently be the place to be regarding money and perhaps playing, but will it be the same case in ten years? All those involved in the game need to realise that it's not just about the image; the WAG culture that infests the game, the big cars and the mansions, it's about what league will be the most successful over the length of a players career, and it's looking like it could be the Bundesliga.
  • Listen and Lay trust in the fans. The fans' are those who take the thick and thin of the club's successes and failures over a prolonged period of time, so why, in Italy, Spain and England are most clubs allowing owners with the only interest at their heart being money, do a dis-service to the loyal supporters of the club by neglecting it if there is no viable business output when they take over? The fans' will always be with a club, the owners won't. It is time to follow the German model, which is not faultless, but has put German football in far better stead than the rest of Europe, and provide best value and a transparency and responsibility for those most passionate about the club, the fans'.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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The panic is over for all Rankers fans. According to Traytors rag today, big Chasbo has done a deal with the Taxman but he has still to get it in writing!!!!


You just beet me to it. The Dilusional Ranger strikes again. Sad thing is, all those brainwashed gers fans will believe this pish. If he has agreed a deal, then it's only to sell the assets and give them their money back. Bye Murray Park, bye Ibrokes, bye big car park. This Green character is gonna make a nice profit if he buys them for 8 odd million.

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Finally saw the Mark Daly piece, as many have said its been the best outline of what is going on.

I also agree with the poster before who mentioned that the Beeb are doing a good job in slowly revealing evidence.

I think our SPL and SFA needs investigation too.

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Former Sheffield United chief executive Green said of the planned CVA: “HMRC have given us the nod..."

Could be prophetic.

"Can you see these people anywhere in court today?"

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I'm I the only one with a bad feeling.

H&D will get punished, but that will take time. During that time Green completes his takeover as a newco.

Football authorities say Green could only buy from who was selling, so he's in the clear, Rangers Newco are in the SPL for the 'financial good of the game'. H&D get severely punished but from our perspective, so what. Rangers are still alive.

Tell me it won't happen. Please.

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I just subjected myself to that Rangers Media forum, oh my god, who are these people, they are a sub-species. They think everyone is scared of Rangers, don't have the bottle to do anything to Rangers and anyone who doesn't subscribe to their deluded nonsense isn't a good protestant !! It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. David Attenborough has aired documentaries on more intelligent life forms.

FIFA, UEFA, SFA, SPL, I strongly urge you to rid Scotland of this breeding ground for sectarianism. Then there's also the small matters of cheating, fraud, tax evasion, tax avoidance etc. etc, bringing the game into disrepute on so many levels, inciting the public to threaten officials within the game etc. The list is endless....throw them out and close them down. It's the absolute minimum punishment that should be handed down.

The idiot club and their idiot fans don't realise just how big a favour their fine and transfer embargo was, that punishment wasn't in the rules of the association, what is however, is expulsion from the game - do these idiots not realise this ?

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Leggo today claims Green and his group have no proof of funds and no money. It ended up with some Dundee Utd supporter who hates Rangers is best friends with a convicted arsonist.

I take it Leggo is not buying into all this .

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Post #13 This is part of the problem, for all this time they've been allowed to do what they want and pish all over everyone else and now someone has suddenly said no to them and have gone into meltdown.

The sooner this is ended the better they have to learn to play within the rules or be punished, putting them on the naughty step has not worked the tantrum continues

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The panic is over for all Rankers fans. According to Traytors rag today, big Chasbo has done a deal with the Taxman but he has still to get it in writing!!!!


As someone who used to work for HMRC, we weren't in the habit of "giving nods" as green claims. In fact, we pretty much didn't like to give any verbal answers and certainly not when the questions were of the" well, what if we pay this..,,,"

Every time I think I'm getting a bit apathetic about the H&ns and their criminal enterprises, something else comes along to reinvigorate the outrage.

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The problem with taking this to the Court of Session is that the SFA will only act if Rangers win the case. Everything suggests they won't and all the SFA have to do is uphold the verdict. Yes, they could go further and strictly by the rules they should do, but in a situation where no one wants to be responsible for being the person that killed Rangers, they will not. And I doubt if UEFA will get involved either.

It's not Machiavellian, it's all rather pathetic. And to think they're using their fighting fund for it too. That's vital funds for their Division 3 campaign too.

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Unless the "nod" that Green thinks is not really the one that HMRC gave.

Green: "HMRC, will you be open to looking at a CVA of 4p in the pound?"

HMRC: *nod*

Green sees that as an acceptance of the value (or should that be quantum? ;)), while the HMRC see that as being willing to look at it without pre-condition of acceptance.

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1338016432[/url]' post='6273246']

The panic is over for all Rankers fans. According to Traytors rag today, big Chasbo has done a deal with the Taxman but he has still to get it in writing!!!!


Conditional Voluntary Agreement

FFS, you'd think after this amount of time, the muppets at this rag would actually know what CVA stood for.

And if they dont, a 5 second Google would let them know.

Proffessional journalists??

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