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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As regards the meeting with Charles Green, well he is not actually the owner of Rangers yet. He is a preferred bidder and most likely it is Green that has requested the meeting with Lawwell. After all, he is the party that has most to gain out of it. And there is no reason for Lawwell not to attend.

So you don't believe it's hypocritical of him after his comments about not being invited to meet with the other SPL clubs when they were proposing to change the voting structure?

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1338020427[/url]' post='6273349']

Wouldnt imagine the Shellik fans will be very happy about this

It's 4:30 in the morning here, I've had a very strange night to begin the long US weekend and I was about to either go to bed or post something about how baffled I am by seemingly suicidal actions by the Gers collective.

But to answer your question, no, we are nae fucking happy. If after all this Silence Celtic colludes with them I'm done with Celtic.

I'm guessing announcing a talk with Celtic is scorched earth last throw of the dice shit. If you hang for the EBT lamb, why not steal the SFA and FIFA sheep? And if you hang anyway, why not force Celtic to declare their intentions?

Not a bad play, if you're desperate. Publicly force Celtic to make the cash versus integrity decision over the weekend, and make it clear you want to talk directly to Lawwell.

Thing is, Lawwell has to know now that any commercial gain from a cozy OF deal is as nothing to the backlash from the Celtic support. If he wanted to cut a deal to keep the old order with better terms for us he needed to manage the process and speak up. Now is too late, because now we smell blood and see something more mportant than a transfer embargo. Now we see ourselves not shackled to the corpse of Rangers and the corpse of the Old Firm.

If Celtic collaborates with Rangers than we are what you say we are. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers their season tickets go Grrek debt levels of down. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers they can go to hell or Connaught, and I'm going to Bundesliga 2 and MLS.

Hail (conditional on actions) Hail

(sorry, did I mention it's 5am here and....errr....sorry for the rant)

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Good article by Glenn Gibbons in today's Scotsman:


From the article

The Scottish FA’s so-called “fit and proper” test in relation to club executives has been made to look risible by their own president. Campbell Ogilvie’s alleged involvement in the EBT scheme during his time at Rangers may not make him culpable of an offence, but public figures have never needed guilt to remove them from office; credibility, or at least the loss of it, is usually quite sufficient.

Ogilvie’s association with the excesses of the Murray regime at Ibrox – as well as his rush into denial – has rendered him pathetic among the football public. Surely someone at Hampden HQ will advise him of the appropriateness of making a voluntary departure to avoid the embarrassment of an enforced eviction.

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It's 4:30 in the morning here, I've had a very strange night to begin the long US weekend and I was about to either go to bed or post something about how baffled I am by seemingly suicidal actions by the Gers collective.

But to answer your question, no, we are nae fucking happy. If after all this Silence Celtic colludes with them I'm done with Celtic.

I'm guessing announcing a talk with Celtic is scorched earth last throw of the dice shit. If you hang for the EBT lamb, why not steal the SFA and FIFA sheep? And if you hang anyway, why not force Celtic to declare their intentions?

Not a bad play, if you're desperate. Publicly force Celtic to make the cash versus integrity decision over the weekend, and make it clear you want to talk directly to Lawwell.

Thing is, Lawwell has to know now that any commercial gain from a cozy OF deal is as nothing to the backlash from the Celtic support. If he wanted to cut a deal to keep the old order with better terms for us he needed to manage the process and speak up. Now is too late, because now we smell blood and see something more mportant than a transfer embargo. Now we see ourselves not shackled to the corpse of Rangers and the corpse of the Old Firm.

If Celtic collaborates with Rangers than we are what you say we are. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers their season tickets go Grrek debt levels of down. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers they can go to hell or Connaught, and I'm going to Bundesliga 2 and MLS.

Hail (conditional on actions) Hail

(sorry, did I mention it's 5am here and....errr....sorry for the rant)

I can understand your ire as a fan but would it really surprise you if the Celtic Chairmen/BoD colluded to reunite their "old firm" ? Celtic are the one team in this with the most to lose after all (except Rangers obviously!)

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It's 4:30 in the morning here, I've had a very strange night to begin the long US weekend and I was about to either go to bed or post something about how baffled I am by seemingly suicidal actions by the Gers collective.

But to answer your question, no, we are nae fucking happy. If after all this Silence Celtic colludes with them I'm done with Celtic.

I'm guessing announcing a talk with Celtic is scorched earth last throw of the dice shit. If you hang for the EBT lamb, why not steal the SFA and FIFA sheep? And if you hang anyway, why not force Celtic to declare their intentions?

Not a bad play, if you're desperate. Publicly force Celtic to make the cash versus integrity decision over the weekend, and make it clear you want to talk directly to Lawwell.

Thing is, Lawwell has to know now that any commercial gain from a cozy OF deal is as nothing to the backlash from the Celtic support. If he wanted to cut a deal to keep the old order with better terms for us he needed to manage the process and speak up. Now is too late, because now we smell blood and see something more mportant than a transfer embargo. Now we see ourselves not shackled to the corpse of Rangers and the corpse of the Old Firm.

If Celtic collaborates with Rangers than we are what you say we are. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers their season tickets go Grrek debt levels of down. If Celtic collaborates with Rangers they can go to hell or Connaught, and I'm going to Bundesliga 2 and MLS.

Hail (conditional on actions) Hail

(sorry, did I mention it's 5am here and....errr....sorry for the rant)

If Peter Lawwell believed any of this he'd have spoken out long ago. As far as he's concerned the only thing that will change is the green brigade will go back to hanging their banners upside down. celtic fans wont give up their season tickets as long as there is a prospect of an old firm derby. It's the only reason they buy them in the first place.

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I follow a few Celtic fan sites and the only public utterances that have emanated from the club on this topic (and they have been conspicuous by their brevity) is that they are not dependent on any other club for their own well-being. I'd love to know how it is then that you are privy to these secret machinations behind the scenes. Is the conception of this not a means of fixing the world to a very rigid view of the OF being incestuous sisters, cheeks of the same arse etc ? If you allow such a rigid principle to dictate your thinking, then it is hardly surprising that your view of the world becomes skewed.

I should add that it's also very difficult to be "right at the forefront of the campaign" and yet also secretly direct matters behind the scenes too !

The only vocal support for Newco to be treated leniently has come from non-Celtic sources, and one from a chairman who's publicly boasted about putting Celtic into a corner. He wouldn't have said that if Celtic held the balance of power. Indeed, the re-admittance of Newco is something that is beyond Celtic's powers to control.

On another matter. Given that we all agree that Rangers have cheated every other SPL club over the last decard or so, both in football and financial terms, in monetary terms, by far the biggest losers were Celtic FC. Now Peter Lawwell will have made his own study of just how much this has potentially lost the club, but I don't think 30million would be anything other than a conservative estimate. Therefore, in his situation why on earth would he want to go on easy on Newco ?

As regards the meeting with Charles Green, well he is not actually the owner of Rangers yet. He is a preferred bidder and most likely it is Green that has requested the meeting with Lawwell. After all, he is the party that has most to gain out of it. And there is no reason for Lawwell not to attend.

Well put. Blaming Celtic ( and Lawwell in particular) is just the easy option, but not with any idea or evidence of Celtic's stance yet.

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From the article

The Scottish FA's so-called "fit and proper" test in relation to club executives has been made to look risible by their own president. Campbell Ogilvie's alleged involvement in the EBT scheme during his time at Rangers may not make him culpable of an offence, but public figures have never needed guilt to remove them from office; credibility, or at least the loss of it, is usually quite sufficient.

Ogilvie's association with the excesses of the Murray regime at Ibrox – as well as his rush into denial – has rendered him pathetic among the football public. Surely someone at Hampden HQ will advise him of the appropriateness of making a voluntary departure to avoid the embarrassment of an enforced eviction.

It's just as well the SFA made all those changes to the organisation last year to make them "fit for purpose"................................ph34r.gif

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Surely Lawwell wouldn't agree to a meeting between clubs before the SPL summit. I remember someone telling us that that would be Disrespectful.

I wish they would both just f*ckin die!

Maybe he's talking part in Punked! Green goes to the meeting and all the SPL chairmen jump up from behind the couch and start laughing at him.

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I have just skimmed through the posts since I went to bed at 1 am there's a couple of things I'd like to comment on.

1 L4L= legend who has redeemed himself of whatever crimes he commited on P&B

2 The FIFA/UEFA situation-

RFC are members of the SFA, the SFA of UEFA, UEFA of FIFA.

FIFA have set down rules of membership to protect their position as the overlords of the game, all members have agreed to abide by these rules in order to compete in FIFA sanctioned tournaments.

RFC by going to ordinary court have broken a prohibition set down by FIFA to protect their control over the game.

IF RFC win their case then there will be a domino effect which will see FIFA surrender control of the game to the law of the land, this cannot and will not happen.

RFC's membership of the SFA will become untenable if the SFA do not expel RFC, if that happens the SFA membership of UEFA would become untenable then UEFA's membership of FIFA.

RFC and their fans might believe they are too powerful for FIFA and UEFA to crush but they are by far the smallest domino in the line and FIFA will remove every domino which starts to fall on their way up to FIFA, which dominoes do you believe will be removed?

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As would such a high percentage of the Celtic fans that it's not an option for Lawell

I'd say its the same for most clubs. The problem for Celtic fans is its seen as parochialism.......actually forget that we ALL end up getting "labelled" in this little parochial Country !

If it were my Club I'd EXPECT us to be expelled or in the EoS league.

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IMO Airdrie united play a key part in this, I don't think they'll be the club that rangers kill off, but their history could be seen as setting a precedent. Maybe it's just my age but I cant remember Airdrie being hammered with sanctions when they took over the Bankies. How could the SFA or SFL impose sanctions on rangers if they didn't do it to Airdrie? Especially given the prominent positions the Airdrie chairman holds at the SPL and SFL.

Sorry to be so vague, but after the event, IIRC, the rules were "tightened up" to prevent it being a precedent. Not to say it's not impossible, just more difficult.

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I follow a few Celtic fan sites and the only public utterances that have emanated from the club on this topic (and they have been conspicuous by their brevity) is that they are not dependent on any other club for their own well-being. I'd love to know how it is then that you are privy to these secret machinations behind the scenes. Is the conception of this not a means of fixing the world to a very rigid view of the OF being incestuous sisters, cheeks of the same arse etc ? If you allow such a rigid principle to dictate your thinking, then it is hardly surprising that your view of the world becomes skewed.

I should add that it's also very difficult to be "right at the forefront of the campaign" and yet also secretly direct matters behind the scenes too !

The only vocal support for Newco to be treated leniently has come from non-Celtic sources, and one from a chairman who's publicly boasted about putting Celtic into a corner. He wouldn't have said that if Celtic held the balance of power. Indeed, the re-admittance of Newco is something that is beyond Celtic's powers to control.

On another matter. Given that we all agree that Rangers have cheated every other SPL club over the last decard or so, both in football and financial terms, in monetary terms, by far the biggest losers were Celtic FC. Now Peter Lawwell will have made his own study of just how much this has potentially lost the club, but I don't think 30million would be anything other than a conservative estimate. Therefore, in his situation why on earth would he want to go on easy on Newco ?

As regards the meeting with Charles Green, well he is not actually the owner of Rangers yet. He is a preferred bidder and most likely it is Green that has requested the meeting with Lawwell. After all, he is the party that has most to gain out of it. And there is no reason for Lawwell not to attend.

1. It really isn't. The distinct difference between the Celtic fans and their board, and the steadfast refusal of Celtic fans to see that their board is just as cowardly as the Kilmarnock and Dundee United guys. It isn't some kind of conspiracy. Everything the Celtic board is saying and doing is supportive of Rangers.

2. Celtic need Rangers. Even if it was within their powers to control it, their response would be the same. I really can't see why you think Celtic would do anything else, and it amazes me that you seem to think otherwise. Celtic's position can be summed up thusly; "Yes oh yes to newco".

3. Celtic qualified for Europe every year. It's all very well to say you can't miss what you never had, but can you imagine the benefits of just one season in Europe for a diddy team? To suggest Celtic somehow financially lost out would be to accuse your own board of financial neglect.

And indeed, there you have it, you are doing it again. "Given we all agree..." You really don't get it, do you? It's not a personal thing. But Celtic and Rangers are the same thing.

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Well put. Blaming Celtic ( and Lawwell in particular) is just the easy option, but not with any idea or evidence of Celtic's stance yet.

There is still more trouble to come for Rangers (and others) which Celtic know about, Celtic will not be dragged into Rangers mess, they have no need to

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1. It really isn't. The distinct difference between the Celtic fans and their board, and the steadfast refusal of Celtic fans to see that their board is just as cowardly as the Kilmarnock and Dundee United guys. It isn't some kind of conspiracy. Everything the Celtic board is saying and doing is supportive of Rangers.

2. Celtic need Rangers. Even if it was within their powers to control it, their response would be the same. I really can't see why you think Celtic would do anything else, and it amazes me that you seem to think otherwise. Celtic's position can be summed up thusly; "Yes oh yes to newco".

3. Celtic qualified for Europe every year. It's all very well to say you can't miss what you never had, but can you imagine the benefits of just one season in Europe for a diddy team? To suggest Celtic somehow financially lost out would be to accuse your own board of financial neglect.

And indeed, there you have it, you are doing it again. "Given we all agree..." You really don't get it, do you? It's not a personal thing. But Celtic and Rangers are the same thing.

Jim? Jim Traynor?

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

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Adam doesn’t bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i’m concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven’t been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam’s efforts to put forward the alternative view.It’s not my story so i can’t control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don’t walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

Edited by Phantom Bud
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There is still more trouble to come for Rangers (and others) which Celtic know about, Celtic will not be dragged into Rangers mess, they have no need to

in the interests of transparency I demand to know these names ! ph34r.gif

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So the daily record says..... Green says....... "that he's done a deal with the Taxman and is meeting Lawell"

The Daily Record reported that Whyte was a billionaire, Rangers were going to have two teams, one for domestic league and one for Europe, oh as well as a casino and the first floating stadium in the world.....

Oh almost forgot...Fergus McCann was worse than Saddam Hussain and Celtic players were thugs and thieves

at least they got something right

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