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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are you referring to the BoS employee and director of a recently relegated SPL club who was handing money out like sweeties. I believe the legal term used when Halifax merged with with BoS and saw the level of lending was......"What the f**k yeez daen man?"

Yes....the very one.

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A pure guess of what it possibly could be... something to do with referees perhaps. There isn't really nuch lower you can go with Rangers crimes before you start to concider some sort of match fixing. However if there is some sort of collusion between Murray and BoS then that's pretty appaling.

I hope it's murder. I think Yvonne Fletcher was really killed by, oh, lets say Lovable Jimmy Bell.

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1. It really isn't. The distinct difference between the Celtic fans and their board, and the steadfast refusal of Celtic fans to see that their board is just as cowardly as the Kilmarnock and Dundee United guys. It isn't some kind of conspiracy. Everything the Celtic board is saying and doing is supportive of Rangers.

2. Celtic need Rangers. Even if it was within their powers to control it, their response would be the same. I really can't see why you think Celtic would do anything else, and it amazes me that you seem to think otherwise. Celtic's position can be summed up thusly; "Yes oh yes to newco".

3. Celtic qualified for Europe every year. It's all very well to say you can't miss what you never had, but can you imagine the benefits of just one season in Europe for a diddy team? To suggest Celtic somehow financially lost out would be to accuse your own board of financial neglect.

And indeed, there you have it, you are doing it again. "Given we all agree..." You really don't get it, do you? It's not a personal thing. But Celtic and Rangers are the same thing.

1. You must know more about what goes on in the Celtic boardroom than I do, because all I hear at present is silence. Well, I'll say that at times like this, nothing is ruled out but you seem remarkably confident that this is how Celtic are acting.

2. I'll give you one thing - Celtic need competition and Rangers provide that in Scotland. But competition at the cost of financial cheating that's denied Celtic acess to the Champions' League on multiple occasions ? They'd have to be incredibly supine not to be going for blood just now.

3, I did stress that Celtic lost most in monetary terms, not relative terms. Financial neglect is the last thing the Celtic board were guilty of. They lost out in the short term for their prudence. But I'm certainly thankful to them for that.

What am I doing again exactly ? There's near 100% consensus that Rangers cheated the other SPL clubs financially ?

"But Celtic and Rangers are the same thing." - oh please, don't be ridiculous. I can't even begin to start on that.

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A pure guess of what it possibly could be... something to do with referees perhaps. There isn't really nuch lower you can go with Rangers crimes before you start to concider some sort of match fixing. However if there is some sort of collusion between Murray and BoS then that's pretty appaling.

I think the word is "corruption"

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This was posted on the RTC blog by a poster called Barcabhoy last night. Regular readers of RTC seem to regard him as a pretty credible poster with good sources. I think Adam is a Rangers fan who also posts on RTC ...

From RTC

Barcabhoy on 26/05/2012 at 2:19 am said:

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Adam doesn't bother me in the slightest. He has absolutely no influence on the outcome of this farce. He can therefore put his view into play any time he likes as far as i'm concerned

What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven't been put there at all.

They will be and when they are, they will be beyond belief. In fact I had a problem believing it myself initially. At the point of disclosure I very much look forward to reading Adam's efforts to put forward the alternative view.It's not my story so i can't control the disclosure timescale, but when it comes out it will be nuclear

Just to make this clear, what has still to come out is worse than illegally registering players, is worse than using VAT and PAYE as cash-flow, is worse than deliberately not paying fellow clubs, is worse than deliberately abusing the EBT system

its much worse……

My advice to those who know what they have done……don't walk away…….run away as fast as you can,preferably to somewhere without an extradition treaty with the UK……because you know what you have done, and you know that its coming out.

This is old hat. John Greig was caught in the Ibrox shredding room with a dead hooker and it was covered up, allegedly. Thought everyone knew this.

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1338023199[/url]' post='6273420']

I can understand your ire as a fan but would it really surprise you if the Celtic Chairmen/BoD colluded to reunite their "old firm" ? Celtic are the one team in this with the most to lose after all (except Rangers obviously!)

I would not be shocked if Lawwell did what Some others have already indicated they'll do and bought into the old paradigm. But I would be surprised. June is not February. Things have changed. To assume, for the sake of argument, everything P&B says about Celtic fans is true: we are glory hunters. That's us, right, gloryhunters? If we are, then wouldn't we love, absolutely love, the chance to walk into the pub wearing a Barcelona jersey and loudly declare - "I was a Celtic fan, but I was so appalled by the way they caved to Rangers that I switched to a romantic rebellious team I already supported that happe ns to have Lionel Messi".

Please don't dismiss the sentiment out of hand. If I had a fiver for every poster on here who said "if Rangers gets back in, I'm not paying 30 quid to watch pish, I'll go watch juniors/local 3rd division side/Wim Wenders movies" I could buy Rangers with money left to have a marble facade on the Aldi I'd build on Ibrox. This is a universal sentiment about Scottish football.

If we are seen to collaborate, people aren't going back to Parkhead. Captain Sensible types will say its all down to fickle glory hunting. Green Brigade types will say its a protest against societal oppression. I'd say it will be legitimate outrage at the betrayal of the better angels of our clubs nature. Truth is probably in the middle.

Lawwell sees money lost more than money gained if he is smart.

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Um, it won't happen.

But surely to God after the last three days you don't need to be told. This isn't like some horror movie where the gruesome thing keeps managing to get up for "one last attack" after being shot and stabbed a dozen times, hit with a baseball bat and falling from the top of a skyscraper.

Let's spell it out.

1. Rangers have four days of money left. There's no word that anyone is willing to advance them any to continue.

2. Even if they do, virtually their entire squad walks in four days time because they cannot afford their contracts to keep them on, knocking a massive part of the club's financial value for six and thus deterring investors.

3. They have a transfer embargo and cannot replaced those players except with under 18s. The sort of under 18s of a calibre Rangers need in order to sustain themselves as an SPL club are of the sort produced by the soccer academies of the likes of Real Madrid, costing many millions to buy that they don't have.

4. Over this embargo, they are taking the SFA to a civil court, in clear breach of Article 64 of the FIFA Statutes. FIFA along with UEFA have told the SFA to get it dealt with as it's their backyard before they are forced to step in. The consensus is it will certainly result in Rangers automatic relegation from the SPL, but after the Sion affair in Switzerland it looks like expulsion is on the cards.

As they've chosen to ignore the warning given by the SFA that they'd considered expelling them over their financial impropriety, they've effectively committed suicide - no CVA oldco Rangers, no newco Rangers, that's it.

Which is what Duff & Phelps want, because:

5. The BBC documentary on Wednesday unveiling the severe conflict of interest between Duff and Phelps with Whyte and Ticketus in the Rangers takeover was a double whammy, as not only does it mean they stand to be forcibly removed as administrators (and joining the queue as ordinary and not sporting creditors for their dough!), but also blows their whole "writ" against Collier Bristow (one of whose lawyers had acted as Rangers business secretary) for £25 million is shown to be a sham as they knew all along what Collier Bristow were doing regarding the Ticketus aspect of Whyte's takeover deal for Rangers - and that promise of £25 million incoming s the honey keeping the silly bee Green humming around Ibrox.

6. That leave Duff & Phelps with only one chance left for them (and Whyte) to get any money. Rangers are expelled by FIFA/UEFA/SFA, end result is they cannot play in any tournaments or even other licenced clubs. No longer economically viable and with a massive tax bill looming, they now have every excuse to file for liquidation and get what money they can from the fixed assets. Where did Whyte make his fortune from in the first place? Asset stripping. A coincidence, of course!

7. Bill Miller's public pronouncement about the state of Rangers accounts he got a squint at all but ended the chances of any new suitors coming forward, so any attempt by the Rangers Fighting Fund to block Duff and Phelps in the courts from a winding up order would be futile.

The real question isn't whether Rangers are going to die - it's simply now a matter of what will be the fatal cause.

I thought I read somewhere that Green was going to bank-roll them over the closed season. I'm not saying I believe it, I'm just sure I read it somewhere.

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1. You must know more about what goes on in the Celtic boardroom than I do, because all I hear at present is silence. Well, I'll say that at times like this, nothing is ruled out but you seem remarkably confident that this is how Celtic are acting.

2. I'll give you one thing - Celtic need competition and Rangers provide that in Scotland. But competition at the cost of financial cheating that's denied Celtic acess to the Champions' League on multiple occasions ? They'd have to be incredibly supine not to be going for blood just now.

3, I did stress that Celtic lost most in monetary terms, not relative terms. Financial neglect is the last thing the Celtic board were guilty of. They lost out in the short term for their prudence. But I'm certainly thankful to them for that.

What am I doing again exactly ? There's near 100% consensus that Rangers cheated the other SPL clubs financially ?

"But Celtic and Rangers are the same thing." - oh please, don't be ridiculous. I can't even begin to start on that.

1. Do you think, push come to shove, Celtic would vote to expel Rangers? Hypothetical I know, but it's a salient point. Celtic need Rangers.

2. Thrashing Rangers 8-0 at Ibrox, playing against a team of half-wit pizza faces from the Gorbals in front of 10,000 fans, most of them Celtic ones? That's blood of a different kind.

3. Fair point.

I think the mistake you are making is suggesting some kind of empathy between Celtic fans and us diddy supporters.

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1338025603[/url]' post='6273506']

Yes....the very one.

Initials GM? Walked away with a gargantuan golden handshake from the Bank when he retired which he squandered largely on the excesses of a certain perma-tanned manager who bears an uncanny resemblence to Bernie Winters?

There was something about this posted on here a few hundred pages back; it struck me as a bit far-fetched in places but credible enough to be possible.

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What may be of interest to him, and others, is that the very worst of the offenses committed by Rangers have yet to be properly put into the public domain. In fact they haven’t been put there at all.

Has Sandy Jardine been drowning puppies?

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I would not be shocked if Lawwell did what Some others have already indicated they'll do and bought into the old paradigm. But I would be surprised. June is not February. Things have changed. To assume, for the sake of argument, everything P&B says about Celtic fans is true: we are glory hunters. That's us, right, gloryhunters? If we are, then wouldn't we love, absolutely love, the chance to walk into the pub wearing a Barcelona jersey and loudly declare - "I was a Celtic fan, but I was so appalled by the way they caved to Rangers that I switched to a romantic rebellious team I already supported that happe ns to have Lionel Messi".

Please don't dismiss the sentiment out of hand. If I had a fiver for every poster on here who said "if Rangers gets back in, I'm not paying 30 quid to watch pish, I'll go watch juniors/local 3rd division side/Wim Wenders movies" I could buy Rangers with money left to have a marble facade on the Aldi I'd build on Ibrox. This is a universal sentiment about Scottish football.

If we are seen to collaborate, people aren't going back to Parkhead. Captain Sensible types will say its all down to fickle glory hunting. Green Brigade types will say its a protest against societal oppression. I'd say it will be legitimate outrage at the betrayal of the better angels of our clubs nature. Truth is probably in the middle.

Lawwell sees money lost more than money gained if he is smart.

I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment.....its the same for all the other Chairmen. The potential loss of fans attending is "untangible" whereas the TV deal is "tangible".......even more so in Celtic's case.

What's that analogy about money top be made by warmongering ? Its a bit like the Cold War......better to have one big enemy than lots of little ones.

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Initials GM? Walked away with a gargantuan golden handshake from the Bank when he retired which he squandered largely on the excesses of a certain perma-tanned manager who bears an uncanny resemblence to Bernie Winters?

There was something about this posted on here a few hundred pages back; it struck me as a bit far-fetched in places but credible enough to be possible.

Recap please. I must have failed to log on for a day.

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1. Do you think, push come to shove, Celtic would vote to expel Rangers? Hypothetical I know, but it's a salient point. Celtic need Rangers.

2. Thrashing Rangers 8-0 at Ibrox, playing against a team of half-wit pizza faces from the Gorbals in front of 10,000 fans, most of them Celtic ones? That's blood of a different kind.

3. Fair point.

I think the mistake you are making is suggesting some kind of empathy between Celtic fans and us diddy supporters.

1. There would be no vote for expulsion. Expulsion will be an SFA tribunal matter. There would only be a vote to admit Newco, and Celtic would vote no. I also suspect the No camp is going to grow sufficiently to block admission too.

2. What I had in mind actually, was a last day 2-1 defeat to Queen's Park forcing Newco to a play-off for promotion to Division 2.

I remember reading somewhere that one of the definitions of Fascism was an absence of empathy !

Welcome to the SPL by the way.

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