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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Some have taken it a little harder than others.

Maybe if you had listened to me all along it wouldn't have come as such a shock. :D

Finally we can now see that the SFA is biased against Rangers and handpicking Lord Carloway has come back and bitten them squarely on the arse

Biased against Rangers my arse.

They are biased TOWARDS Rangers. I hope fifa step in and make them expel your cheating thieving b*****d team from Scottish football forever.


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Then the question is pointless really as they HAVE to review it and during that review if they DECIDED (changed for ignore) after review that their judgement was correct then that is that. No one in their right mind will ignore the review findings and the question is pointless as there is 0% that it will happen.

If they decide that their judgement was correct then it is back to the CoS we go.

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1h 315952_10150447862517442_515592441_10266795_1711242399_n_normal.jpgCara Sulieman@carasulieman #rangers have won - the decision has been referred back to appeal tribunal.

My inherent revulsion to this statement was tempered by the fact that this is surely the very last time it'll be used in anger.

So the buns have successfully taken the SFA to court for the right to chose "or death". Fine by me. In fact jolly jolly good.

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There is a section about the powers of a tribunal and they essentially can make up their own rules. This was the view that was upheld by the review tribunal, the CoS disagreed.

These are the sort of things that piss me off. Rangers signed up to those rules so should have had no leave to appeal. However, what we now basically have is one solicitor disagreeing with others. Whoopdeedoo. If they can't agree among themselves then a decision being right or wrong can't be made. It's only opinions and in this case more legal twats thought it was right than wrong. The whole appeals process is basically keep going until you hear what you want to hear so why cant the SFA appeal today's decision?

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Not according to the Court reporters who conveyed:

"The Court of Session ruled on Tuesday that the sanction was not available to the panel."

My understanding is that it has been sent back for them to consider an alternative sanction from those explicit within the Rules.

correct .dont know why ra peepul are foaming at the mouth in joy at this..all that has happened isca judge had said ...mmm ban not on..go back and punish them with something else.

it has no reflection on the original guilty verdict.

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Why don't the SFA say 'fair do's', have your fine and thats it on that charge.

But.............................since then you have bbrought the game into far greater disrepute with EBT's and this nuclear thang ;), new charge, new meeting, new result, new within rules judgement, tattie :)

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Anyone think charles green may not be happy with this? Ra peepul will be demanding rino gatuso et al are signed now and this guy seems a bit of a tightwad?

Do remember they still can't sign anybody whilst in Administration. Earliest time for exist via CVA is 12 July, although I suppose he could newco tommorrow and start signing on June 1

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Anyone think charles green may not be happy with this? Ra peepul will be demanding rino gatuso et al are signed now and this guy seems a bit of a tightwad?

Rino has already said that money is not a factor and he will play for whatever. He is a millionaire many times over and wants to come 'Home' as his wife is from here and he loved his time in Scotland. I would think he would be a cheap option compared to say Edu or Davis who probably earn in the region of £40,000 pw between them

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Probably nothing Rangers can do but the Court of Session would probably take a rather dim view of it and they carry a much bigger stick than do Rangers.

But do the 'laws of the land' actually hold any weight regarding football? It's all a shunder.

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The last two paragraphs in this should make the SFA do something

Yeah.... like completely back down and impose the most lenient sentence they can. They can then say to FIFA it was dealt with. Excuse my sarcasm but the SFA really are a bunch of comedians in this and it is so bloody embarrassing for everyone involved in Scottish Football with these muppets in charge.

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Not according to the Court reporters who conveyed:

"The Court of Session ruled on Tuesday that the sanction was not available to the panel."

My understanding is that it has been sent back for them to consider an alternative sanction from those explicit within the Rules.

Wishful thinking on my part I think. Surely the ONLY option now is expulsion. After all the bleating that the SFA done after Fat Sally etc came out moaning about the "draconian" punishment. It has to be the only option. Even the deluded Traynor thinks this is an option (according to his comments on Radio Scotland news tonight)

I've heard that Glasgow Taxis are phoning their bosses and telling them in no uncertain terms to refuse to accept the CVA (they are creditors too as far as im aware).

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The Scottish game has been verging on shambolic for a long time. It's now in complete and utter disarray. The SFA must expel Rangers FC and I feel their hand will be forced, they clearly can't be trusted to take any decision themselves.

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It's simple, the SFA have 2 choices here ;

1. Expel Rangers from the game


2. Confirm, by doing nothing, that Rangers are bigger than the SFA

I honestly believe that Rangers have signed their own death warrant by their disregard for the rules in this country, anything other than expulsion sets a dangerous precedent.

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1338310168[/url]' post='6284337']

The CVA is today's big news, though. It is an absolute nonsense, and this CoS developemnt is little more than a sideshow.

I would disagree with this a bit, although clearly the CVA is critical. The decision today means the only chance for Rangers to stay in the SPL with sanctions attached that the rest of the teams might see as sugaring the pill of Rangers playing next year is a) SPL punishment attached to double contracts decision or b) sanctions attached to permission to transfer SPL share in a New Co scenario.

1) might be problematic even if the SPL doesn't bottle it - does anybody know if the SPL rules are any better than the SFAs on explicit punishments? I think that all of the assumptions people have been making about how the SPL teams would vote were predicated on a transfer embargo. Being seen to allow Rangers to get off largely scott free would alienate supporters even more than what people were contemplating a week ago. Pressure on the SPL just increased tremendously.

I remain baffled as to why Rangers didn't put out a statement saying they were appealing to the COS solely because the CAS route was blocked and imploring FIFA for guidance at the same time. Would have strengthened their hand politically,

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