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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If, by whole thing, you mean after the EBT findings, and if the findings are what we expect, then Rangers, newco or otherwise, have to be relegated. Fielding ineligible players means you forfeit the game. A season of forfeits equals relegation. The fact that Rangers may have been playing in a league that they should have been relegated from possibly as long ago as 2001 should also mean a heavy penalty on top of relegation.

That series of 0-3 scorelines will mean they have been guffer than East Stirlingshire for the best part of a decade.

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Forgive any inaccuracies in this but... rulebooks have been re-written in the time since, but way back in 1995 Shotts Bon Accord were suspended from Scottish football after falling foul of the 'beaks' over court action. The problem arose after a minor cup tie caused Shotts selection problems because of a flu outbreak. Doctors lines were produced for a number of players to get the game postponed, but on investigation by the SJFA one line turned out to be unsupported by a player when asked. As a result, the club were kicked out of the cup. The cup was not completed that year as Shotts went to the Court of Session twice to get themselves reinstated to it.

As punishment for taking matters to court, Shotts were suspended indefinitely from football...

[it even made it to Parliament where a few well known names added their support to the SBA cause:]


...though ended up coming back after a year for season 1996-97. They had been a top division side in the Central Juniors, but came in at the bottom level, though under new manager Rab Sneddon they then won all three divisions back to back. In terms of their players, some played elsewhere for a year, others never returned.

I was speaking to Rab a couple of weeks ago when I was last up in Scotland, cracking guy, he's married to my cousin.

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An interesting point was made in Sportsound today. The SPL Clubs did not come up with any sanctions or anything else to do with a Newco. Indeed Mr Doncaster himself said they were not expecting a Newco application as they had been led to believe that a CVA would be accepted. ie the SPL have NO rules for a Newco.

If they had approved sanctions then by association they would be accepting a Newco. By not agreeing sanctions then the concept of a Newco is still to be accepted and is NOT in the SPL rules. Are the SPL really playing a blinder?

That's what I find interesting too ...... The cockwomble has avoided the FTT BTC completely as if it doesn't exist or will happen or knows something we plebs don't !.

Us the media and everyone else knowing that the BTC is the end of the gers as we know it and cockwobbler didn't even say jack shit about a newco gers.

Now am I missing something here ? dual contracts ! won't they or are they the final end all of the durty rotten cheating feckers.Something has already been put into place I would have guessed about a newco gers midweek when Greeny boy was at the meeting of SPL clubs.Greeny hasn't ran away yet ! WHY ?.Has he been given something to ensure there is a gers newco next season in the SPL ?.

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"Broadfoot abandoned his £70,000 Audi Q7........"

That gives you an idea the sort of money you can throw around when paying tax is optional :angry: . Kirk Broadfoot FFS!!!

f**k the little children running out from behind his car and getting run over, he can park where he likes, he plays for the Rangers. Rules don't apply.

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An interesting point was made in Sportsound today. The SPL Clubs did not come up with any sanctions or anything else to do with a Newco. Indeed Mr Doncaster himself said they were not expecting a Newco application as they had been led to believe that a CVA would be accepted. ie the SPL have NO rules for a Newco.

If they had approved sanctions then by association they would be accepting a Newco. By not agreeing sanctions then the concept of a Newco is still to be accepted and is NOT in the SPL rules. Are the SPL really playing a blinder?

5 votes by the clubs kills the Newco in an 8-4 decision

The blinder is taking cockwomble and topping out of the voting and having it between the clubs.

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apparently this thread is an license to talk absolute shite as long as it's about rangers going out the game then? the sfa aren't going to expel rangers over this, they have already told the court of session that they view that as too harsh a punishment yet we have people on here who are sure it's going to happen and won't hear otherwise.

the other night before the thomson email revelation i was a '***' for saying they would be a load of shite. guess what? i was a *** for disagreeing that H&D would be removed asap about 4 times in the last month. guess what? i was *** for saying there would no criminal charges over this. guess what?

i think this whole thing will end with a newco playing in the spl with a one season points deduction, one season cup ban and 3 year euro ban. i think that would be pretty fair and please neither the ocrs on follow follow or the uberdiddies on here.

Gotta put this in. Simply because of your sentiments.

Mine are thus:

I, pretty much, try to keep up with this thread and most likely show as such.

There are a few reasons for it.

I can voice my opinion at anytime, I can agree or disagree with anyone who posts. I have found that I can find answers to questions I would have posted if I hold back for a few posts, invariably it's been asked and answered. I have found funny, insightful, educated and thought provoking arguments and valid debate. I have also found "off topic stuff" (in a thread of, in excess of 37,000 posts, guilty party to that, not surprising) to be a must read every day.

Just thought I'd say.

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Now that Lord Glennie's decision has been published in full, we can see why he over-turned the Rangers signing ban - all explained in 2,000 words or so here - http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2012/06/02/why-did-lord-glennie-find-in-favour-of-rangers-in-the-judicial-review-against-the-sfa/

FTAO T_S_A_R and all the other freaks who think Rangers are going to walk away Scot free guess what? Lord Glennie has basically told the tribunal to chuck Rangers out the association.

Did Lord Glennie Give the AT Any Directions?

Other than telling them that, for reasons I will come to, the AT could not impose a signing ban, and that it was restricted to the specific penalties mentioned in Rule of the JPP, he did not give the AT any directions. For a breach of Rule 66 (bringing the game into disrepute) the JP had the power to impose any of the following penalties, or a combination thereof:- a fine, suspension, ejection from the Scottish Cup, expulsion from participati9ng in football and termination of membership of the SFA.

He commented that the JPP gave a range of sanctions, low level, mid level, top level and maximum. He noted that “in the present case the Tribunal thought that the conduct merited the maximum sanction and that is not challenged in this court.”

ETA so No8 with all your "the SFA would find it hard to justify expulsion to the CoS after ruling it out in writing twice" you are full of shyte, as ever.

Edited by stonedsailor
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FTAO Tsar and all the other freaks who think Rangres are going to walk awayLord Glennie has basically told the tribunal to chuck Rangers out the association.

ETA so No8 with all your "the SFA would find it hard to justify expulsion to the CoS after ruling it out in writing twice" you are full of shyte, as ever.


As to No8. Pretty sure he meant to say buy nappies! tongue.gif

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An interesting point was made in Sportsound today. The SPL Clubs did not come up with any sanctions or anything else to do with a Newco. Indeed Mr Doncaster himself said they were not expecting a Newco application as they had been led to believe that a CVA would be accepted. ie the SPL have NO rules for a Newco.

If they had approved sanctions then by association they would be accepting a Newco. By not agreeing sanctions then the concept of a Newco is still to be accepted and is NOT in the SPL rules. Are the SPL really playing a blinder?

If the SPL see an opportunity to do nothing they will grab it with both hands.

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Why are so many of them obese and is there a particular reason. I seen some right fat b*****ds walking round Dumfries today with *** tops stretched to the limit.

Complacent, lazy, greedy, self-centred, prepared to throw their considerable weight around, reliant on other people's money to get from day to day, inflated opinion of self, disliked by most others... these fat jabbas support the right team, right enough.

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Thinking you are superior to others, when you aren't is a dangerous position to be in.

I would suggest you actually read the 'proposal' from Lord Glennie before you get on any high horse, white or otherwise.

Thomson's job unfortunately does involve more than Rangers, hence his stop go approach. But he has played a key role you must admit by helping move the whole debate out of the clutches of the Ibrox apologists and financial idiots like Chic and fatboy Traynor. Add to that the award winning Rangers Tax Case blog and others, the BBC who are now storming up on the rails big time, and the tenacity of the vast majority of P&B posters on this thread - none of us show any hint of wanting to walk away.

Given the well established control of the mass media enjoyed by Rangers, we were treated as no more significant as a pimple on the bum at the start.

I am sure you will agree we have come a long way, and with Rangers still losing support they are pretty well on the ropes. Even Ambassador Jardine and Ally have decided to shut up.

The sea change we are seeing in the media, football authorities including FIFA, supporters generally and in fact many Rangers supporters means that a draconian penalty on Rangers will be be accepted with little protest.

He is not claiming to be superior..He is just pointing out that he has been correct at every turn. Posters on here seem to be under some illusion that they are fighting for truth and justice when in reality most when pushed have openly admitted they couldn't care about the rights and wrongs but just want Rangers dead and then Celtic dead after that.

Pie and Bovril is representative of only a tiny minority who follow scottish football. I meet football supporters on a daily basis and i have yet to meet one that wants Rangers dead and buried...Then again they might just be shitebags that like to spout utter pish on the internet as they are afraid of their own shadow in the real world

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I'm really in two minds now as to whether I want Rangers exterminated immediately or to die a long lingering death. I'm now convinced that CHARLES GREENS backers include REG BREALEY & Co as what is now happening is right up their street - Owning a football ground and leasing it back to the football club. It sure does look as if the CVA is designed to fail, letting GREEN & Co in to take over Ibrox and Murray Park.

Surely there are some decent journo's out there who can check the ties between GREEN and BREALEY and their associates ? BREALEY and his associates are masters at this - they got scuppered the last time they tried it in Scotland - but 'Greed is Good' is their motto so why not go where the big money is.

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Pie and Bovril is representative of only a tiny minority who follow scottish football. I meet football supporters on a daily basis and i have yet to meet one that wants Rangers dead and buried...Then again they might just be shitebags that like to spout utter pish on the internet as they are afraid of their own shadow in the real world

I generally try to avoid annoying taxi drivers, I imagine most people do.

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Lord Glennies judgement:

“Although the AT agreed with the JP that termination, suspension of membership would have been excessive, it made that assessment in the context of the availability of competent lesser sanctions such as the one actually imposed. Ere that option not to have been available, suspension might have had to be considered appropriate for such serious misconduct which has brought the game into disrepute.”

I now think Rangers are so screwed.

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I generally try to avoid annoying taxi drivers, I imagine most people do.

Do you try to avoid annoying taxi drivers, or do you try to avoid taxi drivers who are annoying?

No8. falls into the latter category

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