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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Board at Motherwell FC today released the following statement in light of today's 'Newco' application to the SPL by Rangers FC.

They should've just stopped there and posted this picture-


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what they say: Whilst we fully understand that the 'Newco' issue is one which many people feel strongly about, we hope that our fans now have a better idea of the extremely difficult position the club is in and that you continue to offer support by buying season tickets and, if you have not already done so, joining the Well Society which remains very much part of the club's plans for the future.

what they mean: shut up & pay your money

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See, thats what I love about this saga. There have been days where announcements have been due, we've all built ourselves up in anticipation, the excitement has grown and grown until ... nothing happens.

Then, we have days like today, when nothing was expected, yet we get what could be one of the most important statements of the whole affair.

yup, just like the cowboys and indians....when the jungle drums stop (pun intended)...

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what they say: Whilst we fully understand that the 'Newco' issue is one which many people feel strongly about, we hope that our fans now have a better idea of the extremely difficult position the club is in and that you continue to offer support by buying season tickets and, if you have not already done so, joining the Well Society which remains very much part of the club's plans for the future.

what they mean: shut up & pay your money

They mention integrity then effectively leave the door open to condone cheating.

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Today's St Mirren and Motherwell BOD statements - cutting through them, one thing seems to be coming through loud and clear - the SPL... the clubs, Doncaster.... they are absolutely shiteing themselves at having to make a decision on anything to do with this. They probably kneel down and pray at night... 'Dear Lord, please let the SFA or UEFA make a decision so we don't have to. Thank you Lord. If you can't do that, could you arrange for a plague of locusts to descend upon the big house? Anything Lord, fire, flood, anything....'

Taxi for Doncaster.

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Not to fussed about the vagueness of the St. Mirren statement, it's important to remember that the club will very likely be sold in the close season either to 10,000 hours or one of the other mystery bidders. They'd be utterly daft to commit themselves to a position either way before the ownership situation is sorted.

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Seen it on the Steelmen site ,well fans raging and rightly so , how can these directors types ignore the wishes of thier fans and expect it to turn out ok?

They won't...they just want to be able to cover themselves and say 'we told you the implications' when we have to sell Randolph/Hutchinson on the cheap to balance the books. Motherwell will vote no - anything else will f**k us overnight much more than a one season shortfall.

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Today's St Mirren and Motherwell BOD statements - cutting through them, one thing seems to be coming through loud and clear - the SPL... the clubs, Doncaster.... they are absolutely shiteing themselves at having to make a decision on anything to do with this. They probably kneel down and pray at night... 'Dear Lord, please let the SFA or UEFA make a decision so we don't have to. Thank you Lord. If you can't do that, could you arrange for a plague of locusts to descend upon the big house? Anything Lord, fire, flood, anything....'

Taxi for Doncaster.

Exactly. The SPL were hoping for

1) Rangers emerging via CVA - phew, nothing to worry about!

2) HMRC building flats on Ibrox - shite, plenty to worry about but not our fault!

3) The SFA suspending them - perfect! Some short term panic but we can ask our fans to back us and honestly tell the banks it's not our fault.

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No, because you then say, its alright you have cheated for the last 20 years with EBT schemes and dual contracts which were illegal under SPL rules full stop.

I'm not saying it would be right, but it is still a punishment for the cheating. It's also a compromise that SPL Chairmen might find attractive.

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straight choice between preserving sporting integrity and clubs accepting a reduction in gate money together with potentially a significant amount of commercial revenue.

They still don't get it do they?

A reduction in gate money if "Rangers" are not there? What about their own fans and fans of the other Diddy clubs who would give up on the game as a whole if these cheating fucking b*****ds do a Lazarus job?

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They won't...they just want to be able to cover themselves and say 'we told you the implications' when we have to sell Randolph/Hutchinson on the cheap to balance the books. Motherwell will vote no - anything else will f**k us overnight much more than a one season shortfall.

I can envisage another 10 teams being added to the really hate them to death list.

The Rangers-minded SFA can stop trying to restructure it all 'til this shit is over, don't trust anything those chancers do in the name of Rangers err Scottish football.

Edited by ayrmad
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They won't...they just want to be able to cover themselves and say 'we told you the implications' when we have to sell Randolph/Hutchinson on the cheap to balance the books. Motherwell will vote no - anything else will f**k us overnight much more than a one season shortfall.

That's basically what I have been saying for weeks. The clubs need to let the fans know of the true financial implications of what is going on at the moment. Then, if the fans are happy to take on board any cuts that will come, then each board should do what the fans want. At the end of the day, the board are only custodians of the clubs, the fans should have the final say.

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Can I get this straight - SPL clubs see potentially losing the club formerly known as Rangers and possibly some TV money as a bigger risk to their existance than the possibile consequences of relegation to the glamour of SFL1?

Because that's what is sounds like to me.

All Diddy clubs must have some fear of relegation each season and have some financial plan to cope. Surely? :o Surely!

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From FollowFollow:

Postponement of Walter Smith march and rally<BR class="first-child nth-child-odd nth-child-1"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-2">After discussions with the police and others it has been decided to delay for the time being this Saturday's march and rally in support of the Water Smith led consortium.<BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-3"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-4">The enormous numbers showing interest in the event, the geography of Ibrox and the problems of ensuring that any street procession was deemed illegal within the current legal framework has sadly forced the organisers to reconsider. <BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-5"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-6">We will work with the police and others to find the best way for the thousands of Rangers fans who wish to show their feelings a chance to do so safely and in the best of order.<BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-7"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-8">We have discussed this with the consortium and they are totally in agreement with the need to delay in order to allow for proper planning to take place.<BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-9"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-10">This does not, however, in any way diminish our strength of feeling. We would urge Mr Green to step side.<BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-11"><BR class="nth-child-even nth-child-12"><BR class="nth-child-odd nth-child-13">

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