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There is no time to create SPL 2 in time for the season coming, the suspension buys the SPL a year to sort it out

It might be fanciful, might still not be deemed to be "fair" but I can't think of any other way the game can survive without major boycotts or financial wobbles all over the place.

Only snag of course is what "Rangers" do for the next 12 months. Maybe go on a world tour playing exhibition games, not sure, haven't an answer for that !

Couple of points- they don't have a year do they. In the SPL reconstruction threads it is stated that they have until the first game of the season to get it approved. As mentioned previously you have to fix a change to league structure/relegation/promotion before the start of the previous season. So they have very little time. What happens to the team that doesn't get into SPL 2 to accomodate Rangers? Hardly going to be happy at that.

If they are suspended for a year it would finish the for good. No income and no way of playing (I think if they retain SFA membership but are suspended they cannot play anywhere without SFA approval?

I think fans would still view it as a fudge and not good enough. The fans want Rangers kicked out of the SPL since they are being liquidated and put in at the start - ie bottom rung.

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Should Sevco be transplanted into the 1st, I'll tell you what, there's no kids football kit getting bought (£45) & no 10 games gone to (£240).

So £285/£18= 8 Sevco fans per game to recoup the loss for the season.

& they'll need that every season.

Agree with the sentiment but If Sevco relegation to SFL1 came with full league reconstruction (which allowed at least a second promotion place) I`d probably be up for it. Said from the start that for me reorganising the league structure was almost as important as dishing out a suitable punishment.

What`s the point of leaving the same rules in place for promotion, relegating them to SFL3 and having to compete with them for one promotion spot in two years time?

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I don't think that clubs will suspend Rangers for a whole year. I think we are looking at

1. SPL clubs shiting a brick and gambling that fan boycotts are hot air. Rangers NewCo let in but deducted points, money and banned from Scottish Cup

2. As above but then NewCo thinks penalties too harsh so walk off in huff and enter SFL3.

3. SPL grow a pair and say no. NewCo enters SFL3

4. SPL and SFL merge and some grubby compromise/made up rule plonks the NewCo in SFL1.

The papers at the weekend were clearly being briefed that 4 was the preferred option although Longmuir's comments undermine that a little. If they can sort out the details in time and give the SFL/Longmuir a sweetener (more money/proper TV coverage?) then I still think that is what is most likely at this point. It saves the Chairmen from having to say no, it keeps SKY happy with just a one year absence if things go to plan for them and it punishes Rangers so they can say we did punish them - we relegated them.

If 4 falls down I think we'll be back at 1. I'm a pessimist but I still think the Chairmen will shite it. As I've said before the only thing will stop them doing so if they think the money they will lose from thier own fans is starting to approach what they'd get from a TV deal/Rangers

A neat summation. My thoughts, in a Leggoland Exclusive style.

1. Fans' boycotts are pretty much always hot air. The only one I can think of that was remotely successful - and by remotely successful I mean barely noticeable - is Liverpool and The Sun newspaper. Leggo says; highly likely.

2. Would depend on Rangers showing an element of principle. Leggo says not happening.

3. Would be the fair and righteous result. Leggo says; how cynical are you?

4. No time. There's no way they could restructure the whole lot without a hell of a lot of tomfoolery. Ross County would have every right to be extremely pissed off as well. Leggo says; no way Jose.

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I`d suggest that this is one of the reasons that Shiels is pushing for a secret ballot.

The others of course being protection of teeth, kids, house and football club premises.

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Only snag of course is what "Rangers" do for the next 12 months. Maybe go on a world tour playing exhibition games, not sure, haven't an answer for that !

They can't. It's my understanding that any club suspended by a national organisation can't play against another FIFA affiliated club. Maybe Craigkillie knows for certain...

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What`s the time scale at Fir Park? Who`ll be representing the club on the 14th? As you say, a Yes vote will possibly have more consequences for you (and St Mirren) than for other clubs. I`d hate for these initiatives to be fatally soured before they even get off the ground.

Will still be the old board who go to the meeting. I think the plan is to gradually give the Society more influence in the months ahead but it's not going to happen immediately.

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In response to Div's post at 10:08...

The last time they were up before the SFA, the panel declared that what they had been up to was more serious than anything except match-fixing. If match-fixing is defined as deploying resources outwith the rules of the competition in order to gain an unfair advantage, then they are guilty of that big-style.

When fielding ONE ineligible player, often through administrative error, has seen teams hammered both in Scotland and outwith our little backwater, what is a reasonable pubishment for systematic cheating over a period of years, with the financial gains from one year (CL, place prizemoney, etc.) being used to further the scam the next year?

One thing and one thing only - ELIMINATION. Expulsion from the SPL, expulsion from the SFA, and Expulsion from the record books for the period concerned.

I've said it before and I will repeat - Nobody knows if the SPL will survive without rangers. What we do know is that sport has been killed by rangers. Can the Scottish game survive without them? Buggered if I know, but at least we'll die with fresh air in our lungs, not the stench of corruption.

Hell of a post. Couldnt agree more

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Will still be the old board who go to the meeting. I think the plan is to gradually give the Society more influence in the months ahead but it's not going to happen immediately.

why do you think the society will collapse from this? no one i know in the society will abandon it no matter what way we vote. i don't think their is massive correlation between society members and outraged forum posters.

also no one can get their money back now anyway and most people will be fully paid up.

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Sorry to drag this O/T for a minute, but what the Hell is Archie MacPherson on about here?


Forget his arguments - check the mixed metaphors - the not-RFC clubs are "not a united phalanx singing from the same hymn sheet", for starters.

So, the SPL is not a military unit armed with spears and shields like the Spartans in 300 who are definitely not singing the same song of Christian devotion. Well, I can't deny it - they certainly aren't that.

And this is before we get to the Nazi storm troopers who are like people who don't believe that a dingo snatched that baby in that Australian murder/animal attack case. What?

I'll be fair and acknowledge that he gets better as he goes on, but a list of the allusions Archie makes includes: an F. Scott Fitzgerald essay; Shakespeare's Hamlet; Divining for water in the Sahara desert; The Salem Witch-trials; The Corinthian ideal; The American Tea Party and people who think Barack Obama is a Muslim Kenyan, and also the failed Darien colony.

I think what he's trying to say is, that people who are angry about Newco being admitted to the SPL are a bit like elite Ancient Greek Christian storm-troopers from Denmark, who disbelieve distraught Australian mothers and President Obama's birth certificate, and who are desperately thirsty for the ritualised (but still sporting) murder of Rangers Newco on charges of witchcraft, with Sarah Palin, in 17th century Panama.

I'm all for intelligent football writing, but this surely isn't it...

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The whole Wrongers affair mirrors the global financial disaster sand we all know who is suffering because of that . Lots of businesses have went belly up since then although I don't know if any of them wilfully withheld PAYE , NI and VAT.

I don't agree with The Rangers this mob are desperately trying to hold onto their previous name , history, honours but what about their dishonour fans from every other club will never forgive or forget they will always be tainted by the actions of the Murray regime.

If/when the investigation by the SFA into the double contracts comes to fruition if they are found guilty then I do feel that for fielding ineligible players due to illegal payments then those honours should be withdrawn and left in the statute for these reasons. Giving the potential for all clubs to feel aggrieved by those blanks.

I do believe this new club must re-apply to the league but this must be only allowed if there is a change in the focus of the club pandering to sectarianism . While a bully is on their knees you have to get clear ground rules of what is and isn't acceptable.

Having separated the bigot brothers we can tackle the element in the Celtic support.

I have no idea if Sky will withdraw their deal and I wouldn't trust anything they say due to the owners but you cannot have an outside agency dictating terms, thats why we have the Levenson Inquiry.

So to me the titles earned during the years of EBT's should be wiped

The SFA/SFL/SPL should not allow The Rangers as a football name due to bringing the game into disrepute from the previous Football club.

Other conditions need to be applied due to the previous history of that club but the authorities must emphasise that some of that is not acceptable and will be punished if any of that returns point deductions etc.

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why do you think the society will collapse from this? no one i know in the society will abandon it no matter what way we vote. i don't think their is massive correlation between society members and outraged forum posters.

also no one can get their money back now anyway and most people will be fully paid up.

I don't think you can ask people to invest and become the talent pool for the board then completely ignore such a strong feeling. Most people may be paid up in the initial fee but they won't cough up the yearly sub needed to vote and will not bother turning up to whatever meetings there are to take things forward. You obviously have your crowd, I have mine and the vast majority of them will be chucking Motherwell if we roll over completely on this one regardless of having paid the fee already. £300 is not a lot to write off compared to the thousands I've spunked on the club before and the thousands I would otherwise spend in the future.

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Ok how about this for a guess as to how things will pan out, not suggesting it's right, not suggesting for a moment it WILL happen but just a scenario;

SFA will suspend Rangers FC for 12 months for outstanding disrepute charge

SFA will also suspend Rangers FC for 12 months for dual contracts charge

Both suspensions will be served concurrently ie; Rangers play no football at all in season 2012-2013

The SPL announce that from season 2013-2014 they are going to create a second tier SPL and invite the top X clubs from SFL 1 to apply to join. (The size of those leagues I can't even begin to hazzard a guess at but let's suppose 2 x 12 for arguments sake)

Newco vote comes on July 4th, clubs agree to transfer Rangers share to newco, but (noting the SFA have already suspended anyway) only on condition that they accept demotion to SPL 2

Season 2013-2014 kicks off with two SPL tiers, Rangers being in the second rung, potentially one further season away from rejoining the top tier if they secured promotion


I can't honestly see any way that Rangers (or "Rangers" if you want to call them that) can escapes suspension next season. The charges already against them are severe and the menu of punishments that the court of session has mandated they are given can only be suspension, explusion or scottish cup expulsion and the SFA's own lawyer said that the appelgate tribunal deemed the last of these to be too lenient.

Dual contracts charge is even more severe but by serving suspensions concurrently SFA can appease Rangers (a bit !) and keep them out of football for only 1 year

SPL are desperate to retain power and veto any move from SFA to take control. Expanding to two tiers ensures power is retained.

SPL can offer Sky incentive of two tier SPL from next season, "Rangers" bringing coverage to the new second tier.

"Rangers" only really miss one season of what could well be third division football anyway

Clubs get to fudge the newco vote, they can vote Yes to transfer, but offer "relegation" to the new SPL 2 as being the "punishment"

"Rangers" potentially only out of top tier SPL for 2 seasons and out of SPL completely for just 1 season. Appeases SKY, appeases chairmen and sponsors.

Fans get some sort of re-structure of the game

There is no time to create SPL 2 in time for the season coming, the suspension buys the SPL a year to sort it out

It might be fanciful, might still not be deemed to be "fair" but I can't think of any other way the game can survive without major boycotts or financial wobbles all over the place.

Only snag of course is what "Rangers" do for the next 12 months. Maybe go on a world tour playing exhibition games, not sure, haven't an answer for that !

Just punt them to the 3rd, why the fcuk would the diddier diddy fans like them in SPL 2 anymore than SPL fans currently like the idea of them in there this season?

Any of these great changes to our structure, financial or otherwise, can be carried out with The Rangers in the 3rd.

The horse has bolted as far as punishment is concerned. Oldco are currently on life support with zero brain activity, any punishment would be futile/absurd, punish the ex-batonholders for past misdemeanors, don't challenge the intellect of the fans, we know why the SFA have tried to stick their nose in twice, only calls their impartiality and integrity into question .

An asterix next the Oldco name in the history books will suffice, anything else will only make Scottish football look even diddier than it does at present.

Edited by ayrmad
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Suspension would surely just mean punt all but essential staff, and just pay for upkeep for the year. No manager, no players, just a shell waiting to be filled once time served

it also lets the whole thing cool off. if the public see they are punished and know that they will return next year i think that would suit all involved. they can start in div 3 in 2013.

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Would you be saying this if was another club (other than Celtic)?

I'd say it about any club that is built on and actively supports bigotry; whose supporters thrive on bigotry and violence; that treats others with contempt and that cheats on a grand scale. Yes I would. Wouldn't you?

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I'd say it about any club that is built on and actively supports bigotry; whose supporters thrive on bigotry and violence; that treats others with contempt and that cheats on a grand scale. Yes I would. Wouldn't you?

I think Rangers should suffer severe sanctions - no newco admission to SPL, SFL to decide if they admit them to division 3, existing fine, 3/4 years out of Europe and signing ban. Once that's happened they should be allowed back in and allowed to work theur wat back up.

I hated Rangers (and their 'neighbours') long before this all happened but it's important we apply the rules equally. Any team who has committed offences should pay the correct penalty then it should be over (if not necessarily forgotten).

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I don't think you can ask people to invest and become the talent pool for the board then completely ignore such a strong feeling. Most people may be paid up in the initial fee but they won't cough up the yearly sub needed to vote and will not bother turning up to whatever meetings there are to take things forward. You obviously have your crowd, I have mine and the vast majority of them will be chucking Motherwell if we roll over completely on this one regardless of having paid the fee already. £300 is not a lot to write off compared to the thousands I've spunked on the club before and the thousands I would otherwise spend in the future.

you don't need to pay the yearly fee to get a vote.

i suspect that come the fans forum derek weir will lay out a strong argument as to why we can't afford to vote no. after that people will have a few choices

(i) call him a liar

(ii) say they don't care about the consequences.

(iii) pony up more cash.

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