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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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One lad at our place cannot see how they can possibly die - proper head-in-sand stylee. At least I can console him with the thought of following his local team next season -

A*r United!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'mma gonna copyright the phrase "The Gift That Just Keeps Giving" - should make some pin-money....

bright times ahead in ayrshire smile.gif

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One of my neighbours is dead bun fan...he has always had his digs at me for supporting Airdrie,giving it the why don't you come and watch a decent team,and always wearing his top with pride,and giving it we are the people guff.

Well yesterday i noticed he was wearing an old Chelea top....not like him not to have that smelly old Gers top on,and today he had treated himself to a new Man City one,as he was talking to the mrs and told her.

Well thats it,i am going to have my own fun,so i stood on the doorstep and started singing,You're not Rangers any more,he starts going stfu...i reply saying,don't worry,you can always come and watch a decent team with me next season :lol:

Edited by Forever Diamond
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On a different note, our season tickets sales haverocketed from a massive 10 (ten) last week by 2000% (ah thank you Mr Green). Wehave now sold an astronomical 200 (TWO HUNDRED) season tickets so far.

200? Excellent. That's 4 up on last year. The Carruthers-Jones' must have come back from Cannes a week early.

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I thought that £5.5M included £5M that is due to H&D. So it looks even more attractive if that is true. :)

Hopefully Nuff n Helps fees are placed in the CVA pot eventually as that's about as much as they should get by not doing their job properly.I personally see the HMRC getting upset that the admin are earning over 90% of what the CVA has and another £4 million clawed back is in the best interests of the creditors and the HMRC are the majority.

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I think this was asked back near the very beginning of this thread or maybe even on another one but still relevant.

If, as seems likely, Newco starts off its new life in D3 it will obviously have to make savings on all fronts so backroom staff jobs may be lost. What is the situation of the poor sods who turn up at the dole office only to be told that they don't have stamps for almost a year? Is there a scheme which covers employees against company fraud?

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I think almost everybody was a Rovers fan that day :D

ERM Not quite ! but more winners are a sure sign the league is either getting better or worse.

? was that the season before Raith gave Bayern Munich a shock in Europe ?.Now that was excellent to see and I was a rovers fan that day :D.

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ERM Not quite ! but more winners are a sure sign the league is either getting better or worse.

? was that the season before Raith gave Bayern Munich a shock in Europe ?.Now that was excellent to see and I was a rovers fan that day :D.

Gloryhunter! (sorry, couldn't resist)

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We cannot ,and I repeat must not stay in the SPL , which is governed, and ruled by vindictive bigoted bitter, and twisted Religous ,and Evil nasty zealots, with Power inside the Rotten Bowels of Scottish Football. It is a festering scespit which is ready to burst, and we will not survive because the hatred within the people running it ,and the Sectarian nature of the Media will ensure our Club does not, and will not survive.They want us so dead they are prepard to go the DomesDay route, which will cascade around them.

For those who think I am nuts , I along with a few on this forum saw the failure of the CVA coming too.It is so important we get out of that Corrupt League.Liewell and his cronies are running the PR show, and if we dont take this thing down tjen it is goong to swallow us up and destroy our Club.Whilst reeping the Benefits.They are after us, and will not atop until we are another Third Lanark.

Another golden moment from RM.. blink.giflaugh.gif

When I read the first sentence I thought all the provential clubs had resigned and left the SPL to the bigot brothers.

These people ( I use that term in the broadest of terms obviously) are beyond reason , I do have some sympathy with some of the Rangers supporters on here but the folk on FF and RM are mentally unstable, they really are a danger to themselves.

Yes all supporters can be blinkered but how can you ignore the facts and figures and spout this sort of conspiracy nonsense.

The league is corrupt and biased but only in favour of Celtic and the carcass that was Rangers.

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I think this was asked back near the very beginning of this thread or maybe even on another one but still relevant.

If, as seems likely, Newco starts off its new life in D3 it will obviously have to make savings on all fronts so backroom staff jobs may be lost. What is the situation of the poor sods who turn up at the dole office only to be told that they don't have stamps for almost a year? Is there a scheme which covers employees against company fraud?

Irrelevant for the reason that they would have to apply for 'Jobseekers' allowance ;)

won't need the stamps for a life on disability.

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Gloryhunter! (sorry, couldn't resist)

B*stard that ye ur ha ha.:lol:

If my memory serves me correct that Raith brought back a result from Munich but blew it on the home leg but went ahead early in the home leg and all was looking like the worst result in Europe for Bayern ?:unsure:

I'm sure someone will clarify me !.

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Hopefully Nuff n Helps fees are placed in the CVA pot eventually as that's about as much as they should get by not doing their job properly.I personally see the HMRC getting upset that the admin are earning over 90% of what the CVA has and another £4 million clawed back is in the best interests of the creditors and the HMRC are the majority.

......... has enriched this thread and, I think they give good value! biggrin.gif

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B*stard that ye ur ha ha.:lol:

If my memory serves me correct that Raith brought back a result from Munich but blew it on the home leg but went ahead early in the home leg and all was looking like the worst result in Europe for Bayern ?:unsure:

I'm sure someone will clarify me !.

They were 0-2 down from the first leg,but were 1-0 at half time in germany before going down 2-1 on the night and 4-1 on agg.

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......... has enriched this thread and, I think they give good value! biggrin.gif

If they had implemented sackings immediately like they should have by getting rid off at least 7 of the highest earners ( possible £550K saving a month easy ) and asking for wage reductions for the remaining players THEN ! this thread would be enriched with Motherwell,Hearts,Dundee Utd and maybe even St Johnstone passing them by climbing up the league and Rangers finishing 6thThis would have been their worst finish since post war :lol:.

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If they had implemented sackings immediately like they should have by getting rid off at least 7 of the highest earners ( possible £550K saving a month easy ) and asking for wage reductions for the remaining players THEN ! this thread would be enriched with Motherwell,Hearts,Dundee Utd and maybe even St Johnstone passing them by climbing up the league and Rangers finishing 6thThis would have been their worst finish since post war :lol:.

Absolutely. However I was making the point that their inept decisions add to this thread. I'm in no way disagreeing with you.

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Are Rangers less popular than a fart in a spacesuit?

Watching them suffer was always gonnae be fun but this is epic.

To think that out there their are diddy fans who don't read p&b and probably just have the on the ball tabloids and discussions wi his Mates to enjoy this.

It's amazing how much putting the boot into Rangers has United fans from all over Scotland in all leagues.

Once this is all over I will probably miss the unity most. It feels like its Rangers v the 41 other clubs, even Celtic joined in FFS.

Rangers (remember them?) Used to sing no one likes us, we don't care. Well you were bang on the money with the 1st bit, the 2nd bit may just be what kills you.

Make no mistake about it a lot of SPL chairmen will have had their yes to Newco mind changed by letters and ST sales.

My club will play no part in this and theirs nothing I can do about that, what I will do is thank all you SPL ST holders who are doing the right thing and telling chairmen what we expect.

From Gaz to the SPL 11, thanks guys.

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I think this was asked back near the very beginning of this thread or maybe even on another one but still relevant.

If, as seems likely, Newco starts off its new life in D3 it will obviously have to make savings on all fronts so backroom staff jobs may be lost. What is the situation of the poor sods who turn up at the dole office only to be told that they don't have stamps for almost a year? Is there a scheme which covers employees against company fraud?

The staff should have payslips that show their Tax and NI was deducted and a P60 and P45 showing the same. Even if Rangers did not pass it on, the employees have paid their dues and should have their stamp credited to them.

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Are Rangers less popular than a fart in a spacesuit?

Watching them suffer was always gonnae be fun but this is epic.

To think that out there their are diddy fans who don't read p&b and probably just have the on the ball tabloids and discussions wi his Mates to enjoy this.

It's amazing how much putting the boot into Rangers has United fans from all over Scotland in all leagues.

Once this is all over I will probably miss the unity most. It feels like its Rangers v the 41 other clubs, even Celtic joined in FFS.

Rangers (remember them?) Used to sing no one likes us, we don't care. Well you were bang on the money with the 1st bit, the 2nd bit may just be what kills you.

Make no mistake about it a lot of SPL chairmen will have had their yes to Newco mind changed by letters and ST sales.

My club will play no part in this and theirs nothing I can do about that, what I will do is thank all you SPL ST holders who are doing the right thing and telling chairmen what we expect.

From Gaz to the SPL 11, thanks guys.


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